Recent Work

Recent Work

UN Addresses antibiotic resistance

A thumbnail image showing one hand placing a pill into someone's palmAt the United Nations General Assembly in September, all 193 member states agreed to a declaration to combat antimicrobial resistance. This was only the fourth time global leaders had convened to specifically discuss a health topic.


Zika update

Cropped image from a larger infographic of a zika doorhangerIn late September, CDC updated its interim guidance for preconception counseling and prevention of sexual transmission of Zika for people with possible Zika virus exposure. CDC also issued travel guidance for Zika virus in Southeast Asia.


World Rabies Day

A thumbnail image of medical professional leaning down to administer a rabies shot to a pub in the arms of a small boy. Other boys, also holding puppies stand nearby.World Rabies Day is an opportunity to reflect on efforts to control this deadly disease and to serve as a reminder that the fight is not yet over. Find out about CDC’s work around the world and the burden of rabies here in the United States.


Patient safety

Thumbnail image of a logo saying: Making Dialysis Safer CoalitionIn late September, CDC co-hosted a stakeholder meeting to kick off the Making Dialysis Safer for Patients Coalition. Attendees joined forces with CDC to implement CDC infection control recommendations and prevent bloodstream infections among patients undergoing hemodialysis.


NCEZID Recent Publications
cover page of NARMS - National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System: 2014 Human Isolates Surveillance Report

Cover of the Emerging Infectious Diseases journal

 Cover of NCEZID Work and Accomplishments 2015

Cover of the new Innovative Technologies pdf

Cdc-pdf[PDF - PDF - 28 pages]

Read about past months here: This Year’s Work