Hannah’s Family History of Breast Cancer: Feeling Lucky When Hannah found a lump in her breast she had to face a fear she always had. Her diagnosis led to family discussions about the generations of women who have had breast cancer in their family. Audio Descriptive Text • Super comes up with “Hannah On feeling lucky” • Clips of Hannah sitting and being interviewed are shown throughout the video. • A photo of Hannah is shown. • Hannah’s family photos are shown. • A radiologist is shown viewing results. • Genetic testing machine is shown. • A photo of Hannah is shown. • Hannah’s family photos are shown. • More family photos are shown. • Super comes up with “It’s Time to Talk About Breast Cancer Risk” • The last screen shows “BRING YOUR BRAVE” with the logos for the National Association for Chronic Disease Directors and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and directs viewers to visit: cdc.gov/bringyourbrave Script [Hannah] One evening, I was just sort of rubbing on my chest and I very distinctly remember that it felt different. I noticed a lump in my right breast and I knew I was about to confront fear that I had always had. Numerous family members had died of breast cancer. And it seemed to show up each generation between sisters and I have one sister. So I’ve always had this feeling of like is it gonna be me or her? So the radiologist gave me the news that it looked like Stage Zero breast cancer. They did genetic testing, and that’s when I learned that I have the BRCA1 genetic mutation. It was just like a bomb went off that was just bigger than the cancer. It was this shocking sort of discovery for our family. You know, I think for my parents they felt bad that one of them may have given me this and that was part of the reason that I was in this situation. But I felt so lucky to have discovered it when I did because I had no pause. I absolutely was going to get a double mastectomy. And I was absolutely not gonna take chances. I have two young children. They mean everything to me. And so it was almost like just a simple decision. Like absolutely take it. I wanna be here. Now I’m here, I’m cancer-free, I’m healthy. You know, again lucky. I just feel lucky.