LLCP 2019 Codebook Report
Overall version data weighted with _LLCPWT
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
July 31, 2020



Label: State FIPS Code
Section Name: Record Identification
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 1
Column: 1-2
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: _STATE
Question Prologue:
Question:  State FIPS Code
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Alabama 7,052 1.69 1.51
2 Alaska 2,977 0.71 0.22
4 Arizona 8,941 2.14 2.24
5 Arkansas 5,359 1.28 0.92
6 California 11,613 2.78 12.22
8 Colorado 9,317 2.23 1.79
9 Connecticut 9,163 2.19 1.13
10 Delaware 3,897 0.93 0.31
11 District of Columbia 2,624 0.63 0.23
12 Florida 16,959 4.05 6.92
13 Georgia 7,354 1.76 3.23
15 Hawaii 7,684 1.84 0.44
16 Idaho 5,474 1.31 0.53
17 Illinois 5,512 1.32 3.91
18 Indiana 8,894 2.13 2.05
19 Iowa 9,803 2.34 0.97
20 Kansas 11,368 2.72 0.88
21 Kentucky 7,974 1.91 1.38
22 Louisiana 4,718 1.13 1.41
23 Maine 11,373 2.72 0.43
24 Maryland 17,419 4.16 1.88
25 Massachusetts 7,731 1.85 2.21
26 Michigan 10,518 2.51 3.12
27 Minnesota 15,539 3.72 1.73
28 Mississippi 5,126 1.23 0.91
29 Missouri 7,304 1.75 1.89
30 Montana 6,495 1.55 0.33
31 Nebraska 15,869 3.79 0.58
32 Nevada 2,779 0.66 0.95
33 New Hampshire 5,856 1.40 0.44
35 New Mexico 5,975 1.43 0.64
36 New York 14,232 3.40 6.12
37 North Carolina 4,287 1.02 3.26
38 North Dakota 5,534 1.32 0.23
39 Ohio 13,536 3.24 3.62
40 Oklahoma 6,335 1.51 1.19
41 Oregon 6,112 1.46 1.34
42 Pennsylvania 6,606 1.58 4.04
44 Rhode Island 6,110 1.46 0.34
45 South Carolina 7,146 1.71 1.61
46 South Dakota 6,630 1.59 0.27
47 Tennessee 6,242 1.49 2.11
48 Texas 12,297 2.94 8.63
49 Utah 11,792 2.82 0.91
50 Vermont 6,457 1.54 0.20
51 Virginia 9,952 2.38 2.66
53 Washington 12,993 3.11 2.38
54 West Virginia 5,301 1.27 0.57
55 Wisconsin 4,951 1.18 1.81
56 Wyoming 4,630 1.11 0.18
66 Guam 2,426 0.58 0.04
72 Puerto Rico 6,032 1.44 1.08



Label: File Month
Section Name: Record Identification
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 8
Column: 17-18
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: FMONTH
Question Prologue:
Question:  File Month
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 January 30,115 7.20 8.27
2 February 30,571 7.31 6.51
3 March 33,352 7.97 6.95
4 April 41,837 10.00 12.00
5 May 34,171 8.17 7.92
6 June 36,502 8.73 8.59
7 July 40,936 9.79 12.67
8 August 34,246 8.19 7.04
9 September 33,670 8.05 7.07
10 October 38,478 9.20 9.85
11 November 34,229 8.18 6.91
12 December 30,161 7.21 6.23



Label: Interview Date
Section Name: Record Identification
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 9
Column: 19-26
Type of Variable: Char
SAS Variable Name: IDATE
Question Prologue:
Question:  Interview Date
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
HIDDEN Data not displayed
Notes: Due to the nature of the data or the size of the table for display, this information is not printed for this report
418,268 100.00 100.00



Label: Interview Month
Section Name: Record Identification
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 10
Column: 19-20
Type of Variable: Char
SAS Variable Name: IMONTH
Question Prologue:
Question:  Interview Month
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 January 24,427 5.84 5.36
2 February 33,809 8.08 8.19
3 March 35,963 8.60 8.49
4 April 36,114 8.63 8.67
5 May 38,330 9.16 9.47
6 June 39,162 9.36 10.14
7 July 39,936 9.55 9.48
8 August 34,099 8.15 7.95
9 September 32,591 7.79 8.15
10 October 37,611 8.99 9.70
11 November 35,299 8.44 7.61
12 December 30,927 7.39 6.80



Label: Interview Day
Section Name: Record Identification
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 11
Column: 21-22
Type of Variable: Char
SAS Variable Name: IDAY
Question Prologue:
Question:  Interview Day
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Interview Day 12,938 3.09 2.86
2   14,494 3.47 3.15
3   15,748 3.77 3.63
4   16,063 3.84 3.77
5   16,854 4.03 3.89
6   16,858 4.03 3.86
7   16,559 3.96 3.88
8   15,828 3.78 3.98
9   16,032 3.83 3.86
10   15,961 3.82 3.90
11   16,252 3.89 3.95
12   14,868 3.55 3.51
13   14,857 3.55 3.54
14   14,206 3.40 3.42
15   14,207 3.40 3.49
16   14,660 3.50 3.41
17   13,962 3.34 3.34
18   14,476 3.46 3.54
19   13,743 3.29 3.32
20   12,686 3.03 3.18
21   11,866 2.84 2.83
22   12,830 3.07 3.06
23   12,746 3.05 3.16
24   11,561 2.76 2.89
25   11,591 2.77 2.81
26   11,349 2.71 2.79
27   10,279 2.46 2.39
28   9,780 2.34 2.38
29   9,684 2.32 2.35
30   9,890 2.36 2.47
31   5,440 1.30 1.38



Label: Interview Year
Section Name: Record Identification
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 12
Column: 23-26
Type of Variable: Char
SAS Variable Name: IYEAR
Question Prologue:
Question:  Interview Year
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
2019   399,618 95.54 96.12
2020   18,650 4.46 3.88



Label: Final Disposition
Section Name: Record Identification
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 14
Column: 32-35
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: DISPCODE
Question Prologue:
Question:  Final Disposition
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1100 Completed Interview 345,315 82.56 75.17
1200 Partial Complete Interview 72,953 17.44 24.83



Label: Annual Sequence Number
Section Name: Record Identification
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 15
Column: 36-45
Type of Variable: Char
SAS Variable Name: SEQNO
Question Prologue:
Question:  Annual Sequence Number
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
HIDDEN Data not displayed 418,268 100.00 100.00



Label: Primary Sampling Unit
Section Name: Record Identification
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 16
Column: 36-45
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: _PSU
Question Prologue:
Question:  Primary Sampling Unit (Equal to Annual Sequence Number)
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
HIDDEN Data not displayed
Notes: Value should be unique for a state for a year. Due to the nature of the data or the size of the table for display, this information is not printed for this report
418,268 100.00 100.00



Label: Correct telephone number?
Section Name: Land Line Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 1
Column: 63
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CTELENM1
Question Prologue: Variable only on the land line survey
Question:  Is this     (phone number)     ?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes—Go to LL.02, PVTRESD1 149,941 100.00 100.00
BLANK Missing
Notes: QSTVER > = 20
268,327 . .



