Panel Physicians

Screening Flowchart: Figure 1

Tuberculosis Screening for Applicants in Low Tuberculosis Burden Countries

Tuberculosis Screening for Applicants in Low Tuberculosis Burden Countries

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Text Description/Overview of Flowchart

Title: “Tuberculosis Screening for Applicants in Low Tuberculosis Burden Countries*”

  1. If “Tuberculosis screening for applicants <15 years of age in low-burden countries”, then
    1. If “For all applicants <15 years of age”, then
      1. “Medical history”
      2. “Physical examination”
    2. If “For those with signs or symptoms of tuberculosis or known HIV infection”, then
      1. “IGRA (or TST for applicants <2 years of age)”
      2. “Chest x-ray”
      3. “Three sputum specimens for smears and culture plus molecular testing of the first specimen“
    3. If “For those with positive cultures”, then
      1. “Drug susceptibility testing”
  1. If “Tuberculosis screening for applicants ≥15 years of age in low-burden countries, then
    1. If “For all applicants ≥15 years of age”, then
      1. “Medical history”
      2. “Physical examination”
      3. “Chest x-ray”
    2. If “For those with chest x-ray suggestive of tuberculosis, or signs or symptoms of tuberculosis, or known HIV infection”, then
      1. “Three sputum specimens for smears and culture plus molecular testing of the first specimen“
    3. If “For those with positive cultures”, then
      1. “Drug susceptibility testing”

*Countries with a World Health Organization-estimated tuberculosis disease incidence- rate <20 cases per 100,000 population.

IGRA = Interferon-gamma release assay

TST = Tuberculin skin test