Be your own advocate when it comes to preventing overdose Transcript
Be your own advocate when it comes to preventing overdose Transcript
- Length: 30 seconds
On-Screen Text: Picture this
Narrator: Picture this. You’re with a group of friends. You’ve had a drink or two, and someone offers you a pill. You don’t know what’s in that pill
or how it will react with alcohol. The person who gave it to you might not even know.
On-Screen Text: Might not even know
Narrator: By taking it, you may increase your risk of an overdose.
On-Screen Text: Every day, nearly 300 Americans die from a drug overdose
Narrator: Every day, nearly 300 Americans die from a drug overdose. Get the facts. Be your own advocate.
On-Screen Text: Get the facts. Be your own advocate.Narrator: Learn more at
On-Screen Text: Learn the risks of mixing drugs and alcohol.
Narrator: Learn more at