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Volume 29, Number 2—February 2023

Age-Stratified Model to Assess Health Outcomes of COVID-19 Vaccination Strategies, Ghana

Sylvia K. Ofori, Jessica S. Schwind, Kelly L. Sullivan, Gerardo Chowell, Benjamin J. Cowling, and Isaac Chun-Hai FungComments to Author 
Author affiliations: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (S.K. Ofori); Georgia Southern University Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health, Statesboro, Georgia, USA (S.K. Ofori, K.L. Sullivan, I.C.-H. Fung); Georgia Southern University Institute for Health Logistics and Analytics, Statesboro (J.S. Schwind); Georgia State University School of Public Health, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (G. Chowell); WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control, The University of Hong Kong School of Public Health, Pokfulam, Hong Kong (B.J. Cowling)

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Table 1

Parameter values for age-stratified SEPIARD-V COVID-19 model to assess health outcomes of COVID-19 vaccination strategies, Ghana*

Parameter Symbol Value References
Mean latency period which is the period from exposure to infectiousness
1.85 d
Abbasi et al. (18), Liu et al. (19)
Mean duration of being infectious and symptomatic
15.7 d
Cai et al. (20), Xing et al. (21)
Mean duration of being infectious and asymptomatic
7.25 d
Ma et al. (22), Byrne et al. (23)
Mean duration of being infectious and presymptomatic
2.9 d
Tindale et al. (24), Byrne et al. (23)
Reproduction number for the initial strain
Armachie et al., unpub. data,
Reproduction number for the Delta strain
Pearson et al., unpub. data,
Probability of exposed person becoming presymptomatically infected
Chen et al. (25), Buitrago-Garcia et al. (26)
Vaccine efficacy against infection
Knoll et al. (27)
Relative transmissibility of asymptomatic persons
CDC (28)
Relative transmissibility of presymptomatic persons
CDC (28)
Mean duration of immunity after vaccination
182 d
Iacobucci (29)
Mean duration of immunity after natural infection
365 d
Good and Hawkes (30)
Age-specific case-fatality ratio
0.002 for <25 y, 0.005 for 25–64 y, 0.048 for ≥65 y
Our World in Data (January 26, 2021–November 12, 2021; 22), Lawal (31)
Daily vaccination rate v Varied by 0.00009–0.0163977 d–1 per person Estimated

*CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; SEPIARD-V, Susceptible-Exposed-Presymptomatic-Symptomatic-Asymptomatic-Recovered-Dead-Vaccinated.

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Page created: December 06, 2022
Page updated: January 21, 2023
Page reviewed: January 21, 2023
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