Label: Private Residence?
Section Name: Land Line Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 2
Column: 64
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: PVTRESD1
Question Prologue: Variable only on the land line survey
Question:  Is this a private residence?   [READ ONLY IF NECESSARY: “By private residence, we mean someplace like a house or apartment.”]
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes—Go to LL.04, STATERE1 149,903 99.97 99.92
2 No—Go to LL.03, COLGHOUS 38 0.03 0.08
BLANK Missing
Notes: QSTVER >= 20
268,327 . .



Label: Do you live in college housing?
Section Name: Land Line Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 3
Column: 65
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: COLGHOUS
Question Prologue: Variable only on the land line survey
Question:  Do you live in college housing?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes—Go to LL.04, STATERE1 38 100.00 100.00
BLANK Missing
Notes: QSTVER >= 20; or PVTRESD1=1
418,230 . .



Label: Resident of State
Section Name: Land Line Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 4
Column: 66
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: STATERE1
Question Prologue: Variable only on the land line survey
Question:  Do you currently live in  ____(state)____?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes—Go to LL.05, CELPHONE 149,941 100.00 100.00
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: QSTVER >= 20
268,327 . .



Label: Cellular Telephone
Section Name: Land Line Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 5
Column: 67
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CELPHONE
Question Prologue: Variable only on the land line survey
Question:  Is this a cell telephone?  (Telephone service over the internet counts as landline service (includes Vonage, Magic Jack and other home-based phone services).)[Read only if necessary: “By cellular (or cell) telephone we mean a telephone that is mobile and usable outside of your neighborhood.”]
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
2 No—Go to LL.06, LADULT1 149,940 100.00 100.00
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: QSTVER >= 20
268,328 . .



Label: Are you 18 years of age or older?
Section Name: Land Line Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 6
Column: 68
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: LADULT1
Question Prologue: Variable only on the land line survey
Question:  Are you 18 years of age or older?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes—If LL.03, COLGHOUS, is 1 go to LL.07, COLGSEX; else go to LL.08, NUMADULT 149,941 100.00 100.00
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: QSTVER >= 20
268,327 . .



Label: Are you male or female?
Section Name: Land Line Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 7
Column: 69
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: COLGSEX
Question Prologue:
Question:  Are you male or female?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Male—Go to Section 01.01 GENHLTH 13 34.21 31.38
2 Female—Go to Section 01.01 GENHLTH 25 65.79 68.62
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: QSTVER >= 20; or if LL.03, COLGHOUS, is not coded 1
418,230 . .



Label: Number of Adults in Household
Section Name: Land Line Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 8
Column: 70-71
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: NUMADULT
Question Prologue: Variable only on the land line survey
Question:  I need to randomly select one adult who lives in your household to be interviewed. Excluding adults living away from home, such as students away at college, how many members of your household, including yourself, are 18 years of age or older?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Number of adults in the household—Go to LL.09, LANDSEX 63,263 42.20 24.44
2 Number of adults in the household—Go to LL.10, NUMMEN 70,025 46.71 51.38
3 Number of adults in the household—Go to LL.10, NUMMEN 11,750 7.84 15.11
4 Number of adults in the household—Go to LL.10, NUMMEN 3,636 2.43 6.64
5 Number of adults in the household—Go to LL.10, NUMMEN 884 0.59 1.74
6 - 99 6 or more—Go to LL.10, NUMMEN 360 0.24 0.69
BLANK Missing
Notes: QSTVER >= 20
268,350 . .



Label: Are you male or female?
Section Name: Land Line Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 9
Column: 72
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: LANDSEX
Question Prologue:
Question:  Are you male or female?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Male—Go to C01.01, GENHLTH 20,032 31.67 32.20
2 Female—Go to C01.01, GENHLTH 43,230 68.33 67.80
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: QSTVER >= 20; or if NUMADULT > 1;
355,006 . .



Label: Number of Adult men in Household
Section Name: Land Line Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 10
Column: 73-74
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: NUMMEN
Question Prologue: Variable only on the land line survey
Question:  How many of these adults are men?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
0 Number of adult men in the household 38,824 28.25 17.85
1 Number of adult men in the household 87,237 63.48 64.71
2 Number of adult men in the household 9,533 6.94 13.81
3 Number of adult men in the household 1,549 1.13 3.00
4 Number of adult men in the household 223 0.16 0.54
5 Number of adult men in the household 37 0.03 0.04
6 - 99 6 or more 20 0.01 0.04
BLANK Missing
Notes: QSTVER >= 20; or if LL.08, NUMADULT, is equal to 1
280,845 . .



Label: Number of Adult women in Household
Section Name: Land Line Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 11
Column: 75-76
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: NUMWOMEN
Question Prologue: Variable only on the land line survey
Question:  So the number of women in the household is [X]. Is that correct?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
0 Number of adult women in the household 17,749 12.92 8.34
1 Number of adult women in the household 106,396 77.42 72.88
2 Number of adult women in the household 11,356 8.26 15.28
3 Number of adult women in the household 1,623 1.18 2.88
4 Number of adult women in the household 241 0.18 0.50
5 Number of adult women in the household 35 0.03 0.06
6 - 99 6 or more 20 0.01 0.06
BLANK Missing
Notes: QSTVER >= 20; or if LL.08, NUMADULT, is equal to 1
280,848 . .



Label: Respondent selection
Section Name: Land Line Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 12
Column: 77
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: RESPSLCT
Question Prologue:
Question:  The person in your household that I need to speak with is [XXX]. Are you the [XXX] in this household
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Male—Go to Section 01.01 GENHLTH 32,830 45.18 43.71
2 Female—Go to Section 01.01 GENHLTH 39,837 54.82 56.29
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: QSTVER >= 20; or if LL.08, NUMADULT, is equal to 1
345,601 . .



Label: Safe time to talk
Section Name: Cell Phone Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 1
Column: 78
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: SAFETIME
Question Prologue: Variable only on the cell phone survey
Question:  Is this a safe time to talk with you?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes—Go to CP.02, CTELNUM1 268,327 100.00 100.00
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: QSTVER < 20
149,941 . .



