Questions and Answers

General Questions about the OE20-2001 NOFO

Under 5 CFR Part 1320, the implementing regulations for the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. §3501 et seq.) of 1995 (PRA), federally conducted or sponsored information collections that are exempt from PRA are restricted to activities such as federal criminal or civil investigation or prosecution, the conduct of intelligence activities, or the conduct of general investigations or audits (5 CFR 1320.4).

PRA and the implementing regulations require that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) review and approve federally conducted or sponsored collection of information in a standardized or structured format involving ten or more non-federal persons or entities in any 12-month period. As defined under 5 CFR 1320.3(d), a federal agency is considered to “conduct or sponsor” a collection of information if the agency collects the information, causes another agency to collect the information, contracts or enters into a cooperative agreement with a person to collect the information, or requires a person to provide information to another person, or in similar ways causes another agency, contractor, partner in a cooperative agreement, or person to obtain, solicit, or require the disclosure to third parties or the public of information by or for an agency. Practically, CDC determines federal sponsorship by the degree to which CDC (or other Federal Agency) directs or controls a data collection effort. If CDC sponsors an information collection, PRA requirements, including OMB review of the information collection request (ICR), will apply to the information collection. Therefore, a PRA applicability determination will be performed as part of the CDC review of the applicant’s project proposal for the new cooperative agreement, to determine CDC sponsorship and PRA applicability for each of the nine focus areas.

  • Is it 20 pages for each?
  • If it is 20 pages each, in the narrative under Applicant Evaluation and Performance Measurement Plan do we just refer to the 20-page plan or is more needed in the narrative? ?

The 20 Page narrative limit described on page 21 includes the applicant evaluation and performance measurement plan, which does not need to be comprehensive as part of the proposal submission due on 02/05/2020. Criteria for application phase II review on page 30 may provide a guide for this. The recipient will have 6 months post-award to refine and complete the plan for each focus area. The 20-page limit as described on page 35 refers to this post-award refined plan per focus area.




  • Increase the proportion of state public health laboratories that provide comprehensive laboratory services to support emerging public health issues.
  • Increase the proportion of state public health laboratories that have implemented emerging technology to provide enhanced laboratory services.
  • www.healthypeople.go pdf iconexternal icon


    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) approved the Healthy People 2030 framework in June 2018, which explains the central ideas and functions of the Healthy People 2030 Initiative. The Secretary’s Advisory Committee on National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives for 2030 is a federal advisory committee responsible for making recommendations to the Secretary of HHS for the development and implementation of the national health promotion and disease prevention objectives for 2030, and this work is currently still ongoing. Once the details of HP2030 are finalized and supersede HP 2020, they will need to be referenced as a guide for this cooperative agreement. In the meantime, an applicant can begin to use the HP 2030 framework as a point of reference.




Please provide one budget for each focus area. The exception is the Infectious diseases focus area, three budgets should be provided one for NCHHSTP, one for NCIRD, and one for NCEZID.


Activities should be in close alignment with strategy areas as well as the proximal and intermediate outcomes outlined in logic model.


This approach is acceptable.

For example, S2.2 (collaborate/build relationships), S2.5 (tools/resources) and S4.5 (public health threats) are done across all the focus areas, and many of the focus areas are involved in S4.4 (technical assistance). Strategy S2.2 is not listed in Appendix I. Strategy S2.5 is not listed for Appendix B, F, G, or I. S4.4 is not listed in Appendix A, E, G, or I.


Applicant may construct the application to align with the logic model, which does offer flexibility for alignment of strategies and focus areas. Modifications can be proposed for each focus area with appropriate justification. Refinements will be made collaboratively with CDC post award.

    a. IF NOT:

    i. What are the expectations from CDC on outcomes that are common across multiple focus areas?

    ii. What are the expectations from CDC on coordination on cross-cutting issues across the focus areas (water-borne disease, preparedness & response, informatics)?

For examples, S2.2 (collaborate/build relationships) aligns with PO-1 (improved collaboration and communication) and IO-1 (established communities of practices and other collaborative relationships). However, PO-1 and IO-1 is not listed as options every time S2.2 is listed. Another example is Appendix F Newborn Screening and Genetics, which doesn’t identify any POs.


