Lauren’s Family History of Breast Cancer: Breaking the Cycle Nearly every woman in Lauren’s family has had breast cancer and she is determined to not let history repeat itself. Learn how she broke the cycle of silence to learn about her breast cancer risk. Audio Descriptive Text • Super comes up with “Lauren On breaking with family traditions” • Clips of Lauren sitting and being interviewed are shown throughout the video. • Lauren’s family photos are shown. • More family photos are shown. • Photos of Lauren are shown. • More family photos are shown. • Super comes up with “It’s Time to Talk About Breast Cancer Risk” • The last screen shows “BRING YOUR BRAVE” with the logos for the National Association for Chronic Disease Directors and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and directs viewers to visit: Script [Lauren] Living with hereditary risk of breast cancer feels like you’re just living a normal life and then quickly going right back into a black cloud of, will this catch up with me? So, almost every woman in my family has had breast cancer and I wanna do anything I can to not have history repeat itself. So, when I was thinking about starting a family and went to my OB-GYN for my yearly checkup, she sort of took a step back with the family history and said, “Wow.” She said, “Has your mom had genetic testing done? And if not, she needs to. And this needs to be something that you’re thinking a lot about.” So, my mom found out that she was negative for BRCA1 and 2, and I’m also at BRCA negative as well. It was certainly something to be relieved about, but it’s undeniable that there’s some hereditary cancer in the family that is yet to be discovered. And it just sort of leaves you feeling like you want to do something to not have this happen to you, but you don’t know what this might mean. But you know, in my family, generation after generation, the mentality was to not think about it, because it’s scary. But now my mentality is I am so fortunate to have access to testing, and to amazing physicians, and I want to stay ahead of this, I want to be super vigilant, and I don’t want to have cancer.