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Volume 29, Number 4—April 2023
Research Letter

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus in a Harbor Porpoise, Sweden

Elina Thorsson, Siamak Zohari, Anna Roos, Fereshteh Banihashem, Caroline Bröjer, and Aleksija NeimanisComments to Author 
Author affiliations: National Veterinary Institute (SVA), Uppsala, Sweden (E. Thorsson, S. Zohari, F. Banihashem, C. Bröjer, A. Neimanis); Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden (A. Roos)

Main Article

Figure 1

Microscopic analyses of tissue samples from a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 clade, Sweden. A) Brain tissue showing neuronal necrosis (arrowheads) and perivascular lymphoplasmacytic cuffing of vessels and vasculitis (asterisk). Scale bar represents 20 µm. B) Immunohistochemical labeling of influenza A nucleoprotein in neuronal nuclei (arrowhead) and cytoplasm (arrow), as well as glial cells. Perivascular cuffing (asterisks) is seen in close association to influenza A immunolabeling. Scale bar represents 100 µm.

Figure 1. Microscopic analyses of tissue samples from a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 clade, Sweden. A) Brain tissue showing neuronal necrosis (arrowheads) and perivascular lymphoplasmacytic cuffing of vessels and vasculitis (asterisk). Scale bar represents 20 µm. B) Immunohistochemical labeling of influenza A nucleoprotein in neuronal nuclei (arrowhead) and cytoplasm (arrow), as well as glial cells. Perivascular cuffing (asterisks) is seen in close association to influenza A immunolabeling. Scale bar represents 100 µm.

Main Article

Page created: January 24, 2023
Page updated: March 21, 2023
Page reviewed: March 21, 2023
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