Overview of CDC GISF 2021-2030 Goals and Principles

Updated May 19, 2021

Overview of CDC GISF 2021-2030 Goals and Principles

CDC’s Global Immunization Strategic Framework 2021-2030 has five goals and four principles. All five goals aim to build country, regional, and global immunization capacity, which is positioned at the center of our work. There are three core goals surrounding this shared aim: prevent, detect, and respond. Goal 1 is to prevent disease by strengthening immunization services to achieve high and equitable coverage. Goal 2 is to detect disease by supporting and continuously improving comprehensive vaccine-preventable disease surveillance systems to inform immunization program management. Goal 3 is to prepare for and respond to outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases. These three core goals are supported by two cross-cutting goals: sustain and innovate. Goal 4 is to foster immunization program sustainability. Goal 5 is to advance research and evaluation to innovate for increased immunization program impact.

CDC supports the five goals by applying four foundational principles to achieve the greatest impact of its global immunization work. The first principle is being data-guided. Data-guided means that CDC will support the development of high-quality data analytics and promote use of the best available evidence for optimal policy and programmatic decision making at all levels. The second principle is being integrated. Integrated means that CDC will encourage a holistic approach to promote linkages between disease-specific and health system strengthening initiatives. The third principle is being partnership-based. Partnership-based means that CDC will foster alliances that apply the strengths of each organization while ensuring impactful coordination and collaboration. The fourth principle is using focused investments. Using focused investments means that CDC will leverage strategic information to make targeted investments to strengthen immunization programs.