National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program Quotes from Awardee Staff and Women Served Arctic Slope Native Association Unlimited “I’ve always heard horror stories about how bad a mammogram hurt. Now I feel silly for waiting so long to have it done. Thank you for doing this for our community.” California Department of Health Services “We had so many women come who were scared, nervous, and anxious but left feeling like they were cared for. Some women had gone several years since their last exam, several had lumps that they hadn’t gotten checked out, and others had a family history of breast cancer.” Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment “It helps to see a familiar face in the clinic. Someone who understood my experience would make it so I would be more likely to access care.” Delaware Department of Health and Social Services “When it comes to getting a mammogram, the earlier the better. If you find it, with all the technology, you can deal with it, live with it, and have a good life.” Florida Department of Health “The importance of this program is immeasurable. It has helped so many women who could not have afforded care otherwise.” Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services “Saturday clinics are very beneficial. As a working mother, I don’t have to rush to my appointment or ask for time off.” Kaw Nation of Oklahoma “So many women would not receive the care and follow-up they need if it was not for your program.” Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention “It’s really important for an organization to show employees how much they care about their health and well-being. I kinda just hope [we] start a trend, and other employers start picking up on this.” Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene “I am very grateful for the help I received through this program. Thanks to this program, I have been able to get ahead in my cancer process and see my children grow up.” Massachusetts Department of Health “After doing an education session that included the HPV vaccine at a mosque, two moms told me they had no idea what it was and refused it for their daughters at their annual physical appointments, but want to go back and ask that their children be vaccinated. A third said her son’s annual physical is coming up soon and she will ask his doctor for it.” Mississippi State Department of Health “This program is a blessing for me because I could not afford a mammogram, having lost my job earlier this year. I was not sure of what I would do.” Nebraska Health and Human Services “I had a woman come into my office to do the risk assessment. She had no insurance coverage. We had just been talking a short while, and she was in tears. I asked her what was wrong. She said, ‘I am just so grateful. Here I am 61 years old and I have never gotten a mammogram. I have never been able to afford one. Thank you.’” New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services “I had found a breast lump. I ended up being diagnosed with breast cancer, but at an early stage. Through the kindness, support, and resources made available to me through the program and staff, I was able to get the care and treatment I needed and am alive today because of it!” New York State Department of Health “I knew I was overdue for a mammogram. I kept putting it off because I don’t have health insurance or much savings. When I learned about the Cancer Services Program, I called right away. I got my mammogram and I’m so glad that I did. I was treated with dignity and respect.” Oregon Health Authority “I went for my first mammogram through the free mobile mammogram program. Everyone was so warm and friendly that I felt very comfortable and at ease. They made the process really easy and I left feeling so happy I had gone.” Rhode Island Department of Health “It means so much to me that this program is helping me get the health care I need to stay proactive against breast cancer.”