
What you can do to prepare

You can take simple steps now that will help you if there is ever an emergency caused by the intentional release of the germs that cause glanders. These steps can help you prepare for any type of emergency caused by bioterrorism.

Know where to get help in an emergency

There is no vaccine to prevent glanders. If you come into contact with the germs that cause glanders, public health authorities might recommend that you take antibiotics for a few weeks. These antibiotics might keep you from getting sick. If you have any symptoms of the disease, you will need to seek medical care quickly and tell your doctor about coming into contact with the germs that cause glanders. Be prepared for any type of biological attack by identifying places where you could get medical care quickly in an emergency. These can include your primary care provider’s office, a nearby emergency room, or local public health department.

Know how you would get information in an emergency

If there were ever an emergency following an intentional release of the germs that cause glanders, CDC and other federal agencies, state and local public health authorities, and law enforcement would start investigating and responding immediately. No one will have all of the answers immediately, but as CDC and other authorities learn more, they will communicate the information with you.

In an emergency, you will be able to get information from CDC’s website and CDC’s social media pages, like Twitter and Facebook. CDC will let you know what you can do to protect yourself and your family. You can also seek information from your local or state public health department and your doctor.

What CDC does to prepare

CDC prepares for a glanders emergency so that if one ever happens, public health authorities can respond quickly. Some of CDC’s ongoing work includes:

Man and woman look at smart phone screen while the woman holds a small child.

  • Researching ways to improve laboratory tests and develop better ways to diagnose the disease.
  • Providing support to laboratories in the United States so they have the knowledge and equipment that will help them detect glanders quickly and accurately.
  • Stockpiling antibiotics and other medical supplies to use during a public health emergency in the United States.
  • Writing guidance to educate doctors and other healthcare providers about how to treat people with the disease and prevent those who have been exposed to the germs that cause glanders from getting sick.
  • Providing funds and guidance to help public health departments respond to all types of public health emergencies and build more resilient communities.
  • Regulating the possession, use, and transfer of the germs that cause glanders through the Federal Select Agent Program.
  • Training the public health workforce, healthcare providers, and leaders in the public and private sector on emergency response preparation.