Arnaldo and Vanessa’s Family History: Facing Breast Cancer Together Audio Description: Super comes up with "Arnaldo and Vanessa on Facing Cancer Together" Arnaldo and Vanessa are shown sitting and being interviewed throughout the video. A clip of an empty hospital hallway is shown. A clip of a cell phone ringing with a private number shown. Clips of test tubes, a droppet, and other machinery used for genetic testing is shown. Super comes up with "BRCA2." Super comes up with "Having a BRCA gene mutation raises your risk of breast cancer and other cancers." Photos of Vanessa and her dad Arnaldo throughout the years are shown. A clip of dad calling as a cell phone rings is shown. A clip of a doctor's hands talking to the patient is shown. Photos of Vanessa and Arnaldo throughout the years are shown. Photos of Vanessa and Arnaldo going through chemotherapy treatment together are shown. A clip of Vanessa and Arnaldo walking in the park is shown. Photos of Vanessa and Arnaldo throughout the years are shown. A clip of Vanessa and Arnaldo holding hands is shown. A clip of Vanessa and Arnaldo sitting on a park bench is shown. Super comes up with "It's Time to Talk About Breast Cancer". The last screen shows "BRING YOUR BRAVE" with the logos for the National Association for Chronic Disease Directors and the CDC, and directs viewers to visit: Video Summary While most fathers and daughters bond over things like dancing or fishing or basketball, Vanessa and her father Arnaldo grew closer when they faced breast cancer treatment together.