Frequently Asked Questions


This website is designed to: (1) support eligible organizations applying for FOA PS15-1510 and (2) provide information related to post-award program implementation.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, Capacity Building Branch (CBB) is pleased to announce the publication of funding opportunity announcement (FOA) PS15-1510: Training and Technical Assistance for Health Department Demonstration Projects for Comprehensive Prevention, Care, Behavioral Health, and Social Services for Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) of Color At Risk for and Living with HIV. This FOA was published March 31, 2015 on Requested, but not required, letters of intent are due April 21, 2015. [link to Letter of Intent to Apply information] The application submission deadline is June 1, 2015.

The purpose of this program is to strengthen the capacity of funded health departments and their collaborative partners (e.g., community-based organizations, clinics, behavioral health and social services providers, patient navigators, and others that interface with MSM of color) to plan, implement, and sustain (through ongoing engagement, assessment, linkage, and retention) comprehensive prevention, care, behavioral health, and social services models for MSM of color at risk for and living with HIV infection as supported under FOA PS15-1509: Health Department Demonstration Projects for Comprehensive Prevention, Care, Behavioral Health, and Social Services for Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) of Color At Risk for and Living with HIV Infection.

Based on a set of core competency categories as defined in PS15-1510, this program specifically supports the innovative development and delivery of (1) information reflective of the most advanced HIV-related science and practice; (2) state-of-the-art training culminating in a certificate of completion; and (3) tailored technical assistance to facilitate PS15-1509 funded health departments and their the local collaborative partner organizations in their provision of comprehensive HIV-related prevention, care, behavioral health, and social services for specifically MSM of color.

Strategies and Activities

Strategy 1: Develop a competency-based training program to build capacity of PS15-1509 funded health departments and their partners to provide comprehensive HIV prevention, care, behavioral health, and social services for MSM of color at risk for and living with HIV infection. (Year 1)

  • Assess target audience
  • Develop competency-based training-of- providers (TOP) curriculum and performance support tools
  • Develop a competency-based training of trainers (TOT) curriculum
  • Develop a plan to deliver the TOP and TOT curricula

Strategy 2: Provide competency-based training and technical assistance to health department trainers and staff to deliver the TOP curriculum to provider staff (e.g., CBOs, clinics, others) participating in local collaborative as described in PS15-1509. (Years 2-3)

  • Deliver the TOP and TOT curricula
  • Provide intensive and tailored technical assistance

Strategy 3: Conduct monitoring and evaluation of training and technical assistance provided to PS15-1509 funded health departments and their local organizational partners (Years 1-3)

  • Develop a monitoring and evaluation plan
  • Implement monitoring and evaluation activities


To be eligible, applicants must meet one of the following criteria:

  • State governments (includes the District of Columbia) or their bona fide agents (e.g., health departments);
  • County governments or their bona fide agents (e.g., health departments);
  • City or township governments or their bona fide agents (e.g., health departments);
  • Special district governments or their bona fide agents (e.g., health departments); or
  • Nonprofits having a 501 (c) (3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education

Special Requirements for Eligibility:

Applicants must electronically submit a complete application package that complies with specifications as described in FOA section D. Required Registrations to no later than June 1, 2015, 11:59 p.m. U.S. Eastern Standard Time. Applicants must upload the following application package requirements as appropriately labeled PDF documents which may include weblinks for additional information. Evidence can be uploaded in under “Other Attachment Forms” with the suggested labels.

  • Table of Contents for Entire Submission
  • Project Abstract (maximum 1 page)
  • Project Narrative including Work Plan (maximum 20 pages)
  • Budget Narrative
  • Evidence of capacity to implement a national program (e.g., articles of incorporation, by-laws, board resolution, charter, mission statement, etc.)
  • Evidence of expertise and experience developing and delivering competency-based training and technical assistance for the HIV prevention and/or care workforce (e.g., list of trainings, samples of existing training curricula, technical assistance products, staff resumes/CVs, letters of support, etc.). Label “Proof of Training TA Expertise”.
  • Evidence of expertise and experience in engaging, assessing, linking, and retaining MSM of color for comprehensive HIV prevention and care, behavioral health, and social services (e.g. Staff resumes/CVs, samples of existing training curriculum, TA products, letters of support, etc.). Label “Proof of MSM of Color Expertise”
  • Evidence of proposed or existing key collaborations (e.g., Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Letters of Commitment, or Service Agreements). Label “Collaborations”.
  • Organizational Chart(s) that identify location and structure of proposed program
  • Evidence of Non-Profit Organization IRS 501 (c) (3) status, if applicable
  • Indirect Cost Rate Agreement, if applicable
  • CDC Assurances and Certifications

Applicants are not allowed to include any other attachments. If the required documents listed in this section are not submitted with the application in no later than June 1, 2015, 11:59 p.m. U.S. Eastern Standard Time, the application will be considered incomplete, non-responsive, and/or late and will not be entered into the review process.

The award ceiling for this FOA is $2,500,000 1st year; $2,000,000 2nd year; and, $1,000,000 3rd year. CDC will consider any application requesting an award higher than these amounts as non-responsive, and it will receive no further review in the funding competition.