Label: Correct Phone Number?
Section Name: Cell Phone Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 2
Column: 79
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CTELNUM1
Question Prologue: Variable only on the cell phone survey
Question:  Is this     (phone number)     ?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes—Go to CP.03, CELLFON5 268,327 100.00 100.00
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: QSTVER < = 20
149,941 . .



Label: Is this a cell phone?
Section Name: Cell Phone Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 3
Column: 80
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CELLFON5
Question Prologue: Variable only on the cell phone survey
Question:  Is this a cell phone?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes—Go to CP.04, CADULT1 268,327 100.00 100.00
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: QSTVER < 20
149,941 . .



Label: Are you 18 years of age or older?
Section Name: Cell Phone Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 4
Column: 81
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CADULT1
Question Prologue: Variable only on the cell phone survey
Question:  Are you 18 years of age or older?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes—Go to CP.05, CELLSEX 268,324 100.00 100.00
BLANK Not asked or Missing 149,944 . .



Label: Are you male or female?
Section Name: Cell Phone Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 5
Column: 82
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CELLSEX
Question Prologue:
Question:  Are you male or female?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Male—Go to CP.06, PVTRESD3 133,659 49.81 51.16
2 Female—Go to CP.06, PVTRESD3 134,659 50.19 48.84
BLANK Not asked or Missing 149,950 . .



Label: Do you live in a private residence?
Section Name: Cell Phone Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 6
Column: 83
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: PVTRESD3
Question Prologue: Variable only on the cell phone survey
Question:  Do you live in a private residence?  (By private residence, we mean someplace like a house or apartment.)
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes—Go to CP.08, CSTATE1 267,181 99.57 99.37
2 No—Go to CP.07 CCLGHOUS 1,146 0.43 0.63
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: QSTVER < 20
149,941 . .



Label: Do you live in college housing?
Section Name: Cell Phone Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 7
Column: 84
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CCLGHOUS
Question Prologue: Variable only on the cell phone survey
Question:  Do you live in college housing?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes—Go to CP.08, CSTATE1 1,146 100.00 100.00
BLANK Missing
Notes: QSTVER < 20; or PVTRESD3=1
417,122 . .



Label: Do you currently live in  ____(state)____?
Section Name: Cell Phone Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 8
Column: 85
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CSTATE1
Question Prologue: Variable only on the cell phone survey
Question:  Do you currently live in  ____(state)____?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes—Go to CP.10, LANDLINE 251,824 93.85 88.92
2 No—Go to CP.09, RSPSTAT1 16,500 6.15 11.08
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: QSTVER < 20
149,944 . .



Label: Do you also have a landline telephone?
Section Name: Cell Phone Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 10
Column: 88
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: LANDLINE
Question Prologue: Variable only on the cell phone survey
Question:  Do you also have a landline telephone in your home that is used to make and receive calls?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 73,888 27.54 25.27
2 No 193,594 72.16 74.49
7 Don’t know/Not sure 376 0.14 0.14
9 Refused 426 0.16 0.11
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: QSTVER < 20
149,984 . .



Label: Number of Adults in Household
Section Name: Cell Phone Introduction
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 11
Column: 89-90
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HHADULT
Question Prologue: Variable only on the cell phone survey
Question:  How many members of your household, including yourself, are 18 years of age or older?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 76 Number of adults 266,678 99.39 99.35
77 Don’t know/Not sure 303 0.11 0.13
99 Refused 1,339 0.50 0.52
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: QSTVER < 20
149,948 . .



Label: Sex of Respondent
Section Name: Respondent Sex
Section Number: 0
Question Number: 1
Column: 91
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: SEXVAR
Question Prologue:
Question:  Sex of Respondent
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Male—Code=1 if LANDSEX=1 or CELLSEX=1 or COLGSEX=1 189,849 45.39 48.72
2 Female—Code=2 if LANDSEX=2 or CELLSEX=2 or COLGSEX=2 228,419 54.61 51.28



Label: General Health
Section Name: Health Status
Core Section Number: 1
Question Number: 1
Column: 101
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: GENHLTH
Question Prologue:
Question:  Would you say that in general your health is:
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Excellent 65,946 15.77 17.35
2 Very good 135,814 32.47 31.39
3 Good 133,631 31.95 32.27
4 Fair 59,725 14.28 14.09
5 Poor 22,105 5.29 4.68
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 741 0.18 0.15
9 Refused 280 0.07 0.07
BLANK Not asked or Missing 26 . .



Label: Number of Days Physical Health Not Good
Section Name: Healthy Days
Core Section Number: 2
Question Number: 1
Column: 102-103
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: PHYSHLTH
Question Prologue:
Question:  Now thinking about your physical health, which includes physical illness and injury, for how many days during the past 30 days was your physical health not good?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 30 Number of days 155,367 37.15 35.97
88 None 252,492 60.37 61.66
77 Don’t know/Not sure 8,855 2.12 2.03
99 Refused 1,522 0.36 0.35
BLANK Not asked or Missing 32 . .



Label: Number of Days Mental Health Not Good
Section Name: Healthy Days
Core Section Number: 2
Question Number: 2
Column: 104-105
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: MENTHLTH
Question Prologue:
Question:  Now thinking about your mental health, which includes stress, depression, and problems with emotions, for how many days during the past 30 days was your mental health not good?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 30 Number of days
Notes: _ _ Number of days
142,152 33.99 37.35
88 None 267,337 63.92 60.54
77 Don’t know/Not sure 6,835 1.63 1.67
99 Refused 1,925 0.46 0.43
BLANK Not asked or Missing 19 . .



Label: Poor Physical or Mental Health
Section Name: Healthy Days
Core Section Number: 2
Question Number: 3
Column: 106-107
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: POORHLTH
Question Prologue:
Question:  During the past 30 days, for about how many days did poor physical or mental health keep you from doing your usual activities, such as self-care, work, or recreation?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 30 Number of days
Notes: _ _ Number of days
100,678 43.90 44.02
88 None 122,140 53.26 53.19
77 Don’t know/Not sure 5,457 2.38 2.37
99 Refused 1,062 0.46 0.42
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 02.01, PHYSHLTH, is 88 and Section 2.02, MENTHLTH, is 88
188,931 . .



Label: Have any health care coverage
Section Name: Health Care Access
Core Section Number: 3
Question Number: 1
Column: 108
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HLTHPLN1
Question Prologue:
Question:  Do you have any kind of health care coverage, including health insurance, prepaid plans such as HMOs, or government plans such as Medicare, or Indian Health Service?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 380,524 90.98 86.51
2 No 35,669 8.53 12.87
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 1,192 0.28 0.43
9 Refused 874 0.21 0.18
BLANK Not asked or Missing 9 . .