Applicant may construct the application to align with the logic model, which does offer flexibility for alignment of strategies and outcomes for each focus area. Modifications to outcomes can be proposed for each focus area with appropriate justification.

Applicant currently has limited methods in which to collect process and outcome data, such as surveys, Google Analytics, pre- and post- tests, and focus groups. In addition, measures may not include only data, but narratives such as case profiles and stories of change.




Yes, changes can be made within the timeframe of the five-year cooperative agreement.





The applicant determines the process measures for the activities they propose for each focus area. The process measures listed in the NOFO are examples to demonstrate that strategies and activities are being met or performed and outcomes are achieved. Applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC program staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.


Yes, modifications can be proposed by the applicant for each focus area with appropriate justification.

a. if Y01-05 then how much detail is expected for years 2-5?


For the application, a detailed workplan is expected for year 01 as well as a high level workplan for years 02-05.

Appendices Specific Questions:

Can you confirm that activities performed by Institutional Research (IR) should be included under S2. Policy, Partnership and Communication strategy S2.3 Facilitate information exchange and dissemination among practitioners and other stakeholders:

  • Leverage policy, communication, and other networks to support information exchange and dissemination within and between laboratory and other stakeholder communitie.
  • Ensure that information sharing minimizes burden, increases access, reduces duplication, and is coordinated across organizations.

If IR is responsible for applicant’s overall data collection (surveys, focus groups, etc.), analysis, and reporting, including administration of the applicant’s member-developed data repositories (Public Health Laboratory Systems Database, Member Resource Center, Survey Resource Center, Lab Profiles). IR is also responsible for other knowledge management practices, including use of model practices through development of toolkits and guidance documents.


Activities may fall under more than one strategy category. The applicant should consult with focus area point of contacts to determine appropriate alignment of activities to the strategies and outcomes defined in the NOFO logic model.


Principles of the Ethical Practice of Public Health – this provides the code of ethics and key principles of the ethical practice of public health, developed by the Public Health Leadership Society and adopted by the American Public Health Association. The 12 public health ethical principles are included in this document.

Appendix C: Foodborne, Waterborne, and Environmentally Transmitted Diseases:

• Outcome Measures provided:


The measures listed in Appendix C are examples to demonstrate that strategies and activities are being met or performed and outcomes are achieved. It is expected that the applicant would describe the measures they will use to demonstrate the intended outcomes in the detailed Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan, which is required to be submitted within 6 months of the award. applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.


The applicant can propose new specific measures that align with activities


S3.1 was meant to be a training needs assessment, while S3.3 was meant to be training development and delivery. Some trainings may already be trainings that applicant is familiar with delivering, but the needs assessment may reveal additional training gaps for laboratory staff.


The main funder of projects for this focus area will be NCEZID/DFWED. Hence it should be one focus area account.


Yes, this is related to water microbiology.

Appendix E Informatics:

Question A: Is it appropriate to baseline this data to show and track the number of existing and new partnerships?

Answer: Yes.

Question B: Is the measure here just number of efforts that work on this, or should this be measuring how many times data can be linked across systems that couldn't before?

Answer: We are interested in the number of efforts and the applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to develop additional measures in alignment with the strategies and outcomes defined in the NOFO logic model.

Question C: If linkages are not possible, should we track WHY they are not possible?

Answer: Yes, the proposed workplan should address challenges and potential solutions if available.

Question D: Are we being asked to be the technical HUB or to just join other groups

Answer: No, you are not being asked to be the technical HUB. The applicant is expected to work with CDC staff to determine how best to enhance coordination within a jurisdiction.

Does Health Information Technology (HIT) also include state-wide IT with which we often interface?



Can another measure be - "Applicant supports the development of a position around the creation/identification and implementation of universal identifiers for data of public health significance?"


The measures listed in Appendix E are examples to demonstrate that strategies and activities are being met or performed and outcomes are achieved. It is expected that the applicant would describe the measures they will use to demonstrate the intended outcomes in the detailed Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan, which is required to be submitted within 6 months of the award. Applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.

