Mining Publication: Analysis of Alternatives for Using Cable Bolts as Primary Support at Two Low-Seam Coal Mines

Original creation date: January 2016

Authors: G Esterhuizen, IB Tulu

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - January 2016

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20047204

Int J Min Sci Technol 2016 Jan; 26(1):23-30

Cable bolts are sometimes used in low-seam coal mines to provide support in difficult ground conditions. This paper describes cable bolting solutions at two low-seam coal mines in similar ground conditions. Both mines used support systems incorporating cable bolts as part of the primary support system. Two original cable bolt based support systems as well as two modified systems are evaluated to estimate their ability to prevent large roof falls. One of the support systems incorporated passive cable bolts, while the other used pre-tensioned cable bolts. The results and experience at the mines showed that the modified systems provided improved stability over the original support systems. Roof stability depends mostly on whether or not cable bolts are present at all, while the specific support pattern used is relatively less important. It was also found that a heavy steel channel can improve the safety of the system because of the ‘sling’ action it provides. Additionally, the analysis showed that fully-grouted rebar bolts load much earlier than the cable bolts, and pre-tensioning of the cable bolts can result in a more uniform distribution of loading in the roof.

Cover page for Analysis of Alternatives for Using Cable Bolts as Primary Support at Two Low-Seam Coal Mines
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - January 2016

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20047204

Int J Min Sci Technol 2016 Jan; 26(1):23-30

Page last reviewed: November 4, 2016
Page last updated: November 4, 2016