Label: Multiple Health Care Professionals
Section Name: Health Care Access
Core Section Number: 3
Question Number: 2
Column: 109
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: PERSDOC2
Question Prologue:
Question:  Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?  (If ´No´ ask ´Is there more than one or is there no person who you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?´.)
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes, only one 312,465 74.71 68.68
2 More than one 33,292 7.96 7.58
3 No 70,598 16.88 23.16
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 1,379 0.33 0.43
9 Refused 528 0.13 0.14
BLANK Not asked or Missing 6 . .



Label: Could Not See Doctor Because of Cost
Section Name: Health Care Access
Core Section Number: 3
Question Number: 3
Column: 110
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: MEDCOST
Question Prologue:
Question:  Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 44,377 10.61 13.40
2 No 372,683 89.10 86.30
7 Don’t know/Not sure 962 0.23 0.25
9 Refused 239 0.06 0.05
BLANK Not asked or Missing 7 . .



Label: Length of time since last routine checkup
Section Name: Health Care Access
Core Section Number: 3
Question Number: 4
Column: 111
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CHECKUP1
Question Prologue:
Question:  About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?   [A routine checkup is a general physical exam, not an exam for a specific injury, illness, or condition.]
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Within past year (anytime less than 12 months ago) 333,733 79.79 75.72
2 Within past 2 years (1 year but less than 2 years ago) 38,487 9.20 10.91
3 Within past 5 years (2 years but less than 5 years ago) 20,118 4.81 6.09
4 5 or more years ago 18,658 4.46 5.23
7 Don’t know/Not sure 4,432 1.06 1.13
8 Never 2,452 0.59 0.84
9 Refused 378 0.09 0.09
BLANK Not asked or Missing 10 . .



Label: Ever Told Blood Pressure High
Section Name: Hypertension Awareness
Core Section Number: 4
Question Number: 1
Column: 112
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: BPHIGH4
Question Prologue:
Question:  Have you ever been told by a doctor, nurse or other health professional that you have high blood pressure?  (If ´Yes´ and respondent is female, ask ´Was this only when you were pregnant?´.)
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 169,634 40.56 32.52
2 Yes, but female told only during pregnancy—Go to Section 05.01 CHOLCHK2 3,072 0.73 0.90
3 No—Go to Section 05.01 CHOLCHK2 239,873 57.35 65.32
4 Told borderline high or pre-hypertensive—Go to Section 05.01 CHOLCHK2 4,117 0.98 0.90
7 Don´t know/Not Sure—Go to Section 05.01 CHOLCHK2 1,064 0.25 0.25
9 Refused—Go to Section 05.01 CHOLCHK2 504 0.12 0.11
BLANK Not asked or Missing 4 . .



Label: Currently Taking Blood Pressure Medication
Section Name: Hypertension Awareness
Core Section Number: 4
Question Number: 2
Column: 113
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: BPMEDS
Question Prologue:
Question:  Are you currently taking medicine for your high blood pressure?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 139,184 82.05 76.25
2 No 30,098 17.74 23.56
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 264 0.16 0.14
9 Refused 88 0.05 0.06
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 04.01, BPHIGH4, is coded 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, or Missing
248,634 . .



Label: How Long since Cholesterol Checked
Section Name: Cholesterol Awareness
Core Section Number: 5
Question Number: 1
Column: 114
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CHOLCHK2
Question Prologue: Blood cholesterol is a fatty substance found in the blood.
Question:  About how long has it been since you last had your blood cholesterol checked?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Never—Go to Section 06.01 CVDINFR4 23,987 5.74 7.84
2 Within the past year (anytime less than one year ago) 295,999 70.77 64.97
3 Within the past 2 years (1 year but less than 2 years ago) 38,401 9.18 10.23
4 Within the past 3 years (2 years but less than 3 years ago) 12,189 2.91 3.46
5 Within the past 4 years (3 years but less than 4 years ago) 5,211 1.25 1.44
6 Within the past 5 years (4 years but less than 5 years ago) 4,531 1.08 1.32
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 24,083 5.76 7.04
8 5 or more years ago 13,402 3.20 3.60
9 Refused—Go to Section 06.01 CVDINFR4 446 0.11 0.11
BLANK Not asked or Missing 19 . .



Label: Ever Told Blood Cholesterol High
Section Name: Cholesterol Awareness
Core Section Number: 5
Question Number: 2
Column: 115
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: TOLDHI2
Question Prologue:
Question:  Have you ever been told by a doctor, nurse or other health professional that your blood cholesterol is high?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 144,170 36.61 30.86
2 No—Go to Section 06.01 CVDINFR4 245,065 62.23 68.01
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to Section 06.01 CVDINFR4 4,198 1.07 1.04
9 Refused—Go to Section 06.01 CVDINFR4 392 0.10 0.09
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 05.01, CHOLCHK2, is coded 1, 9, or Missing
24,443 . .



Label: Currently taking medicine for high cholesterol
Section Name: Cholesterol Awareness
Core Section Number: 5
Question Number: 3
Column: 116
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CHOLMED2
Question Prologue:
Question:  Are you currently taking medicine prescribed by your doctor or other health professional for your blood cholesterol?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 92,042 63.84 57.43
2 No 51,571 35.77 42.23
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 507 0.35 0.31
9 Refused 49 0.03 0.04
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 05.01, CHOLCHK2, is coded 1, 9 or Missing; or Section 05.02, TOLDHI2, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
274,099 . .



Label: Ever Diagnosed with Heart Attack
Section Name: Chronic Health Conditions
Core Section Number: 6
Question Number: 1
Column: 117
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CVDINFR4
Question Prologue: Has a doctor, nurse, or other health professional ever told you that you had any of the following? For each, tell me “Yes”, “No”, or you’re “Not sure”:
Question:  (Ever told) you had a heart attack, also called a myocardial infarction?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 24,370 5.83 4.20
2 No 391,407 93.58 95.21
7 Don’t know/Not sure 2,286 0.55 0.55
9 Refused 195 0.05 0.04
BLANK Not asked or Missing 10 . .



Label: Ever Diagnosed with Angina or Coronary Heart Disease
Section Name: Chronic Health Conditions
Core Section Number: 6
Question Number: 2
Column: 118
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CVDCRHD4
Question Prologue:
Question:  (Ever told) you had angina or coronary heart disease?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 23,438 5.60 3.88
2 No 390,820 93.44 95.37
7 Don’t know/Not sure 3,776 0.90 0.71
9 Refused 226 0.05 0.04
BLANK Not asked or Missing 8 . .



