PS20-2001 NOFO Sample Work Plans

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Sample Work Plans

Example work plans are provided below. CDC-RFA-PS20-2001 applicants may use this layout if desired.  Alternatively, applicants may choose to format their required work plan in a different manner, as long as it contains all of the required elements for each strategy.

TB Program Work Plan excel icon[XLS – 29 KB]

Diagnosis/Treatment of Persons with TB Disease
TB Program  Work Plan

Strategy 1: Diagnosis/Treatment of Persons with TB Disease

List related outcome(s) from the Logic Model How will your program measure success related to these outcome(s) [e.g., NTIP indicators]
 (1) Earlier patient diagnoses  (2) Increase in cases with HIV and drug susceptibility testing results  (3) Increase in patients on/responding to appropriate treatment (1) Completion of Treatment (COT) in 12 months*[List all NTIP Objectives on Case Management and Treatment]
List activities your program will perform to achieve the above outcome(s) List What Your Measure of Success Will Be. Responsible Staff/Party Target Completion Date/Timeline
1.1 Advise providers on TB diagnosis and treatment Case Management, Record Reviews, Consultation, Cohort Reviews Nurse, Epidemiologist, Physician, Outreach Worker 95% by 2024/Quarterly Cohort Reviews
1.2  Manage cases and ensure treatment and adherence Case Management, Record Reviews, Consultation, Cohort Reviews Nurse, Epidemiologist, Physician, Outreach Worker 98% by 2024/Quarterly Cohort Reviews
* Reference:

Strategy 2A: Contact Investigations for Infectious TB Cases

List related outcome(s) from the Logic Model How will your program measure success related to these outcome(s) [e.g., NTIP indicators]
(1) Increase in contacts elicited/examined  (2) Increase in patients initiating LTBI treatment For TB patients with positive AFB sputum-smear results, increase the
proportion who have contacts elicited.
*[List all Objectives on Contact investigations]
List activities your program will perform to achieve the above outcome(s) List What Your Measure of Success Will Be. Responsible Staff/Party Target Completion Date/Timeline
2A.1 Conduct contact investigations for infectious TB cases training staff and private providers, performing re-interviews, cohort reviews Case manager and outreach worker 100% by 2024/Quarterly cohort reviews
* Reference:

Strategy 2B: Evaluation of Immigrants and Refugees with TB or LTBI

List related outcome(s) from the Logic Model How will your program measure success related to these outcome(s) [e.g., NTIP indicators]
(1) Increase in treatment initiation for patients with LTBI/prior pulmonary TB  (2) Increase in LTBI diagnoses and high-risk patients who initiate treatment  For immigrants and refugees with abnornmal chest radiographs (X-rays) read overseas consistent with TB, increase the proportion who initiated a medical examinmnation within 30 days          *[List all Objectives on Examination of Immigrants and Refugees]
List activities your program will perform to achieve the above outcome(s) List What Your Measure of Success Will Be. Responsible Staff/Party Target Completion Date/Timeline
2B.1 Examine immigrants/refugees with Class B notification Data cleaning & quality control checks Epidemiologist/Case managers  By 2024, 84% examined @ 30 days; 76% examined completed  @ 90 days/Weekly checks
2B. 2. Submit EDN paperwork to LHD’s Generate status reports, phone calls Epidemiologist/Case managers quarterly

Strategy 2C: Targeted Testing and Treatment of LTBI

List related outcome(s) from the Logic Model How will your program measure success related to these outcome(s) [e.g., NTIP indicators]
(1) Increase in LTBI diagnosis and high-risk patients who initiate treatment  (2) Increase in LTBI treatment completion rates  (3) Decrease in patients who progress from infection to disease Increase [high risk population] screened;  Increase [high-risk population] tested & complete treatment for LTBI                                                                                                    [Establish a basline in Year 1 as there is no NTIP measure]
List activities your program will perform to achieve the above outcome(s) List What Your Measure of Success Will Be. Responsible Staff/Party Target Completion Date/Timeline
2C.1 Test and treat high-risk, targeted populations working with shelters in community Program manager, nurses, outreach staff baseline by 2020; increase percent screened 5% each year to 2024