Question A: Are applicants being asked to measure/track how many policies they develop?

Answer: This can be proposed as a process measure.

Question B: How will an applicant measure the improvement?

Answer: The measures listed in Appendix E are examples to demonstrate that strategies and activities are being met or performed and outcomes are achieved. It is expected that the applicant would describe the measures they will use to demonstrate the intended outcomes in the detailed Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan, which is required to be submitted within 6 months of the award. Applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.

Question A: Are applicants being asked to track the number of current, still relevant, and new partners involved in the CoPs (or just number of CoPs supported)?

Answer: The applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to develop appropriate measures in alignment with the strategies and outcomes defined in the NOFO logic model.

Question B: Does this also include our communities on ColLAborate and other places?

Answer: Yes.


The applicant should consult with focus area point of contacts to seek clarification on activities described in focus area Appendix E.

Question A: The Measures are for assessing capabilities, but applicant interpreted S2.5 as being more inclusive. It seems like it is asking for a repository, possible documentation, Rhapsody tools, Mirth channels, etc., so is this just for assessment or a broader capability?

Answer: The applicant is expected to work with CDC staff to develop appropriate measures in alignment with the strategies and outcomes defined in the NOFO logic model.

Question B: Does the process measure refer to an already established assessment tool or a to-be developed tool (PHLSD or Informatics Self-Assessment?)

Answer: The applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to develop appropriate measures in alignment with the strategies and outcomes defined in the NOFO logic model.

Question A: Does "modernized" have a certain definition (i.e. laboratories are using certain electronic data standards)?

Answer: Modernizing electronic data exchange can include the use of standards such as HL7, using different architecture such as data lakes, or infrastructure such as cloud technology.

Question B: Is LOE just for what applicant does or would it also include partner's (PHA/PHL) efforts?

Answer: The level-of-effort (LOE) estimates only need to account for what the applicant does.

Question C: Does this mean that applicant MUST provide a common dashboard? Additional scoping details would be helpful

Answer: The applicant should consult with focus area point of contacts to seek clarification on activities described in focus area appendix E.

Question A: What is the measure for this? How many PHLs adopt the vision/recommendation?

Answer: The measures listed in Appendix E are examples to demonstrate that strategies and activities are being met or performed and outcomes are achieved. It is expected that the applicant would describe the measures they will use to demonstrate the intended outcomes in the detailed Evaluation and Performance Measurement Plan, which is required to be submitted within 6 months of the award. Applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.

Question B: Applicant is leading an effort at the Board level to work on the strategic objective that directly relates to defining what a national level public health informatics infrastructure from PHLs perspective would look like. The applicant is using the data strategy as a guide. Can the applicant use this output and move it forward for national level review and use?

Answer: The applicant should consult with focus area point of contacts to seek clarification on activities described in focus area appendix E.

Question A: Is "health agencies" too limiting of a term in cases where the PHL is NOT part of the agency (NE, Iowa, Wisconsin, ...)

Answer: Modifications can be proposed by the applicant for each focus area with appropriate justification.

Question B: Would tracking the number of technical assistance engagements (on-site or virtual) satisfy the metric requirements for this? Would tracking the number of new applications developed in support of PHA's satisfy the metric requirement?

Answer: The applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to develop appropriate measures in alignment with the strategies and outcomes defined in the NOFO logic model.

Question C: Why is this written as "in support of PHA's" only? Shouldn't this also include PHLs?

Answer: PHAs include PHLs. The broader context ensures the focus isn’t limited to the laboratory component only, the link to epi side is important too.

Question A: Do we measure how many new standards have been developed (e.g., how many new terms have been submitted, and how many standards have been implemented in production)?

Answer: The measures listed in Appendix E are examples to demonstrate that strategies and activities are being met or performed and outcomes are achieved. It is expected that the applicant would describe the measures they will use to demonstrate the intended outcomes in the detailed Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan, which is required to be submitted within 6 months of the award. Applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.

Question B: Add "APHL is a member of standards creation bodies such as HL7" as a metric?