Label: Ever Diagnosed with a Stroke
Section Name: Chronic Health Conditions
Core Section Number: 6
Question Number: 3
Column: 119
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CVDSTRK3
Question Prologue:
Question:  (Ever told) you had a stroke.
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 18,745 4.48 3.40
2 No 398,213 95.21 96.32
7 Don’t know/Not sure 1,118 0.27 0.25
9 Refused 181 0.04 0.03
BLANK Not asked or Missing 11 . .



Label: Ever Told Had Asthma
Section Name: Chronic Health Conditions
Core Section Number: 6
Question Number: 4
Column: 120
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: ASTHMA3
Question Prologue:
Question:  (Ever told) you had asthma?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 58,921 14.09 14.49
2 No—Go to Section 06.06 CHCSCNCR 357,838 85.55 85.18
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to Section 06.06 CHCSCNCR 1,317 0.31 0.29
9 Refused—Go to Section 06.06 CHCSCNCR 184 0.04 0.04
BLANK Not asked or Missing 8 . .



Label: Still Have Asthma
Section Name: Chronic Health Conditions
Core Section Number: 6
Question Number: 5
Column: 121
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: ASTHNOW
Question Prologue:
Question:  Do you still have asthma?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 38,845 65.93 61.61
2 No 18,320 31.09 35.39
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 1,726 2.93 2.95
9 Refused 30 0.05 0.05
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.04, ASTHMA3, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
359,347 . .



Label: (Ever told) you had skin cancer?
Section Name: Chronic Health Conditions
Core Section Number: 6
Question Number: 6
Column: 122
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CHCSCNCR
Question Prologue:
Question:  (Ever told) you had skin cancer?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 41,773 9.99 6.40
2 No 375,129 89.69 93.35
7 Don’t know / Not sure 1,169 0.28 0.22
9 Refused 189 0.05 0.03
BLANK Not asked or Missing 8 . .



Label: (Ever told) you had any other types of cancer?
Section Name: Chronic Health Conditions
Core Section Number: 6
Question Number: 7
Column: 123
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CHCOCNCR
Question Prologue:
Question:  (Ever told) you had any other types of cancer?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 42,727 10.22 7.07
2 No 374,347 89.50 92.66
7 Don’t know / Not sure 896 0.21 0.21
9 Refused 289 0.07 0.05
BLANK Not asked or Missing 9 . .



Label: (Ever told) (you had) chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, C.O.P.D., emphysema or chronic bronchitis?
Section Name: Chronic Health Conditions
Core Section Number: 6
Question Number: 8
Column: 124
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CHCCOPD2
Question Prologue:
Question:  (Ever told) (you had) chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, C.O.P.D., emphysema or chronic bronchitis?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 35,427 8.47 6.55
2 No 380,565 90.99 92.97
7 Don’t know / Not sure 2,053 0.49 0.44
9 Refused 215 0.05 0.04
BLANK Not asked or Missing 8 . .



Label: (Ever told) you had a depressive disorder
Section Name: Chronic Health Conditions
Core Section Number: 6
Question Number: 9
Column: 125
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: ADDEPEV3
Question Prologue:
Question:  (Ever told) (you had) a depressive disorder (including depression, major depression, dysthymia, or minor depression)?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 79,181 18.93 18.69
2 No 336,804 80.53 80.78
7 Don’t know/Not sure 1,792 0.43 0.43
9 Refused 481 0.12 0.10
BLANK Not asked or Missing 10 . .



Label: Ever told you have kidney disease?
Section Name: Chronic Health Conditions
Core Section Number: 6
Question Number: 10
Column: 126
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CHCKDNY2
Question Prologue:
Question:  Not including kidney stones, bladder infection or incontinence, were you ever told you had kidney disease?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 16,276 3.89 3.14
2 No 400,385 95.73 96.53
7 Don’t know / Not sure 1,392 0.33 0.30
9 Refused 204 0.05 0.04
BLANK Not asked or Missing 11 . .



Label: (Ever told) you had diabetes
Section Name: Chronic Health Conditions
Core Section Number: 6
Question Number: 11
Column: 127
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: DIABETE4
Question Prologue:
Question:  (Ever told) (you had) diabetes?  (If ´Yes´ and respondent is female, ask ´Was this only when you were pregnant?´. If Respondent says pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes, use response code 4.)
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 57,401 13.72 11.08
2 Yes, but female told only during pregnancy—Go to Section 07.01 HAVARTH4 3,782 0.90 1.03
3 No—Go to Section 07.01 HAVARTH4 347,091 82.98 85.57
4 No, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes—Go to Section 07.01 HAVARTH4 9,149 2.19 2.10
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to Section 07.01 HAVARTH4 605 0.14 0.17
9 Refused—Go to Section 07.01 HAVARTH4 231 0.06 0.05
BLANK Not asked or Missing 9 . .



Label: Age When Told Had Diabetes
Section Name: Chronic Health Conditions
Core Section Number: 6
Question Number: 12
Column: 128-129
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: DIABAGE3
Question Prologue:
Question:  How old were you when you were told you had diabetes?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 97 Age in years [97 = 97 and older]
Notes: _ _ Code age in years, 97 = 97 or older
53,213 92.71 93.43
98 Don’t know/Not sure 3,893 6.78 6.01
99 Refused 294 0.51 0.56
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.11, DIABETE4, is coded 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, or Missing
360,868 . .



Label: Told Had Arthritis
Section Name: Arthritis
Core Section Number: 7
Question Number: 1
Column: 130
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HAVARTH4
Question Prologue:
Question:  (Ever told) (you had) some form of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, or fibromyalgia?  (Arthritis diagnoses include: rheumatism, polymyalgia rheumatica; osteoarthritis (not osteporosis); tendonitis, bursitis, bunion, tennis elbow; carpal tunnel syndrome, tarsal tunnel syndrome; joint infection, etc.)
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 139,703 33.40 24.86
2 No—Go to Section 08.01 AGE 276,020 65.99 74.55
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to Section 08.01 AGE 2,286 0.55 0.54
9 Refused—Go to Section 08.01 AGE 249 0.06 0.05
BLANK Not asked or Missing 10 . .