Strategy 3: Program Planning, Evaluation, and Improvement

List related outcome(s) from the Logic Model How will your program measure success related to these outcome(s) [e.g., NTIP indicators]
(1) Increase in adoption of best practices  (2) Increase in meeting national performance targets  (3) Increase use of findings to inform policy changes and clinical practice Increase in performance on selected National TB program performance targets or other performance measures developed by the awardee
List activities your program will perform to achieve the above outcome(s) List What Your Measure of Success Will Be. Responsible Staff/Party Target Completion Date/Timeline
3.1Review performance measures to identify evaluation focus area for the coming fiscal year Identification of evaluation focus area Program Evaluation Focal Point August of each calendar year, for the upcoming program evaluation plan
3.2 Develop program evaluation plan 1.Program evaluation objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timebound) and\or evaluation questions 2. Description of data sources, methods and timelines Program Evaluation Focal Point August of each calendar year, for the upcoming program evaluation plan
3.3 Implement program evaluation plan 1. Provide status of program evaluaion plan, including barriers, facilitators, and lessons learned from implementation.  2. Report findings, including barriers, facilitators and lessons learned related to reaching performance targets. Program Evaluation Focal Point August of each calendar year, for the focus area identified in August of the prior year
3.4 Develop and implement remediation plan based on evaluation findings to improve performance 1. Description of remediation plan 2. Description of implementation timeline Program Evaluation Focal Point August of each calendar year, for the focus area identified in August of the prior year

Strategy 4: Epidemiologic Surveillance and Response

List related outcome(s) from the Logic Model How will your program measure success related to these outcome(s) [e.g., NTIP indicators]
(1)  Increase in national accuracy and completeness of surveillance, genotyping, and whole-genome sequencing data   (2) Increase in cases genotyped and linked to surveillance data    (3) Increase in availability of better data to inform cluster investigations/targeted efforts to reduce cluster- and outbreak-associated transmission  Ensure the completeness of each core Report of Verified Case of Tuberculosis (RVCT) data item reported to CDC, as described in the TB  cooperative agreement announcement                                                                                                                                                                                      *[List all Objectives on Data Reporting ]
List activities your program will perform to achieve the above outcome(s) List What Your Measure of Success Will Be. Responsible Staff/Party Target Completion Date/Timeline
4.1 Report cases in timely, accurate, and complete manner, including linkage of genotyping and whole-genome sequencing results Case Management Meetings
Disseminating gaps to local jurisdictions
Jurisdictional Epi / Data manager / Surveillance Coordinator 100% each year
4.2. Routinely review/prioritize investigation of TB clusters Case Management Meetings
Disseminating gaps to local jurisdictions
Jurisdictional Epi / Data manager / Surveillance Coordinator 100% each year
4.3  Promote standardized collection/reporting of individual level LTBI data and develop LTBI surveillance plan Case Management Meetings
Disseminating gaps to local jurisdictions
Jurisdictional Epi / Data manager / Surveillance Coordinator Develop plan by 2020

Strategy 5:  Human Resource Development (HRD) and Partnerships

List related outcome(s) from the Logic Model How will your program measure success related to these outcome(s) [e.g., NTIP indicators]
(1) Increase in availability/accessibility of competency-based education/training; (2) Increase in awareness/use of HRD resources; (3) Increase in levels of TB awareness/knowledge among patients, providers, and communities; (4) Increase in capacity to diagnose/treat high-risk populations in culturally sensitive manner. (1) Number of training sessions held  (2) Number of trainings attended
List activities your program will perform to achieve the above outcome(s) List What Your Measure of Success Will Be. Responsible Staff/Party Target Completion Date/Timeline
5.1: Designate a TB training and education focal point TB program staff person identified to serve as the TB training and education focal point. TB Program Manager/Supervisor 2/28/2020
5.1.A: Register focal point as a member of the TB Education and Training Network (TB ETN) TB ETN membership form completed and submitted to TB Training and Education Focal Point 3/5/2020
5.2 Identify a TB Centers of Excellence (COE) course on the essentials of TB control for TB program managers to attend Course identified and registration completed. Program manager attended the course. TB Training and Education Focal Point 5/1/2020
5.3: Identify a COE TB clinical intensive course for TB program medical consultants to attend Course identified and registration completed. Medical consultants attended the  course. TB Training and Education Focal Point 5/1/2020
5.4 Develop/deliver in-service training sessions for state TB program staff Training sessions for state TB program staff completed. TB Training and Education Focal Point 9/1/2020
5.4.A: Contact regional managers to coordinate development of TB training sessions based on identified needs Planning calls held with regional managers to discuss learning objectives and course content. TB Training and Education Focal Point 6/1/2020
5.4.B: Contact designated TB COE for assistance in developing training session objectives and materials Planning calls and/or email discussions held with designated TB COE to discuss learning objectives, course content, and relevant educational products to provide at training. TB Training and Education Focal Point 6/8/2020
5.5 Identify a TB COE course on contact investigation interviewing skills for two outreach workers to attend Course identified and registration completed.  Two outreach workers attended the course. TB Training and Education Focal Point 6/1/2020