Puerto Rico

Note: Recipient-submitted material; content authored by recipient, not ELC
Information current as of October 6, 2021

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To learn more about Puerto Rico’s school testing plans, contact their school-based screening testing program.

Management structure for school screening

The Puerto Rico Department of Health’s Office of Epidemiology and Investigation has developed a strategy to expand molecular testing availability for K-12 school communities. This is achieved through contracts with clinical laboratories scattered across the island. K-12 school community members will receive a COVID-19 test referral which can be presented in participating laboratories to receive testing services at no cost to them. The delivery of these referral is coordinated from the Department of Health.

Support provided to school districts

The Department of Health is prioritizing school with high COVID-19 case load to assess potential public health risk in the schools and allow for local and regional COVID-19 response teams to conduct case investigations and interview close contacts.