Label: Dr. Suggest Use of Physical Activity or Exercise for Arthritis or Joint Symptoms
Section Name: Arthritis
Core Section Number: 7
Question Number: 2
Column: 131
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: ARTHEXER
Question Prologue:
Question:  Has a doctor or other health professional ever suggested physical activity or exercise to help your arthritis or joint symptoms?  (If the respondent is unclear about whether this means an increase or decrease in physical activity, this means increase.)
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 97,171 69.56 69.98
2 No 40,679 29.12 28.86
7 Don´t know/Not Sure 1,752 1.25 1.09
9 Refused 101 0.07 0.07
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 07.01, HAVARTH4, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
278,565 . .



Label: Ever Taken Class in Managing Arthritis or Joint Symptoms
Section Name: Arthritis
Core Section Number: 7
Question Number: 3
Column: 132
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: ARTHEDU
Question Prologue:
Question:  Have you ever taken an educational course or class to teach you how to manage problems related to your arthritis or joint symptoms?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 22,422 16.05 16.26
2 No 116,674 83.52 83.30
7 Don´t know/Not Sure 558 0.40 0.40
9 Refused 48 0.03 0.04
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 07.01, HAVARTH4, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
278,566 . .



Label: Limited Because of Joint Symptoms
Section Name: Arthritis
Core Section Number: 7
Question Number: 4
Column: 133
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: LMTJOIN3
Question Prologue:
Question:  Are you now limited in any way in any of your usual activities because of arthritis or joint symptoms?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 57,803 41.38 41.96
2 No 80,499 57.62 57.16
7 Don’t know/Not sure 1,295 0.93 0.82
9 Refused 104 0.07 0.06
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 07.01, HAVARTH4, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
278,567 . .



Label: Does Arthritis Affect Whether You Work
Section Name: Arthritis
Core Section Number: 7
Question Number: 5
Column: 134
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: ARTHDIS2
Question Prologue: In this next question we are referring to work for pay.
Question:  Do arthritis or joint symptoms now affect whether you work, the type of work you do or the amount of work you do?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 41,718 29.86 33.56
2 No 94,900 67.93 64.46
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 2,314 1.66 1.50
9 Refused 767 0.55 0.48
BLANK Missing
Notes: Section 07.01, HAVARTH4, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
278,569 . .



Label: How Bad Was Joint Pain
Section Name: Arthritis
Core Section Number: 7
Question Number: 6
Column: 135-136
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: JOINPAI2
Question Prologue: Please think about the past 30 days, keeping in mind all of your joint pain or aching and whether or not you have taken medication.
Question:  During the past 30 days, how bad was your joint pain on average on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is no pain and 10 is pain or aching as bad as it can be?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
0 - 10 Enter number [0-10] 137,286 98.27 98.45
77 Don’t know/Not Sure 1,970 1.41 1.24
99 Refused 446 0.32 0.31
BLANK Missing
Notes: Section 07.01, HAVARTH4, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
278,566 . .



Label: Marital Status
Section Name: Demographics
Core Section Number: 8
Question Number: 5
Column: 173
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: MARITAL
Question Prologue:
Question:  Are you: (marital status)
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Married 213,324 51.01 49.89
2 Divorced 56,426 13.49 10.58
3 Widowed 50,740 12.13 6.80
4 Separated 8,661 2.07 2.54
5 Never married 70,730 16.91 24.37
6 A member of an unmarried couple 14,903 3.56 4.94
9 Refused 3,435 0.82 0.86
BLANK Not asked or Missing 49 . .



Label: Education Level
Section Name: Demographics
Core Section Number: 8
Question Number: 6
Column: 174
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: EDUCA
Question Prologue:
Question:  What is the highest grade or year of school you completed?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Never attended school or only kindergarten 619 0.15 0.30
2 Grades 1 through 8 (Elementary) 9,940 2.38 4.54
3 Grades 9 through 11 (Some high school) 19,506 4.66 8.04
4 Grade 12 or GED (High school graduate) 111,890 26.75 27.68
5 College 1 year to 3 years (Some college or technical school) 116,591 27.88 30.71
6 College 4 years or more (College graduate) 157,887 37.75 28.26
9 Refused 1,809 0.43 0.47
BLANK Not asked or Missing 26 . .



Label: Own or Rent Home
Section Name: Demographics
Core Section Number: 8
Question Number: 7
Column: 175
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: RENTHOM1
Question Prologue:
Question:  Do you own or rent your home?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Own
Notes: Other arrangement may include group home, staying with friends or family without paying rent. Home is defined as the place where you live most of the time/the majority of the year.
294,035 70.30 65.88
2 Rent 99,812 23.86 27.11
3 Other arrangement 21,030 5.03 6.03
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 822 0.20 0.35
9 Refused 2,544 0.61 0.63
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Due to the nature of the data or the size of the table for display, this information is not printed for this report
25 . .



Label: Household Telephones
Section Name: Demographics
Core Section Number: 8
Question Number: 10
Column: 184
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: NUMHHOL3
Question Prologue:
Question:  Not including cell phones or numbers used for computers, fax machines or security systems, do you have more than one telephone number in your household?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 35,806 24.08 22.31
2 No—Go to Section 08.12 CPDEMO1B 111,889 75.24 76.84
7 Don’t know/Not sure—Go to Section 08.12 CPDEMO1B 238 0.16 0.23
9 Refused—Go to Section 08.12 CPDEMO1B 771 0.52 0.62
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: QSTVER >= 20
269,564 . .



Label: Residential Phones
Section Name: Demographics
Core Section Number: 8
Question Number: 11
Column: 185
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: NUMPHON3
Question Prologue:
Question:  How many of these telephone numbers are residential numbers?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 5 Residential telephone number(s) 34,541 96.48 95.16
6 Residential telephone numbers
Notes: 6 = 6 or more
66 0.18 0.10
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 542 1.51 2.22
8 None 96 0.27 0.33
9 Refused 558 1.56 2.19
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 08.11, NUMHHOL3, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing; or QSTVER >= 20
382,465 . .



Label: Do you have a cell phone for personal use?
Section Name: Demographics
Core Section Number: 8
Question Number: 12
Column: 186
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CPDEMO1B
Question Prologue:
Question:  How many cell phones do you have for personal use?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 5 Enter number (1-5)
Notes: Last question needed for partial complete.
388,336 93.14 94.41
6 Six or more 372 0.09 0.11
7 Don’t know/Not sure 1,880 0.45 0.59
8 None 22,125 5.31 3.85
9 Refused 4,217 1.01 1.04
BLANK Not asked or Missing 1,338 . .