Answer: The measures listed in Appendix E are examples to demonstrate that strategies and activities are being met or performed and outcomes are achieved. It is expected that the applicant would describe the measures they will use to demonstrate the intended outcomes in the detailed Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan, which is required to be submitted within 6 months of the award. Applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.

Question C: Does "standard" mean balloted HL7 or could it mean other work that we do?

Answer: Data and informatics standards are not limited to balloted HL7.

Question A: Is the scope only WGS? (There is a big need for managing/linking WGS with LIMS samples, but applicant wants to know if they are talking about general data exchange or more specific to WGS?)

Question B: Would the expectation be that information systems includes LIMS, Integrated surveillance Systems?

Question C: Would assessing other applications outside of LIMS and ISS be OK?

Answer: To the three questions above: The applicant should consult with focus area point of contacts to seek clarification on activities associated with S4.1.1, described in focus area appendix E.

Question A: Why limit to CDC programs? Wouldn't it be helpful if PHLs and their partners implement standards in their own labs - for data exchange between each other, too?

Answer: The measures listed in Appendix E are examples to demonstrate that strategies and activities are being met or performed and outcomes are achieved. It is expected that the applicant would describe the measures they will use to demonstrate the intended outcomes in the detailed Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan, which is required to be submitted within 6 months of the award. Applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.

Question A: Would the applicant be tracking the number of connected PHL partners, number of tests available in LWP?

Question B: It would be nice to track how many EPIs use it for day-to-day test request management. Another metric could be how much time has been saved for EPI and Lab not having to make calls

Answer: To the two questions above: The measures listed in Appendix E are examples to demonstrate that strategies and activities are being met or performed and outcomes are achieved. It is expected that the applicant would describe the measures they will use to demonstrate the intended outcomes in the detailed Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan, which is required to be submitted within 6 months of the award. Applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.

Would "Track number of successful challenge activities within the AIMS Innovation Lab that produce useful code for applications that serve public health" be an appropriate measure?

Answer: The measures listed in Appendix E are examples to demonstrate that strategies and activities are being met or performed and outcomes are achieved. It is expected that the applicant would describe the measures they will use to demonstrate the intended outcomes in the detailed Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan, which is required to be submitted within 6 months of the award. Applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.


The applicant should engage with focus area point of contacts to seek clarification on strategies described in focus area appendix E. Modifications can be proposed by the applicant for each focus area with appropriate justification.

Question A: AIMS maintains it's FISMA moderate status and has all HIPAA privacy policies in place for protection of PHI. Would other possible measures be "Track the number of help desk tickets submitted and successfully completed; Track number of legal contracts put in place (i.e. BAA's, DUA's) for data exchange efforts; applicant maintains, and enhances as necessary it's cybersecurity insurance for AIMS"?

Answer: The measures listed in Appendix E are examples to demonstrate that strategies and activities are being met or performed and outcomes are achieved. It is expected that the applicant would describe the measures they will use to demonstrate the intended outcomes in the detailed Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan, which is required to be submitted within 6 months of the award. Applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.

Question B: What is the scope of help desk: 24x7, 8:00-5:00/weekdays?

Answer: The applicant should consult with focus area point of contacts to seek clarification on activities described in focus area appendix E.

Is this consult or collaborate?

The strategy defined in the NOFO specifies consult. The applicant should engage with focus area point of contacts to seek clarification on strategies described in focus area Appendix E. Modifications can be proposed by the applicant for each focus area with appropriate justification.

Question A: Can the scope of the documentation management effort be clarified? Does this refer to AIMS only, will the recipient be asked to document jurisdiction specific efforts or is this at the CDC program/project level

Answer: This should be focused on AIMS. The applicant should consult with focus area point of contacts to seek clarification on scope of activities related to strategies described in focus area Appendix E.

Question B: What all is in the template? Do we have the ability to provide the needed/wanted documentation or access to update documentation?

Answer: The applicant should consult with focus area point of contacts to seek clarification on activities described in focus area Appendix E.

Question A: To whom would the recipient make this software available to, and who makes that determination?

Answer: The applicant should consult with focus area point of contacts to seek clarification on activities described in focus area Appendix E.

