Back-to-School 2023: Healthy Youth, Successful Futures

Find resources and sample social media posts to promote student health and well-being as they head back to school.

2023 Back to school banner

Families and schools can work together to help students connect and succeed as they head back to school.

Back to School Time!

Schools play a critical role in providing students with health education, helping students feel connected, and referring students to mental and physical health services. School connectedness can reduce student health risk behaviors and experiences.

DASH is building on decades of experience to assist schools and teachers as they return to school.

Spread the Word

  • Use these sample social media posts to promote the health and safety of students as they head back to school.
  • Tag @CDC_DASH on Twitter and use the #BacktoSchool hashtag!
  • Find DASH social media graphics on connectedness, school health, and more on our Infographics page.

Social Media Messages & Images


Back to schools

It’s time to head #BackToSchool! Schools can provide a safe and supportive environment, which helps students feel connected and is critical to helping them thrive mentally, physically, and academically. Learn more about what works:

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Social media graphic (1080×1080)
Pinterest graphic (1000×1500)

Family Connectedness

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Families: Having regular conversations with teens about their health concerns, including mental health, can help reduce their risk behaviors and experiences. #BackToSchool

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Social media graphic (1080×1080)

School Connectedness


Students are more likely to thrive if they feel that adults in their school care about them and their success. This is a key part of school connectedness—a powerful tool for supporting youth mental health. #BackToSchool

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Social media graphic (1080×1080)

Mental Health


Building connections with young people can help protect their mental health. A sense of belonging can make a big difference. Learn more about youth mental health and the power of connectedness. #BackToSchool

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Social media graphic (1080×1080)

Parental Monitoring

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Parents are a powerful influence in the lives of their teens. Adolescents experience fewer health risks when their parents know about what is going on with them and their lives. Learn more about parental monitoring: #BackToSchool

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Social media graphic (1080×1080)

What Works in Schools

What Works in Schools graphic

CDC’s #WhatWorksInSchools program is a school-based approach to protecting adolescent health. It combines 3 proven strategies:

  1. Quality health education
  2. Referrals to health services
  3. Safe and supportive school environments #BackToSchool

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Social media graphic (1080×1080)

Classroom Management

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Teachers and other school staff can strengthen school connectedness by incorporating positive behavior management strategies in the classroom. Learn about classroom management approaches that work: #BackToSchool

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Social media graphic (1080×1080)