
Note: Recipient-submitted material; content authored by recipient, not ELC
Information current as of October 6, 2021

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To learn more about Kansas’ school testing plans, visit their websiteexternal icon.

Management structure for school screening

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has hired a program manager and 10 program specialists to work with each school district in forecasting needs for testing this school year, preparing budgets, and tracking the spending for each school district.

Support provided to school districts

KDHE, along with community stakeholders, developed three testing strategies:

  • “Test to Know,” which is either screening or testing symptomatic persons
  • “Test to Stay,” which allows close contacts to either test on day seven and return to school or test daily during quarantine period and remain in school
  • “Test to Stay and Participate,” which is screening high risk students once or twice weekly during participation in extracurricular activities