Label: Are You A Veteran
Section Name: Demographics
Core Section Number: 8
Question Number: 13
Column: 187
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: VETERAN3
Question Prologue:
Question:  Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces, either in the regular military or in a National Guard or military reserve unit?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes
Notes: Read if necessary: Active duty does not include training for the Reserves or National Guard, but DOES include activation, for example, for the Persian Gulf War.
53,230 12.77 10.22
2 No 362,639 86.99 89.52
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 151 0.04 0.03
9 Refused 874 0.21 0.23
BLANK Not asked or Missing 1,374 . .



Label: Employment Status
Section Name: Demographics
Core Section Number: 8
Question Number: 14
Column: 188
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: EMPLOY1
Question Prologue:
Question:  Are you currently…?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Employed for wages 167,942 40.43 47.58
2 Self-employed 37,688 9.07 9.41
3 Out of work for 1 year or more 7,831 1.89 2.35
4 Out of work for less than 1 year 8,153 1.96 2.71
5 A homemaker 20,541 4.94 5.77
6 A student 10,845 2.61 5.37
7 Retired 128,809 31.01 18.86
8 Unable to work 29,952 7.21 6.82
9 Refused 3,648 0.88 1.13
BLANK Not asked or Missing 2,859 . .



Label: Number of Children in Household
Section Name: Demographics
Core Section Number: 8
Question Number: 15
Column: 189-190
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CHILDREN
Question Prologue:
Question:  How many children less than 18 years of age live in your household?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 87 Number of children
Notes: _ _ = Number of children
105,506 25.51 35.31
88 None 304,201 73.56 63.57
99 Refused 3,820 0.92 1.12
BLANK Not asked or Missing 4,741 . .



Label: Income Level
Section Name: Demographics
Core Section Number: 8
Question Number: 16
Column: 191-192
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: INCOME2
Question Prologue:
Question:  Is your annual household income from all sources:  (If respondent refuses at any income level, code ´Refused.´)
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Less than $10,000
Notes: If "no," code 02
15,860 3.86 4.59
2 Less than $15,000 ($10,000 to less than $15,000)
Notes: If "no," code 03; if "yes," ask 01
16,122 3.92 3.77
3 Less than $20,000 ($15,000 to less than $20,000)
Notes: If "no," code 04; if "yes," ask 02
23,391 5.69 5.74
4 Less than $25,000 ($20,000 to less than $25,000)
Notes: If "no," ask 05; if "yes," ask 03
30,001 7.29 7.29
5 Less than $35,000 ($25,000 to less than $35,000)
Notes: If "no," ask 06
34,496 8.39 8.11
6 Less than $50,000 ($35,000 to less than $50,000)
Notes: If "no," ask 07
46,572 11.32 10.49
7 Less than $75,000 ($50,000 to less than $75,000)
Notes: If "no," code 08
54,252 13.19 12.31
8 $75,000 or more 117,793 28.63 30.30
77 Don’t know/Not sure 32,654 7.94 8.46
99 Refused 40,246 9.78 8.94
BLANK Not asked or Missing 6,881 . .



Label: Reported Weight in Pounds
Section Name: Demographics
Core Section Number: 8
Question Number: 17
Column: 193-196
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: WEIGHT2
Question Prologue:
Question:  About how much do you weigh without shoes?  (If respondent answers in metrics, put a 9 in the first column)[Round fractions up.]
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
50 - 0999 Weight (pounds)
Notes: 0 _ _ _ = weight in pounds
387,386 94.61 94.78
7777 Don’t know/Not sure 6,503 1.59 1.81
9000 - 9998 Weight (kilograms)
Notes: The initial ´9´ indicates this was a metric value.
1,149 0.28 0.49
9999 Refused 14,420 3.52 2.93
BLANK Not asked or Missing 8,810 . .



Label: Reported Height in Feet and Inches
Section Name: Demographics
Core Section Number: 8
Question Number: 18
Column: 197-200
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HEIGHT3
Question Prologue:
Question:  About how tall are you without shoes?  (If respondent answers in metrics, put a 9 in the first column)[Round fractions down.]
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
200 - 711 Height (ft/inches)
Notes: 0 _ / _ _ = feet / inches
397,917 97.37 96.44
7777 Don’t know/Not sure 3,948 0.97 1.48
9000 - 9998 Height (meters/centimeters)
Notes: The initial '9' indicates this was a metric value.
1,617 0.40 0.72
9999 Refused 5,171 1.27 1.37
BLANK Not asked or Missing 9,615 . .



Label: Pregnancy Status
Section Name: Demographics
Core Section Number: 8
Question Number: 19
Column: 201
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: PREGNANT
Question Prologue:
Question:  To your knowledge, are you now pregnant?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 2,122 2.90 3.39
2 No 70,617 96.58 96.04
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 181 0.25 0.31
9 Refused 201 0.27 0.26
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: respondent sex, SEXVAR, is coded 1; or Module 28.01, BIRTHSEX, is coded 1; or Section 08.01, AGE, is greater than 49
345,147 . .



Label: Are you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing?
Section Name: Demographics
Core Section Number: 8
Question Number: 20
Column: 202
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: DEAF
Question Prologue:
Question:  Are you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 37,961 9.33 6.66
2 No 367,449 90.29 93.04
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 1,139 0.28 0.21
9 Refused 419 0.10 0.09
BLANK Not asked or Missing 11,300 . .



Label: Blind or Difficulty seeing
Section Name: Demographics
Core Section Number: 8
Question Number: 21
Column: 203
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: BLIND
Question Prologue:
Question:  Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 22,403 5.52 5.28
2 No 382,552 94.18 94.45
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 852 0.21 0.18
9 Refused 398 0.10 0.09
BLANK Not asked or Missing 12,063 . .



Label: Difficulty Concentrating or Remembering
Section Name: Demographics
Core Section Number: 8
Question Number: 22
Column: 204
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: DECIDE
Question Prologue:
Question:  Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 44,665 11.02 11.83
2 No 357,924 88.30 87.54
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 2,118 0.52 0.49
9 Refused 630 0.16 0.14
BLANK Not asked or Missing 12,931 . .



Label: Difficulty Walking or Climbing Stairs
Section Name: Demographics
Core Section Number: 8
Question Number: 23
Column: 205
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: DIFFWALK
Question Prologue:
Question:  Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 71,550 17.69 14.15
2 No 331,367 81.92 85.53
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 1,177 0.29 0.24
9 Refused 412 0.10 0.08
BLANK Not asked or Missing 13,762 . .



Label: Difficulty Dressing or Bathing
Section Name: Demographics
Core Section Number: 8
Question Number: 24
Column: 206
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: DIFFDRES
Question Prologue:
Question:  Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 18,574 4.60 4.07
2 No 384,637 95.21 95.76
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 458 0.11 0.10
9 Refused 314 0.08 0.07
BLANK Not asked or Missing 14,285 . .



