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Volume 29, Number 8—August 2023

Uniting for Ukraine Tuberculosis Screening Experience, San Francisco, California, USA

Janice K. LouieComments to Author , Rocio Agraz-Lara, Laura Romo, Cristy Dieterich, Cathleen Xing, and Susannah Graves
Author affiliations: University of California, San Francisco, California, USA (J.K. Louie); San Francisco Department of Public Health, San Francisco (J.K. Louie, R. Agraz-Lara, L. Romo, C. Xing, S. Graves); San Francisco Department of Public Health Community Health Equity and Promotion Branch’s Refugee Health Assessment Program, San Francisco (C. Deiterich)

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Characteristics of 299 parolees from Ukraine screened for tuberculosis, San Francisco, California, USA, May 2022‒April 2023*

F 183 (61.2)
116 (38.8)
Median age, y (range)
33 (0.75–84)
TB medical risk factor per patient report
Diabetes mellitus 3/299 (1.0)
HIV infection 0/299 (0.0)
Alcohol or substance use 0/299 (0.0)
0/299 (0.0)
Positive HIV test result‡ 0/274 (0.0)
Positive IGRA result 22/299 (7.4)
Median age, y (range) with positive IGRA result
51.5 (17–81)
Chest radiograph performed§ 240/245 (98.0)
Abnormalities on chest radiograph, all 7/240 (2.9)
Median age, y (range) with abnormal chest radiograph 43 (36–63)
Abnormalities on chest radiograph, IGRA negative
4/240 (1.7)
Diagnosis of active TB
1/299 (0.33)
LTBI treatment recommended
Received treatment for LTBI/IGRA positive result 14/22 (63.6)
Not treated for LTBI/IGRA positive result 8/22 (36.4)
Refused treatment 5/22 (22.7)
Pending start of LTBI treatment 3/22 (13.6)

*Values are no. (%) or no. positive/no. tested (%) except as indicated. IGRA, interferon-γ-release assay; LTBI, latent TB infection; TB, tuberculosis.†Other medical TB risk factors: severe kidney disease, silicosis, low bodyweight, organ transplant, head and neck cancer, and treatment with immunosuppressive agents (10). ‡All 298 parolees >2 years of age were offered HIV testing; 274 (91.9%) agreed. §All 245 parolees ≥15 y of age were offered chest radiograph screening; 240 (98.0%) agreed.

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Page created: June 14, 2023
Page updated: July 20, 2023
Page reviewed: July 20, 2023
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