Map Details: Percent of Eligible Women that were Screened for Breast and Cervical Cancer by Jurisdiction

Impact Statement

Maryland’s Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (BCCP) provides breast and cervical cancer screening, diagnosis, and patient navigation services to women across the state.

The choropleth map indicates the percentage of eligible women who received breast and cervical cancer screening, diagnosis, or patient navigation services from the Maryland Department of Health’s Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (BCCP). Red indicates the lowest percentage of eligible women served, and yellow indicates the highest percentage of eligible women served. In each local jurisdiction, the blue circle is proportionate to the total number of women eligible for BCCP services in that jurisdiction.
Key Points

Major Findings 

The percentage of uninsured women ages 40–64 and at or below 250% of the federal poverty level served by the BCCP did not exceed 44.6% in any jurisdiction, with the majority of jurisdictions serving less than 30% of these eligible women.

How the map will be used, or has been used

This map will inform leadership in the health department, policymakers, and other stakeholders on how well the BCCP is reaching its target population in each jurisdiction.