Wisconsin Tracking Program

Website: dhs.wisconsin.gov/ephtexternal icon
Email: dhstracking@wi.gov


Wisconsin has a long tradition of strong local health departments committed to protecting people in their communities. Every day local health departments address a wide range of environmental health concerns, such as drinking water contamination, lead poisoning, and Lyme disease. The Wisconsin Tracking Program assists local health departments in tackling these issues by:

  • Hosting a cutting-edge environmental public health data portal
  • Developing and disseminating County Environmental Health Profiles
  • Creating fact sheets, toolkits, videos, and other resources
  • Offering technical assistance in epidemiology, communications, and evaluation

Quick Stats:

  • In Wisconsin, four in ten householdspdf iconexternal icon rely on private wells for their drinking water.
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning became a reportable acute condition in 2018 and an improved surveillance system is now in place.
  • One in four Wisconsin homes were built before 1950, a key risk factor for childhood lead poisoning.
  • Wisconsin is among the 14 states that account for 95% of all Lyme disease cases.

Wisconsin Tracking supports more nationally-accredited health departmentsexternal icon than any other Tracking grantee.


Important events and achievements of the tracking program

Boat in a Wisconsin city's waters

Boat in a Wisconsin city's waters

Unique Data:

In addition to the set of standard data collected and displayed by all state and local tracking programs, individual programs may host data that are important to their populations.

Page last reviewed: February 28, 2020