Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance (ABLES)

ABLES Standardized Variables, Format, and Instructions for ABLES Data Submissions

Below are the variables and format that states should provide when submitting ABLES data to NIOSH. If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Tsai.

OMB No. 0920-0931
Exp. Date 07/31/2024

ABLES Standardized Variables, Format, and Instructions for ABLES Data Submissions
Variable name Length Type Description, instruction, and valid codes
1. StateRep 2 Text 2-letter Postal State abbreviation for the State making this report.

[Note: This should be a constant and must be present]

 2. StateRes 2 Text 2-letter Postal State abbreviation for State in which the adult resides.

99 = Unknown.  CN = Canada, MX = Mexico.

 3. CountyRes 3 Text 3-digit county Federal Information Process Standards (FIPS) code for county of residence of the adult.

999 = Unknown.

 4. StateExp 2 Text 2-letter Postal State abbreviation for State where exposure occurred.

99 = Unknown.  CN = Canada, MX = Mexico.

[Note : Code StateExp only if you are sure of exposure location (do not make assumptions)]

 5. CountyExp 3 Text 3-digit county FIPS code for county where exposure occurred.

999 = Unknown.

 6. ID 15 Text State-assigned unique ID number for adult (ID must remain constant from year to year) with 15 characters maximum.  If all characters are not used, leave the missing ones blank, and left justify. Do not fill with zeros.

[Note: Do not use any personal identifier such as an SSN or name for ID.]

 7. Status 1 Text For adults with BLLs ≥10 µg/dL:

1 = New case.

An adult whose highest BLL was ≥10 µg/dL in the current calendar year who was not in the State lead registry in the immediately preceding calendar year with a BLL ≥10 µg /dL. This adult may have been in the registry with a BLL ≥10 µg /dL in earlier calendar years or with a BLL <10 µg /dL in the immediately preceding calendar year.

[Note: A new case should remain coded 1 for all other BLL tests for the adult done in the same calendar year.]  

2 = Existing case.

An adult whose highest BLL was ≥10 µg /dL in the current calendar year who was in the registry in the immediate preceding calendar year with a BLL ≥10 µg /dL.

9 = Unknown

For adults with BLLs <10 µg/dL:

3 = Unclassified Adult.

An adult whose highest BLL was <10 µg/dL about whom you have collected insufficient information to determine whether he/she is a new or existing adult in the State registry.

4 = New adult.

An adult whose highest BLL was <10 µg/dL who was not in the State lead registry in the preceding calendar year with a BLL either less than or greater than 10 µg/dL. This adult may have been in the registry in earlier years.

5 = Existing adult.

An adult whose highest BLL was <10 µg /dL who was in the registry in the preceding calendar year with a BLL either less than or greater than 10 µg/dL.

[Note: Codes 3-5 are provided to facilitate the reporting of the lower BLLS.  The use of Code 3 should be rare as should the use of Code 9.]    8. BLLDate10


Date blood drawn or date of lab BLL test.    MM/DD/YYYY

[Note:  Change short date under control panel/regional options to reflect


9. DateType1Text

1 = Date of blood draw (preferred)

2 = Date of laboratory test (acceptable)

3 = Date of health department ascertainment (acceptable)

9 = Unknown

10. BLL3NumericBlood lead level, 3 digits no decimal, leave blanks, right justify.11a. DOB10


Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)

[Note: If DOB unavailable, you may leave blank and code Age]

11b. Age3Numeric

Age in years, right justify, no decimal.

999 = Unknown

[Note: If  DOB provided, you may leave Age blank]

12. Sex1Text

1 = Male

2 = Female

3 = Other

9 = Unknown

13. Ethnicity1Text

1 = Yes (Hispanic/Latino)

0 = No (Not Hispanic/Latino)

14. Race1

(More than one can be marked)

American Indian or Alaskan Native


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


15. WorkRel1Text This is your determination on whether the exposure was work related.

1 = Work related

2 = Not work related

3 = Both

9 = Unknown

[Note: Code 1, 2 or 3 only if you are sure of the exposure source.

Code 9 if you do not know — do not make assumptions.]

16. NAICS6Text

North American Industry Classification System 2002

999 = Unknown

[Note: If WorkRel is coded 1 or 3, NAICS should have a valid code or 999.

If WorkRel is coded 2 or 9, NAICS should be blank.]

NAICS link:

17. COC4Text

Census Occupation Codes 2002

990 = Unknown

[Note: If WorkRel is coded 1 or 3, COC should have a valid code or 990 If WorkRel is coded 2 or 9, COC should be blank]

Census Occupation Code

18. Process50Text

Process is defined as a narrative of the non-occupational avocation or activity from which the adult was exposed to lead.

NA = Non-applicable.

[Note:  If WorkRel is coded 2 or 3, Process should have a narrative entry, a code, or 999.]

[Note: If WorkRel is coded 1 or 9, Process should be coded NA.]

[Note: While it is acceptable to use the following codes for the most frequent process categories, we prefer that you include text descriptions so that the need for new categories or new exposures can be assessed.]

1 = Shooting firearms (target shooting)

2 = Remodeling/renovation/painting

3 = Casting (e.g., bullets, fishing weights)

4 = Ceramics

5 = Stained glass

6 = Retained bullets (gunshot wounds)

7 = Pica (the eating of non-food items)

8 = Eating from leaded cookware

9 = Eating food containing lead (e.g., imported candy)

10 = Drinking liquids containing lead (e.g., moonshine)

11 = Taking nontraditional medicines (e.g., Ayurvedic medications)

12 = Retired (This could be a former lead worker; try to get SIC, NAICS)

13 = Other–please provide text descriptions for sources not listed above.

999 = Unknown



  • Variable formats may change to meet emerging CDC guidelines for surveillance systems.
  • The following website is most useful in finding help in coding industry: (1) Search by a keyword in the line of business the adult is in and it will find the NAICS code.  (2)  Search by SIC code and it will find the corresponding NAICS code.  (3) Search by the NAICS code to receive the full description.