Video begins with image of a pregnant woman in exam room and medical professional holding chart with ultrasound images. DHHS, CDC, and Hear Her logos are shown at bottom of screen. The title fades in, "Addressing Unconscious Biases." Screen fades to show Dr. Jenna White, Emergency and EMS Physician, who begins speaking. "We all have unconscious biases, and it's important that we don't try to tell ourselves or anyone else for that matter that we don't have by biases, but rather that we decide that we will do what it takes to minimize the potential harm that these biases can cause. And we do that by taking both individual responsibility for addressing the potential for bias, but also by building systems within our healthcare delivery model that make it easier for us to do the right thing for the patient no matter what." Screen transitions to show Dr. Wanda Barfield, Director, CDC’s Division of Reproductive Health, who states, "I think that it really is important that we emphasize how important it is to build trust and for us to also understand and really understand personally our own implicit biases and how we can overcome them. But just giving the opportunity to really listen to our patients and really Hear Her. And I think that there are materials that are available from the HEAR HER Campaign that can help foster that conversation." Screen fades to show Hear Her logo with text, "For more information, visit" Video ends.