AI/AN Outreach

The American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Initiative aims to build and strengthen tribal occupational safety and health capacity among tribes and tribal communities.

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Tribal Partnership Workshops

To enhance worker safety and health in tribal communities, NIOSH, in partnership with the Center for Health, Work and Environment, a Center within the Colorado School of Public Health, and the National Indian Health Board, organized two workshops in 2015 and 2019 in Denver, Colorado. Representative from tribes, tribal-serving organizations, academia, and state and federal government agencies came together to advance worker safety and health among American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN).

The workshops established new relationships and fostered existing ones among many tribes and organizations. Additionally, an AI/AN occupational safety and health network was created to share resources and build capacity. Participants also helped guide the development of the American Indian and Alaska Native Worker Safety and Health Strategic Plan by providing specific input on areas of focus, helping to identify needs, and discussing elements, such as the appropriate audience, and obtaining support and buy-in for a national strategic plan. Workshop presentations are available here.