Washington, D.C.

Note: Recipient-submitted material; content authored by recipient, not ELC
Information current as of October 6, 2021

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Email the ELC to contact their school-based screening testing program

Management structure for school screening

DC Health, in partnership with OSSE, offers extensive written guidance to schools on the prevention, detection and response to COVID-19 in the school setting. DC Health and OSSE also provide technical assistance to schools through regular engagements with school leaders regarding all aspects of the COVID-19 response in schools, including best practices related to testing and responses to positive cases. OSSE is primarily responsible for implementing, in consultation with DC Health, testing support to schools under ELC Reopening Schools. This support includes centralized procurements of testing vendors with bundled courier and staff supervision services or a subgrant to Local Education Agencies that wish to execute their own testing program.

Support provided to school districts

DC Health has issued detailed guidance to K-12 schools throughout the COVID-19 pandemic period, including required and recommended provisions to detect, prevent and control COVID-19 within the school setting. DC Health also continues to monitor and publicly report data regarding the presence of COVID-19 cases and quarantines in the school setting, including identifying epidemiologically linked outbreaks. Screening testing plays an important role in identifying and responding to potential outbreaks, especially among asymptomatic individuals.