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Volume 29, Number 12—December 2023

Naturally Acquired Rabies in White-Eared Opossum, Brazil

Eduardo Ferreira-Machado1Comments to Author , Juliana Amorim Conselheiro1, Bruno Emerson Bernardes da Silva1, Patricia Sayuri Silvestre Matsumoto1, Claúdio Luiz Castagna2, Aline Nitsche2, Celino Simão de Lima2, Douglas Presotto2, Madelline Christie Rodrigues Nunes da Silva2, Ticiana Brasil Ervedosa2, Pedro Enrique Navas-Suárez2, Ísis Paixão de Jesus2, Julia de Carvalho2, Rodrigo Albergaria Ressio2, Cinthya dos Santos Cirqueira2, Gisely Toledo Barone2, Leila del Castillo Saad2, Paulo Eduardo Brandão3, José Luiz Catão-Dias3, Juliana Mariotti Guerra3, and Natália Coelho Couto de Azevedo Fernandes3
Author affiliations: Adolfo Lutz Institute, São Paulo, Brazil (E. Ferreira-Machado, T.B. Ervedosa, P.E. Navas-Suárez, I.P. de Jesus, J. de Carvalho, R.A. Ressio, C.S. Cirqueira, J.M. Guerra, N.C.C.A. Fernandes); University of São Paulo, São Paulo (E. Ferreira-Machado, J.L. Catão-Dias, L.C. Saad, P.E. Brandão, J.M. Guerra); Laboratory of Zoonoses and Vector-borne Diseases, Zoonoses Surveillance Division, Health Surveillance Coordination, São Paulo (J.A. Conselheiro, G.T. Barone); Surveillance Unit in Zoonoses, Campinas, Brazil (B.E.B. Silva, C.L. Castagna, A. Nitsche, C.S. Lima); Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (P.S.S. Matsumoto); Bosque dos Jequitibás Zoo Department of Parks and Gardens, Municipal Secretary of Public Services, Campinas (D. Presotto, M.C.R.N. Silva)

Main Article

Figure 2

Kernel density map of concentration of Artibeus spp. bats in study of naturally acquired rabies in a white-eared opossum, Brazil. The kernel concentration layer of Artibeus is overlapped by layers of high concentration of Eptesicus, Myotis, and Tadarida spp. The opossum was found in a vegetated area with a high concentration of Artibeus spp. bats.

Figure 2. Kernel density map of concentration of Artibeus spp. bats in study of naturally acquired rabies in a white-eared opossum, Brazil. The kernel concentration layer of Artibeus is overlapped by layers of high concentration of Eptesicus, Myotis, and Tadarida spp. The opossum was found in a vegetated area with a high concentration of Artibeus spp. bats.

Main Article

1These first authors contributed equally to this article.

2These senior authors contributed equally to this article.

3These authors were co–principal investigators.

Page created: October 31, 2023
Page updated: November 18, 2023
Page reviewed: November 18, 2023
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