Health Tips for Graduates

Parents of new grads: If your child has a disability or chronic condition, help them take charge of their health.

Graduation is a time of excitement and change for many individuals and their families. It’s also a time for new grads to get Empowered 4 Health. For graduates with a chronic health condition like sickle cell disease, a congenital heart defect or ADHD, times of transition require additional planning to find continued care in their new environment. Making an emergency plan is also helpful at every new stage of life.

Here are some health tips for graduates, their parents and caregivers as well as health care providers to make this time of transition a little smoother.

College students can get Empowered 4 Health by:

  • Getting to know the location and the services offered at their college’s health center.
  • Learning more about reasonable accommodations that can help students with special needs thrive such as extended test time, recorded lectures, and notetaking assistance.
  • Adding local contacts into their phone to call in case of a medical emergency. The ideal emergency contact is someone who knows what to do if the student needs help.

Recent grads going into the workforce or independent living can get Empowered 4 Health by:

  • Asking their doctor for a referral to a specialist near them if they require specialized care.
  • Talking to human resources department about workplace accessibility at their new job.
  • Locating a nearby pharmacy and never starting or stopping any medications without first talking to their doctor.
  • Getting a copy of their medical records and understanding their medical history.

Join our conversation on social media about empowering grads to stay healthy in college, the work place, and independent living. Use #Empowered4Health on Instagram and Twitter and tag @CDC_NCBDDD on Twitter!

Additional Resources

Specialized Care
For Parents
College and Independent Living Resources
Page last reviewed: October 8, 2020