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NIOSH Training for Nurses on Shift Work and Long Work Hours

Work Setting

Organizational Factors

Organizational factors in the work setting concerning occupational safety and health must be considered when attempting to introduce on-the-job napping.34,38,39 Unfortunately, there is sometimes misunderstanding among both management and workers about the use and benefits of napping at work, which may cause a barrier to its use.

  • Customize the nap strategies for your workplace.
  • If you are asked to develop effective napping strategies for your staff, consider the shift schedule, workplace policies, and individual differences. (See Module 4 for a discussion of individual differences.)
  • Consider the length of nap, timing, and scheduling naps. Within-shift naps could be taken during meal or rest breaks.
  • Consider setting up an environment close to the work area that is conducive for a nap: quiet, dark, comfortable, and cool. It is helpful to have a dedicated nap room for nurses that does not expose them to slamming doors or other noises and has a lock on the door. It could include a comfortable bed, an alarm clock, and clean bed linens and pillow cases. Nurses could use eye masks and ear plugs to block out light and noise further.
Module: 7, Page 9 of 13