OneLab VR

OneLab VR icon

Experience a laboratory environment like never before. OneLabVR provides a safe virtual laboratory environment for clinical and public health labs.

Updates and announcements will be posted on this page as additional scenarios become available.


OneLabVR encompasses a 50,000-square-foot virtual facility created for clinical and public health laboratory training. OneLabVR includes 12 different laboratories and over 100 (and counting) custom-built pieces of laboratory equipment.

We worked extensively with laboratory architects, designers, safety experts, and members of the clinical laboratory community to create this virtual training space for your training needs. Everything from the physical size and placement of laboratory environments to simple things like the placement of fire alarms and sprinkler systems has been rigorously researched, tested, and reviewed for users like you. As needs grow and new training programs are developed, they will be added to this all-encompassing virtual environment.

Multiplayer Functionality

Asynchronous and online training is great, but nothing beats live, hands-on training with an instructor who can offer immediate feedback and guidance. OneLabVR includes a multiplayer lobby where trainers can create their own OneLabVR environment and invite their students to join them live in virtual reality. Teachers and students can see, hear, and talk to one another in real-time.

Picture this: With OneLabVR, a trainer in Germany could be working next to a learner in Japan, offering guidance on properly pipetting a sample in a biosafety cabinet while other learners watch and comment live from all over the world. These multiplayer sessions can be one-on-one, or in large groups.

Initial Micro-Learning Scenarios

OneLabVR includes several 5-10-minute virtual reality training scenarios designed to quickly familiarize the learner with laboratory equipment, safety, and procedures. These training scenarios include videos, voice-overs, and animations to assist learners with training tasks.

Currently, the following training scenarios are available:

Packages used for shipping infectious materials

The following training scenarios are in production:

  • Urine Specimen Handling
  • Blood Specimen Handling
  • Respiratory Specimen Handling
  • Small Biohazard Liquid Spill Cleanup
  • Large Biohazard Liquid Spill cleanup
  • Biohazard Liquid Spill with broken glass cleanup
  • Safe and Proper Use of a Biosafety Cabinet
  • Compressed Gas Safety

Many more laboratory training topics are planned for the future.


CDC’s Division of Laboratory Systems (DLS) has been at the forefront of virtual reality laboratory training at CDC. DLS has two VR laboratory training programs for the HTC Vive VR headset and OculusQuest2. These courses are available on OneLab REACH, STEAM, and the Oculus Store. You can find more information on their course pages:

The laboratory training biosafety cabinet edition virtual reality course logo

LabTrainingVR: Biosafety Cabinet Edition


The laboratory training PPE edition virtual reality logo

LabTrainingVR: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Edition

As technology advances, CDC will continue to innovate and adapt to the needs of our clinical and public health laboratory audience.
