Xenia’s Story (2:12): Audio Descriptive Transcript Audio descriptive text Title card with “Xenia’s Story”. Xenia speaking to camera in her living room. Art card with “Xenia, Endometrial and Uterine Cancer Survivor”. Xenia speaking to camera in her living room. Photos of Xenia and friends. Xenia speaking to camera in her living room. Photos and Video of Xenia and friends at Cancer-to-5K marathon. Xenia speaking to camera in her living room. Images of Xenia’s social posts. Xenia speaking to camera in her living room. Photos of Xenia and friends. Xenia speaking to camera in her living room. Photos of Xenia and friends. Xenia speaking to camera in her living room. Photo of Xenia and participants of Cancer-to-5K marathon. The last screen shows “Find your road to recovery after cancer” with a link to cdc.gov/cancer/survivors and the Departament of Health and Human Services and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention logos. Video description Xenia faced infertility at age 31 after treatment for endometrial and uterine cancers. Learn how she established a support system of peers and found a new version of herself after cancer.