Question B: The intended scope of this objective needs to be defined and mutually agreed upon. Applicant technology developed prior to award would not fall under this agreement, applicant also hosts many third party tools licensed through (and sometimes enhanced) CDC funding mechanisms, yet applicant has no right to distribute these solutions.

Answer: The applicant should consult with focus area point of contacts to seek clarification on activities described in focus area Appendix E.

Question C: Can this objective be edited from "make code base of software solutions...through agreed upon mechanisms" to say, "make code base of software solutions...through MUTUALLY agreed upon mechanisms."

Answer: The applicant should engage with focus area point of contacts to seek clarification on strategies described in focus area Appendix E. Modifications can be proposed by the applicant for each focus area with appropriate justification.

Appendix F Newborn Screening and Genetics:

Can we include placeholder language for crisis response?



However, can applicant include activities pertaining to biosafety support for PHLs under Appendix G?


No, activities pertaining to biosafety support for PHLs should be included in the Quality and Safety Systems focus area (Appendix H) and not under Appendix G.

Can applicant include activities pertaining to biosecurity under Appendix G?


No, activities pertaining to biosafety support for PHLs should be included in the Quality and Safety Systems focus area (Appendix H) and not under Appendix G.

Can applicant include activities pertaining to biosecurity under Appendix G?


A. No, activities pertaining to biosecurity should not be included under Appendix G. Biosecurity and biosafety activities are considered risk management and should be included under the Quality and Safety Systems focus area (Appendix H).

Outcome Measure: Increase in the number of PHLs with formal agreements for emergency-related testing sharing services and surge capacity support (e.g., COOP agreements). Applicant doesn’t believe applicant should be held accountable for this. Can this outcome measure be removed?


The applicant should consult with focus area point of contacts to seek clarification on activities associated with focus area.



Appendix H Quality and Safety:


The measures listed in Appendix H are examples of measures to demonstrate that strategies and activities are being met or performed and outcomes are achieved. It is expected that the applicant would describe the measures they will use to demonstrate the progress and outcomes of the cooperative agreement projects and activities in the detailed Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan required to be submitted within 6 months of the award. Applicant is expected to work with CDC staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.


As stated above, applicant is required to submit a detailed Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan within 6 months of the award. The plan should describe the mechanism and timeframe for establishing a baseline and defining targets for improvement. Applicant is expected to work with CDC staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.

Is the applicant able to develop realistic measurements, which may not include the clinical lab community? This decision will impact process measures for all the strategies listed in Appendix H, as well as the measures for all the proximal outcomes and IO-1. If the applicant cannot remove the clinical lab community, how does CDC expect the applicant to measure these?


As stated in the NOFO, target populations for this focus area related to quality and safety includes stakeholders of the public health laboratory system, which include clinical laboratories as the primary stakeholders. Applicant is expected to form or strengthen collaborations with other entities that include these laboratory stakeholders. The workplan submitted by the applicant should address efforts to form or strengthen collaborations with clinical laboratories (and other stakeholders) on a national basis. The workplan should also specify evaluation and performance measurement plans related to these collaborations.

Other comments on Process Measures provided for:


Applicant may include sustained partnerships as an additional process measure in the Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan.


The measures listed in Appendix H are examples to demonstrate that strategies and activities are being met or performed and outcomes are achieved. It is expected that the applicant would describe the measures they will use to demonstrate the intended outcomes in the detailed Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan, which is required to be submitted within 6 months of the award. Applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.


The measures listed in Appendix H are examples to demonstrate that strategies and activities are being met or performed and outcomes are achieved. It is expected that the applicant would describe the measures they will use to demonstrate the intended outcomes in the detailed Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan, which is required to be submitted within 6 months of the award. Applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.


The measures listed in Appendix H are examples to demonstrate that strategies and activities are being met or performed and outcomes are achieved. It is expected that the applicant would describe the measures they will use to demonstrate the intended outcomes in the detailed Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan, which is required to be submitted within 6 months of the award. Applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.


Applicant may include sustained audits as an additional outcome measure in the Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan.


