IIS Operational Best Practices (formerly MIROW)

At a glance

Guidebooks: Best Practices for IIS Operations and Processes.


The Informatics and Data Analytics Branch (IDAB) in partnership with the American Immunization Registry Association (AIRA) is working on an initiative directed at the analysis and improvement of Immunization Information System's (IIS) operations and processes. The Modeling of Immunization Registry Operations Workgroup (MIROW) was formed to develop operational best practice guidelines for IIS. These guidelines support strategic CDC/IISSB initiatives, such as IIS Data Quality Blueprint, with detailed operational recommendations. In October of 2022, MIROW has been transformed into the IIS Best Practices Community of Practice (BP CoP).

IIS operational best practice guides provide basis for an alignment of IIS practices with recommended guidelines in order to promote uniformity of IIS operations and processes, and, ultimately, consistency and comparability of public health data. The recommendations are developed at the programmatic/operational level, independent from specific implementations and technology solutions and can support a wide variety of IIS implementation strategies across different technological platforms.

IIS operational best practice guidelines can be used to drive requirements for information technology projects and provide materials for educational and training purposes. The National Vaccine Advisory Committee recommended to “Promote the adoption of best practices for IIS by the CDC and AIRA MIROW workgroup to adopt uniform operational guidance and quality control procedures that ensure good data quality”.

Development Approach

A collaborative approach, based on modern business analysis and facilitation techniques, has been used to identify and analyze current IIS practices and in a focused, structured process reaches consensus on best practices. MIROW and the Best Practice Development Process offer additional information about the process implemented to develop best practice recommendations.

Operational Best Practice Guidelines

The following table contains links to Operational best practice guides and mini-guides, which condense and present content from the guide in a pamphlet format.

Year Guide Status
2019 Business Continuity Planning for Immunization Information System Programs Active
2019 Management of Patient Status in Immunization Information Systems Active
2015 Management of Patient Active/Inactive Status in Immunization Information Systems Retired in 2019
2015 Micro-Guide: Lot Number Patterns by Manufacturer and Vaccine Table Retired: In 2018, replaced by Guidance on Unit of Sale/Unit of Use Lot Number
2014 Micro-Guide: Lot Number Validation Best Practices Retired in 2022
2013 Data Quality Assurance in Immunization Information Systems: Selected Aspects Retired in 2022
2012 Immunization Information System Inventory Management Operations Active
2011 Immunization Information System Collaboration with Vaccines for Children Program and Grantee Immunization Programs Active
2009 Reminder/Recall in Immunization Information Systems Active
2008 Data Quality Assurance in IIS: Incoming Data Retired in 2022
2005 Moved or Gone Elsewhere (MOGE) Status and other Patient Designations in Immunization Information Systems Retired: In 2015, replaced by Management of Patient Active/Inactive Status in Immunization Information Systems
2005 IIS-VAERS Collaboration for Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Retired: This was a pilot project for MIROW.


Who to Contact?

For additional information on IIS Operational Best Practice guidelines, contact David Lyalin at dil8@cdc.gov.