Selecting a Quality Sexual Health Education Curriculum
Fort Worth Independent School District
Fort Worth Independent School District (FWISD), with funding from CDC, ensured the selection of a quality sexual health education curriculum for all middle and high school students throughout the district.
FWISD used CDC’s Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) to review and develop an appropriate and effective sexual health education curriculum. The HECAT provided a neutral and transparent process to choose the best curriculum for students.
FWISD’s new medically accurate and age-appropriate curriculum is now required in all middle and high school health education classes throughout the district. Today and into the future, more than 24,000 middle and high school students in Fort Worth have access to quality sexual health education.
Before selecting the curriculum, stakeholders, such as FWISD’s HIV Program Review Panel, community partners, and health education teachers, received training on CDC’s HECAT. The School Board approved the selected curriculum with unanimous support from the School Health Advisory Committee, which includes parents.
Students in FWISD are required to take health education in sixth grade, and once in grades 9-12 to graduate. All high school health education classes implemented the curriculum in the fall of 2014. The curriculum was expanded to all sixth grade health education classes in 2015.
Today and into the future, more than 24,000 middle and high school students in Fort Worth have access to quality sexual health education.