
The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP), through its Division of Population Health (DPH), provides information on Chronic Disease Indicators (CDI) that allows states and territories to uniformly define, collect, and report chronic disease data important to public health practice. In addition to providing access to indicator data, the CDI website provides a gateway to additional information and data resources. 

The Chronic Disease Indicators system is an electronic repository of current and historical data and provides data on over 200 indicators. The system provides easier access to data and user customization of visualizations. Using the system will result in enhanced chronic disease surveillance, better-informed policymaking, and facilitation of chronic disease program evaluation by state/territory and large health departments.

The CDI Home Page

CDI Data Home Page - Instruction pointing to "Explore CDI Data by Location". Use this section to view all indicators for a location by selecting a location and clicking GO, or by selecting a location from the map. Instructions for "Explore CDI Data by Indicator". Use this section to view an indicator for all available locations by selecting a category and clicking GO. Instructions for Compairson Report. Use this section to compare data between locations. Instructions for "Use the Data Portal". Click here to access the data portal, where you can download CDI data and create custom visualizations.

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