The measures listed in Appendix H are examples to demonstrate that strategies and activities are being met or performed and outcomes are achieved. It is expected that the applicant would describe the measures they will use to demonstrate the intended outcomes in the detailed Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan, which is required to be submitted within 6 months of the award. Applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.


The measures listed in Appendix H are examples to demonstrate that strategies and activities are being met or performed and outcomes are achieved. It is expected that the applicant would describe the measures they will use to demonstrate the intended outcomes in the detailed Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan, which is required to be submitted within 6 months of the award. Applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.


The applicant may include sustained relationships as an additional outcome measure in the Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan.


For issues in the NOFO that the applicant needs clarification or discussion with CDC, appropriate CDC program staff will be available to provide consultation and support. Applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.


As part of the workplan, the applicant is expected to propose projects and activities for the specified strategies to attain the intended outcomes for this focus area. If the applicant intends to rely on public health laboratories to share information with their clinical laboratory partners, this may be included as an activity in the proposal with explanation on how it aligns with the purpose, strategies, and outcomes specified for this focus area. Some public health laboratories already have excellent systems in place for sharing information with clinical laboratories.


Specific projects or initiatives are not listed in the NOFO. If applicant intends to use L-SIP as an activity to meet one or more of the intended outcomes or objectives, it can be included in the workplan in alignment with the purpose, strategies, and outcomes specified for this focus area, and measures should be included in the Evaluation and Performance Measure plan.


Activities may fall under more than one strategy category. The applicant should consult with focus area point of contacts to determine appropriate alignment of activities to the strategies and outcomes defined in the NOFO logic model.

  • Increase the proportion of state public health laboratories that provide comprehensive laboratory services to support emerging public health issues.
  • Increase the proportion of state public health laboratories that have implemented emerging technology to provide enhanced laboratory services. pdf iconexternal icon


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) approved the Healthy People 2030 framework in June 2018, which explains the central ideas and functions of the Healthy People 2030 Initiative. The Secretary’s Advisory Committee on National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives for 2030 is a federal advisory committee responsible for making recommendations to the Secretary of HHS for the development and implementation of the national health promotion and disease prevention objectives for 2030, and this work is currently still ongoing. Once the details of HP2030 are finalized and supersede HP 2020, they will need to be referenced as a guide for this cooperative agreement. In the meantime, an applicant can begin to use the HP 2030 framework as a point of reference.


Since strategies S3.1 and S3.3 pertain to training and workforce development, they are most appropriately addressed under the Workforce Development focus area (Appendix I). However, there can be collaborations for cross-cutting projects and activities between different focus areas to meet the respective needs and outcomes. If there is overlap between the process and outcome measures used for different focus areas, the same measures could be used with an explanation of how they apply to each focus area.

Appendix I Workforce Development:

Does this restriction only apply to the training in appendix I?


CDC guidelines state that the products produced with government funds should be accessible to the public at no additional charge. This would include training products, publications, and all materials developed with funds of this cooperative agreement.

Question A: What is the basis for making this requirement?

Question B: What is the intent and scope of this statement?

Question C: What attendance fees can be recovered? How are meal fees recovered? What training activities and formats does this cover?

Answer: (To the three questions above) CSELS/DLS consulted with the Grants Management Officer, Office of Grants Services (OGS), who advised that the recipient of the cooperative agreement submit on a case by case basis a request to OGS for approval to charge registration or other fees for conferences, trainings, etc. Any program income accrued must support programmatic activities of the cooperative agreement, it must not result in a profit to the recipient.

What does “laboratorians in diverse environments” mean?


The intent is to acknowledge that the target audience works in many kinds of environments and, so, training and workforce development activities and resources should reflect this reality, as appropriate and feasible. These environments include state and local public health laboratories (to include environmental, food, veterinary, and agriculture laboratories considered public health laboratories) as well as sentinel and other clinical laboratories when they are part of the intended audience (to include hospital laboratories, doctor’s office laboratories, and other sorts of clinical laboratories as appropriate).

Will the recipient be restricted only to developing “basic laboratory skills” trainings to meet “foundational needs”?


