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NOHSS Child Indicators – 2012

Methods for State Oral Health Surveys that began data collection in 2012

Updated January 21, 2015


The survey was conducted during the 2012-2013 school year. The sampling frame consisted of all public elementary schools with 10 or more students in 3rd grade. With stratification by county and implicit stratification by percent of students eligible for the free/reduced price school lunch (FRL) program, a systematic sampling scheme was used to select 23 schools with 3rd grade. Data is available for all 23 schools. Of the 2,189 children in 3rd grade, 828 participated for a response rate of 38%. The survey followed the methods outlined in ASTDD’s Basic Screening Survey. In the state, 52% of elementary schoolchildren are eligible for the FRL program; among participating children 41% were eligible for FRL. The data were weighted for the sampling scheme and adjusted for nonresponse.


The survey was conducted during the 2012-2013 school year. The sampling frame consisted of all non-virtual public elementary schools with 20 or more third grade children. The sampling frame was stratified by Idaho’s seven health districts. A systematic probability proportional to size sampling scheme was used to select 70 schools. Of the 5507 children invited to participate, 4737 were screened for a response rate of 86%. The survey followed the methods outlined in ASTDD’s Basic Screening Survey. The data were weighted for the sampling scheme and adjusted for nonresponse.


The survey was conducted during the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 school years. The sampling frame consisted of all public elementary schools with 20 or more students in 3rd grade. Systematic probability proportional to size sampling with stratification by rural/urban designation and free/reduced price school lunch (FRL) percent was used to select 75 schools of which 59 participated. Of the 5,278 children invited to participate,1482 were screened for a response rate of 28%. The survey followed the methods outlined in ASTDD’s Basic Screening Survey. In the state, 53% of elementary schoolchildren are eligible for the FRL program; among participating schools 51% were eligible for FRL. The data were weighted for the sampling scheme and adjusted for nonresponse.

North Carolina

The survey was conducted during the 2012-2013 school year. The sampling frame consisted of all non-charter public elementary schools with 25 or more students in 3rd grade. With implicit stratification by percent of students eligible for the free/reduced price school lunch (FRL) program, a systematic sampling scheme was used to select 30 schools. Data is available for all 30 schools. Of the 2258 children in 3rd grade at the participating schools, 2064 were screened for a response rate of 91%. The survey followed the methods outlined in ASTDD’s Basic Screening Survey. In the state, 61% of elementary schoolchildren are eligible for the FRL program; among participating schools 60% were eligible for FRL. The data were weighted for the sampling scheme and adjusted for nonresponse.


The survey was completed during the 2012-2013 school year. The sampling frame consisted of all public and private elementary schools with 5 or more students in 3rd grade. The sampling frame was stratified by the 6 regions in the state with schools randomly selected within each region. Thirty-six schools were selected of which 33 agreed to participate. Two dentists completed the screenings using diagnostic criteria comparable to ASTDD’s 1999 Basic Screening Survey. Of the1917 eligible students in 3rd grade, 788 were screened; for a response rate of 41%. In the state, 67% of public elementary school students participate in the FRL program; 69% of the students in the participating schools were eligible for FRL. The estimates presented are adjusted for the sampling scheme.

Rhode Island

The survey was completed during the 2012-2013 school year. All 39 Head Start sites in RI were invited to participate of which 29 agreed. Of the 2466 children enrolled in Head Start, 809 were screened for an overall response rate of 33%. Seventeen trained dentists completed the screenings using diagnostic criteria comparable to ASTDD’s 1999 Basic Screening Survey. The estimates presented are adjusted for nonresponse.

South Carolina

The survey was conducted during the 2012-2013 school year. The sampling frame consisted of all public elementary schools with 15 or more students in 3rd grade. The sampling frame was stratified by region then ordered by percent of students participating in the free/reduced price school lunch (FRL) program. A systematic sampling scheme was used to select 68 schools with 3rd grade students. Of these 5 did not have kindergarten children so the 5 feeder schools with kindergarten children were added to the sample. In addition, 2 volunteer schools were also screened. Data was obtained from all of the sampling intervals. Of the 12,894 children invited to participate, 6433 were screened for a response rate of 50%. The survey followed the methods outlined in ASTDD’s Basic Screening Survey. In the state, 58% of elementary schoolchildren are eligible for the FRL program; among participating schools 57% were eligible for FRL. The data were weighted for the sampling scheme and adjusted for nonresponse.


The survey was conducted during the 2012-2013 school year. The sampling frame consisted of all instructional public elementary schools with 5 or more students in 3rd grade. Systematic probability proportional to size sampling with implicit stratification by border/non-border, rural/urban designation, and free/reduced price school lunch (FRL) percent was used to select 140 schools of which 138 participated. Of the 14,649 children invited to participate, 6351 were screened for a response rate of 43%. The survey followed the methods outlined in ASTDD’s Basic Screening Survey. In the state, 58% of elementary schoolchildren are eligible for the FRL program; among participating children 64% were eligible for FRL. The data were weighted for the sampling scheme and adjusted for nonresponse.


The survey was conducted during the 2012-2013 school year. The sampling frame consisted of all public elementary schools with 10 or more students enrolled in 3rd grade. A stratified probability sample of 90 schools was selected and 69 agreed to participate. Children were screened using a combination of positive and passive consent. The statewide response rate was 80%. The survey followed the methods outlined in ASTDD’s Basic Screening Survey. In the state, 46% of schoolchildren are eligible for the free/reduced lunch program (FRL); among students attending participating schools, 50% were eligible for FRL. The data were weighted for the sampling scheme and adjusted for nonresponse.

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