Rhode Island

Note: Recipient-submitted material; content authored by recipient, not ELC
Information current as of October 6, 2021

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To learn more about Rhode Island’s school testing plans, visit their websiteexternal icon.

Management structure for school screening

The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) is the lead agency for outreach and information related activities associated with educating local education agencies (LEAs) for ELC Reopening Schools, consulting during the application process, and the lead agency for review and approval of grant application.

The Department of Health’s COVID-19 testing team consults with individual schools and districts as they develop their own approaches for asymptomatic screening plans based on RIDOH recommendations. The RIDOH team supports districts in planning through implementation and facilitates resource distribution to enable school-based screening programs.

Support provided to school districts

Rhode Island has adapted CDC guidance, and refined some of the recommended testing approaches for screening testing. RIDOH recommends screening testing at least 25% of unvaccinated students and staff weekly if municipal transmission rates are 50-99/100,000 people. If rates are “High” at >99/100,000 people, RIDOH recommends screening 50% of unvaccinated students and staff per week.