No. The intent is that basic laboratory skills is an emphasis, but not the sole category of possible trainings.

Question A:What is the defined period for “regular”?

Question B: How is this done in collaboration with CDC?

Answer: (To the two questions above) For issues in the NOFO that the applicant needs clarification or discussion with CDC, appropriate CDC program staff will be available to provide consultation and support. Applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to ensure that the work plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.

Question A: Who will be the owner of the training plans and the yearly training calendar, applicant or CDC?

Question B: How is this done in collaboration with CDC?

Question C: Does this align with the applicant and CDC disease specific scientific programs needs and activities?

Answer: (To the three questions above) Training plans and yearly training calendars will be carried out by the applicant with CDC’s guidance and collaboration. While the training plans and calendars will be informed by CDC, they will be “owned” and executed by the applicant. The workforce development activities that will be conducted in collaboration with the CDC Division of Laboratory Systems under this focus area should be reflected on the applicant’s own training plan and calendar. The applicant should refer to specific scientific programs’ technical monitors for information about other training plans and calendars for other focus areas. The applicant is encouraged to collaborate across focus areas within their organization to ensure awareness and avoid duplication of efforts. This could lead to a master plan and calendar that captures all workforce activities with all CDC programs under this cooperative agreement.

Question A:What programs would be covered under this: Applicant developed, CDC developed, jointly developed?

Question B: Are there jointly developed programs?

Answer: (To the two questions above) For issues in the NOFO that the applicant needs clarification or discussion with CDC, appropriate CDC program staff will be available to provide consultation and support, including guidance for co-branded/logo-licensed programs, products, and resources that will require CDC review and approval. Applicant is expected to work with appropriate CDC staff to ensure that the work plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.

Question A: What is the intent of this requirement?

Question B: Is this solely the responsibility of TWD?

Question C: How would this be measured?

Question D: What is the scope of this requirement?

Answer: (To the four questions above) The intent is to give the applicant flexibility in addressing challenges in the recruitment and retention of public health laboratory leaders, managers, and scientists. CDC does not want to be prescriptive here in determining what programs should be put in place. The solutions mentioned are generally the responsibility of the applicant. As stated above, applicant is required to submit a detailed Evaluation and Performance Measurement plan within 6 months of the award. The plan should describe the mechanism and timeframe for establishing a baseline and defining targets for improvement. Applicant is expected to work with CDC staff to ensure that the evaluation plan is feasible and consistent with proposed focus area activities, the intent of this NOFO, and CDC’s evaluation approach.

Question A:What is the intent of this requirement?

Question B: How is this specific to TWD?

Answer: (To the two questions above) The Year One work plan for this focus area should include a COOP so that if a public health emergency occurs, the organization has the flexibility to pause efforts on non-essential training activities and respond to the laboratory training needs related to the public health emergency.

Question A: Is this only applicable to the work under this appendix?

Question B: If not, shouldn’t this be part of Appendix A?

Answer: (To the two questions above) This bullet about the requirement to post all electronic versions of products developed in support of this cooperative agreement on the recipient, CDC, or both websites is only applicable to the workforce development focus area. Applicant should consult with appropriate CDC program staff on whether there is a requirement to post electronic versions of products developed for other focus areas. However, all electronic versions of products posted or otherwise distributed in support of this cooperative agreement must be 508 compliant. Page 33 of the NOFO includes 508 compliance as one of the administrative requirements associated with this cooperative agreement.

Question C: What is the definition of “all electronic versions of products”?

Question D: What modalities is this specifically referring to (e.g. online courses, guides, handouts, electronic documents, etc.)?

Answer: (To the two questions above) Electronic versions of products refer to a variety of products including elearning courses, electronically distributed job aids and handouts, and other electronic documents intended for external audiences. The recipient can consult with appropriate CDC program staff on a resource-by-resource basis to determine which products should be posted electronically.

Question E: What software applications or authoring software tools are the products to be developed in?

Answer: Any elearning courses should be developed using the most current version of Lectora Inspire. Development of any eLearning courses should be approved and reviewed by appropriate CDC program staff.

Page last reviewed: January 15, 2020