After You Apply
Application Review Information
Phase I: All applications will be reviewed initially for completeness by CDC PGO staff and will be reviewed jointly for eligibility by the CDC PGO and NCHHSTP/DHAP/PPB. Incomplete applications and applications that do not meet the eligibility criteria will not advance to Phase II review. Applicants will be notified that their applications did not meet eligibility or published submission requirements.
Phase II: An objective review panel will evaluate complete, eligible applications in accordance with the Criteria section of the FOA. The applications will be objectively reviewed and scored by an independent review panel assigned by CDC, known as a Special Emphasis Panel (SEP).
- Five-year overview and detailed Year 1 work plan (15 points)
- Justification of Need (5 points) Consumer Advisory Board (3 points)
- Cultural competence and sensitivity (6 points)
- Appropriate Staffing (6 points)
- Targeted HIV testing (10 points)
- HIV prevention for HIV-positive persons (10 points)
- HIV prevention for high-risk HIV-negative persons (5 points)
- Condom distribution (5 points)
II. Evaluation and Performance Management (10 points)
III. Applicant’s Organizational Capacity to Implement the Approach (25 points)
IV. Capacity Building (Reviewed, but not scored)
V. Budget (SF 424A) and Budget Narrative (Reviewed, but not scored)
Not more than thirty days after the Phase II review is completed, applicants will be notified electronically if their application does not meet eligibility or published submission requirements.
Phase III:
The next step of the review process is conducted during a pre-decisional site visit (PDSV). For HIV Prevention Program proposals, applicants can receive a maximum PDSV score of 550 points. If the HIV Prevention Program proposal fails to score at least 400 points during the PDSV, the applicant will not be considered for funding. Applicants applying for funding will be selected to receive a PDSV based on scores from the SEP process, geographic location, CDC’s funding preferences, and the proposed populations to be targeted.
During PDSVs, CDC staff will meet with appropriate project management and staff, which may include representatives of governing bodies, executive director, program manager, etc. The PDSV (1) facilitates a technical review of the application and discussion of the proposed program; (2) further assesses an applicant's capacity to implement the proposed program; and (3) identifies unique programmatic conditions that may require further training, technical assistance, or other CDC resources. CDC will contact the health department during the PDSV process to verify data submitted by the applicant (e.g., target population data). Final funding determinations will be based on application scores from the special emphasis panel review, scores from the PDSV, and CDC’s funding preferences.
Applications will be funded in order by score and rank determined by the review panel. The following factors also may affect the funding decision:
- Preference to ensure equitable balance in terms of targeted racial or ethnic minority groups. (The number of funded applicants serving each racial or ethnic minority group may be adjusted based on the burden of infection in that group as measured by HIV or AIDS reporting.)
- Preference to avoid unnecessary duplication of services.
- Preference for applicants that propose to implement HIV prevention services among target populations not addressed by higher-ranking applicants.
- Preference for the balance of funded applicants based on (1) burden of HIV infection within jurisdictions and (2) disproportionately affected geographic areas, as measured by CDC.
- Preference for applicants that propose cost-effective programs that fully maximize the impact of CDC’s fiscal resources.
- Preference for applicants with extensive experience (at least 24 months) serving the proposed target population(s).