Jasmine’s Story: Preventing Cervical Cancer – 90 second version Audio Descriptive Text: A woman sits in an interview type setting talking directly to the camera. A transition flashes across the screen and shows the woman standing with an image of herself as a young fashionable girl projected on her torso. The screen cuts to the woman standing now with an image of two young women dancing projected on her torso. Another transition comes in and an image of the woman, now a little older, sitting on a park bench is projected on her torso. The screen cuts back to the women talking to camera. Camera cuts to a close up of the woman’s forearm where a picture of her great-grandmother and grandmother are projected. A transition fills the screen, and the woman is in interview talking to the camera. The transition comes back, and we see the woman’s torso with a video of her playing basketball is projected on her. Now a picture of a doctor on her torso. The Transition comes back and the woman is in interview talking to camera. Transition comes back and we see a close up on the woman’s head with a hyper lapsed video of a road projected on her. The screen cuts to black. The screen fades up from black back on to a close up of of the woman’s head. An image of a mother’s hand holding a baby’s hand is projected. The transition comes back to a side profile of the woman’s head. Projected on the side of her face is a cell phone. The transition cuts to her torso where an image of her mother is projected. The transition cuts to the woman sitting in interview, talking directly to camera. The transition cuts to a close up of the back of the woman’s hand where we see a picture of her baby boy projected. Transition cuts the woman standing and an image of her on a boat taking a selfie is projected. The transition comes in once more to the woman sitting in interview talking directly to camera. We transition into an end card The final screen displays text: “Regular screenings, like a Pap or HPV test, can prevent cervical cancer. Schedule your appointment today.” The CDC and IK logo and directs viewers to visit cdc.gov/cancer/knowledge. Video Summary This video is about a young woman named Jasmine who tells her story of having prevented cancer by attending her routine cervical screenings.