Short-Term Indicators

Control Asthma Indicators

Access to services

Potential Measures


Potential Measures

Services – Number and description of services supportedCDC— Number and description of existing, new, discontinued services supported and alignment of services with high burden geographic areas:

  1. Asthma self-management (AS-ME) outside of a home visit.
  2. Home visits for trigger reductions and/or AS-ME.
    • Please consult your CDC Asthma EXHALE evaluator, if applicable, for measure specifications.

Participants – Total number of participants, number of participants for asthma self-management education (AS-ME).

    • May be based on internal programmatic or administrative data.




HEDIS HEDISexternal icon Measure

Medicaid Medicaid Core Setexternal icon Measure

NQF National Quality Forum (NQF) Endorsedexternal icon Measure

MIPS MIPSexternal icon Measure

CDC CDC EXHALE Performance Measure