Social Media Posts and Images

Use these suggested posts and images to spread the word about cancer survivors on social media.

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Suggested Posts

Are you living with cancer? From dealing with physical symptoms to managing stress, everyone’s cancer journey has challenges, and CDC is here to guide you through it at every step. Learn more:

Your cancer story is your own, whether you’re just diagnosed, in treatment, or in remission. But remember that you are not alone, and CDC is here to guide you during the toughest parts of your journey. Find out more:

Navigating relationships, family, and sexual health is challenging after a cancer diagnosis. Find expert information, practical tips, and trusted resources that may help.

People who have or had cancer may find it hard to talk to family and friends. It’s important to share how you’re feeling and accept help.

Cancer’s impact extends beyond physical health. People who had cancer need time to recover, improve their mental health, and process their emotions.

Nutrition, physical activity, and sleep are important for anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer, and are key to your recovery and well-being.

There is no “right” way to feel after cancer treatment. Each person’s experience is unique. Learn about ways to cope with some of the most common emotions after cancer treatment.