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Amy Hargreaves Video Transcript

Video Description: This video shows actress Amy Hargreaves talking to her computer’s camera to record a selfie video.

Amy Hargreaves:

How are you feeing right now?

How are you getting by?

Most of us will say I am fine, but are we really?

I know that 2020 has been a very difficult year for me.

I have felt scared, anxious, lonely.

One thing that has helped me feel a lot better has been reaching out and connecting with my neighbors in my building in New York City while we were all locked down together in March, April, and May.

And over the last couple of months, as we have started to open up, sharing what I have been going through and how I have been feeling has been really meaningful for me because it’s made me feel less alone. And it has made me realize that we are all in this together.

So I just want to encourage you to reach out and share how you’re feeling with your friends, your family, your neighbors.

Let’s keep talking.

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Page Last Reviewed: April 16, 2021

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