Video begins with image of a pregnant woman talking to a medical professional with DHHS, CDC, and Hear Her logos at bottom. The title fades in, "The Importance of Asking About Current Pregnancy or Pregnancy in the Last Year." Screen fades to show Dr. Jenna White, Emergency and EMS Physician, who begins speaking. "I think if I were to identify just one thing that clinicians in non-obstetric care settings could do to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality, it would be to ask patients, 'Are you pregnant or have you been within the last 12 months?' Because we, in our practice settings, don't see the complications of pregnancy and postpartum all the time, we need to structure our history taking in such a way that we give the patient the opportunity to tell us this very important piece of information, which will then hopefully trigger that connection, that neural pathway in our brains to say, 'Aha! I need to think about differential diagnosis X, Y, and Z, and hopefully make an accurate diagnosis ultimately.'"Screen transitions. Dr. White continues, "…By inquiring about pregnancy and recent birth, we create an opportunity to open up a dialogue with our patient if they respond in the affirmative. So if we identify that a patient is postpartum, for instance, then we can make our review of systems more focused and more relevant and screen for other warning signs while the patient is presenting for emergency care, even if the reason for their visit ends up being completely unrelated to their pregnant or postpartum status. But it's an opportunity to talk with them about things like postpartum depression, to screen them for and educate them about some of the other maternal early warning signs, and to make sure that they have supports in place. And if they don't, to try to connect them to resources where they exist." Screen fades to show Hear Her logo with text, "For more information, visit" Video ends.