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Tito Puente Jr. Video Transcript

Video Description: This video shows performer Tito Puente Jr. talking to his computer’s camera to record a selfie video.

Tito Puente Jr.:

Hey, what's up everybody? It's me, Tito Puente Jr. How you feeling right now? You guys getting by?

Most of us say we're fine, but are we really? And if we're not fine, it's okay too. But remember there's hope and we're all in this together.

Sharing your feelings can really help.

Let's reach out and connect with friends, family, and neighbors and keep that conversation going.

Visit HowRightNow dot org forward slash talk on ideas for how to start a conversation with someone you truly care about.

Make sure you guys use the hashtag HowRightNow, and I'll see you in concert real soon.

Page Last Reviewed: April 16, 2021

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