
Note: Recipient-submitted material; content authored by recipient, not ELC
Information current as of October 4, 2022

To learn more about Kentucky’s school testing plans, visit their website.

Management structure for school screening

Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) coordinates the request and distribution of COVID-19 antigen testing supplies free of charge to Kentucky’s K-12 schools.  The tests are provided by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 antigen test distribution program through established processes, partnerships, and resource management systems.  Because Kentucky is a home rule state, local authorities act independently of the state health and education departments.  As a result, the testing program in Kentucky is focused on increasing access to testing while promoting safe in person learning.

Support provided to school districts

KDPH has worked collaboratively with our local health departments, communities, and schools across the state to help minimize COVID-19 spread in schools. KDPH continues to update its guidance on prevention and detection of COVID-19 for K-12 schools, as well as to local health departments to support the schools in their jurisdictions.  This school year, KDPH will continue to provide schools with guidance and access to point of care and over the counter rapid antigen tests made available through the CDC antigen distribution program. Updates in guidance and program information will also continue to be communicated to all Kentucky school districts through the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) Commissioner’s Monday email message as well as monthly superintendent webcasts, recognizing public health’s connection to K-12 public education as an essential part of controlling the spread of COVID-19 throughout Kentucky’s local communities.