About PCSI


Program collaboration and service integration (PCSI) is a public health approach through which public health programs and partners collaborate to organize and blend interrelated activities and services for those in need, thus improving public health outcomes.

NCHHSTP Overarching Goal

NCHHSTP aims to improve effectiveness and efficiency of funded prevention and control programs, with shared capacity that can be used across programs. NCHHSTP will support and promote better collaboration across divisions in design and implementation of surveillance, research, communication, and prevention programs to support service integration and to utilize Center and partner resources most effectively. NCHHSTP will look broadly across its programs, and work with our partners, to discover new and innovative ways to collaborate and use resources wisely and efficiently, taking advantage of multiple disciplines and shared knowledge and promoting holistic approaches to health protection.

2009 White Paper on Program Collaboration and Service Integration

This white paper pdf icon[PDF – 1 MB] provides NCHHSTP’s strategic vision and policy for PCSI, defines a framework for conceptualizing PCSI, outlines key measures to monitor and evaluate progress, and explains the role of internal and external stakeholders to help accomplish relevant goals.

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Page last reviewed: November 26, 2019