Label: Difficulty Doing Errands Alone
Section Name: Demographics
Core Section Number: 8
Question Number: 25
Column: 207
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: DIFFALON
Question Prologue:
Question:  Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor´s office or shopping?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 32,099 7.96 7.31
2 No 369,696 91.69 92.36
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 987 0.24 0.22
9 Refused 442 0.11 0.11
BLANK Not asked or Missing 15,044 . .



Label: Smoked at Least 100 Cigarettes
Section Name: Tobacco Use
Core Section Number: 9
Question Number: 1
Column: 208
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: SMOKE100
Question Prologue:
Question:  Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?   [Note:  5 packs = 100 cigarettes]
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 168,593 41.91 39.27
2 No—Go to Section 09.05 USENOW3 231,136 57.46 60.09
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to Section 09.05 USENOW3 1,971 0.49 0.47
9 Refused—Go to Section 09.05 USENOW3 577 0.14 0.17
BLANK Not asked or Missing 15,991 . .



Label: Frequency of Days Now Smoking
Section Name: Tobacco Use
Core Section Number: 9
Question Number: 2
Column: 209
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: SMOKDAY2
Question Prologue:
Question:  Do you now smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Every day 40,156 23.83 26.47
2 Some days 16,266 9.65 12.17
3 Not at all—Go to Section 09.04 LASTSMK2 111,782 66.35 61.18
7 Don´t Know/Not Sure—Go to Section 09.05 USENOW3 91 0.05 0.07
9 Refused—Go to Section 09.05 USENOW3 180 0.11 0.11
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 09.01, SMOKE100, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
249,793 . .



Label: Stopped Smoking in past 12 months
Section Name: Tobacco Use
Core Section Number: 9
Question Number: 3
Column: 210
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: STOPSMK2
Question Prologue:
Question:  During the past 12 months, have you stopped smoking for one day or longer because you were trying to quit smoking?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes—Go to Section 09.05 USENOW3 30,762 54.58 57.15
2 No—Go to Section 09.05 USENOW3 25,374 45.02 42.48
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to Section 09.05 USENOW3 192 0.34 0.32
9 Refused—Go to Section 09.05 USENOW3 31 0.06 0.05
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 09.01, SMOKE100, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing; or Section 09.02, SMOKDAY2, is coded 3, 7, 9, or Missing
361,909 . .



Label: Interval Since Last Smoked
Section Name: Tobacco Use
Core Section Number: 9
Question Number: 4
Column: 211-212
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: LASTSMK2
Question Prologue:
Question:  How long has it been since you last smoked a cigarette, even one or two puffs?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Within the past month (less than 1 month ago) 2,659 2.38 3.55
2 Within the past 3 months (1 month but less than 3 months ago) 2,311 2.07 3.05
3 Within the past 6 months (3 months but less than 6 months ago) 2,331 2.09 3.06
4 Within the past year (6 months but less than 1 year ago) 3,702 3.31 4.58
5 Within the past 5 years (1 year but less than 5 years ago) 14,861 13.31 17.21
6 Within the past 10 years (5 years but less than 10 years ago) 10,937 9.79 11.36
7 10 years or more 73,601 65.90 56.00
8 Never smoked regularly 376 0.34 0.38
77 Don’t know/Not sure 837 0.75 0.74
99 Refused 76 0.07 0.06
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 09.01, SMOKE100, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing; or Section 09.02, SMOKDAY2, is coded 7, 9, or Missing; or Section 09.03, STOPSMK2, is coded 1, 2, 7, 9;
306,577 . .



Label: Use of Smokeless Tobacco Products
Section Name: Tobacco Use
Core Section Number: 9
Question Number: 5
Column: 213
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: USENOW3
Question Prologue:
Question:  Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus every day, some days, or not at all?  (Snus (Swedish for snuff) is a moist smokeless tobacco, usually sold in small pouches that are placed under the lip against the gum.)[Snus (rhymes with ´goose´)]
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Every day 8,021 2.00 1.96
2 Some days 5,846 1.46 1.66
3 Not at all 387,009 96.38 96.17
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 167 0.04 0.06
9 Refused 512 0.13 0.15
BLANK Not asked or Missing 16,713 . .



Label: Days in past 30 had alcoholic beverage
Section Name: Alcohol Consumption
Core Section Number: 10
Question Number: 1
Column: 214-216
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: ALCDAY5
Question Prologue:
Question:  During the past 30 days, how many days per week or per month did you have at least one drink of any alcoholic beverage such as beer, wine, a malt beverage or liquor?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
101 - 107 Days per week
Notes: 1_ _ = Days per week
53,988 13.50 13.94
201 - 230 Days in past 30 days
Notes: 2_ _ = Days in past 30
145,800 36.44 38.16
777 Don’t know/Not sure—Go to Section 11.01 EXERANY2 3,139 0.78 0.82
888 No drinks in past 30 days—Go to Section 11.01 EXERANY2 195,326 48.82 46.64
999 Refused—Go to Section 11.01 EXERANY2 1,803 0.45 0.43
BLANK Not asked or Missing 18,212 . .



Label: Avg alcoholic drinks per day in past 30
Section Name: Alcohol Consumption
Core Section Number: 10
Question Number: 2
Column: 217-218
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: AVEDRNK3
Question Prologue:
Question:  One drink is equivalent to a 12-ounce beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine, or a drink with one shot of liquor. During the past 30 days, on the days when you drank, about how many drinks did you drink on the average?  (A 40 ounce beer would count as 3 drinks, or a cocktail drink with 2 shots would count as 2 drinks.)
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 76 Number of drinks
Notes: _ _ Number of drinks
195,246 98.01 97.66
77 Don’t know/Not sure 3,059 1.54 1.95
99 Refused 898 0.45 0.39
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 10.01, ALCDAY5, is coded 888, 777, or 999;
219,065 . .



Label: Binge Drinking
Section Name: Alcohol Consumption
Core Section Number: 10
Question Number: 3
Column: 219-220
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: DRNK3GE5
Question Prologue:
Question:  Considering all types of alcoholic beverages, how many times during the past 30 days did you have 5 or more drinks for men or 4 or more drinks for women on an occasion?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 76 Number of Times 51,927 26.15 31.34
88 None 142,945 71.99 66.49
77 Don’t know/Not Sure 3,009 1.52 1.86
99 Refused 692 0.35 0.32
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 10.01, ALCDAY5, is coded 888, 777, or 999;
219,695 . .



Label: Most drinks on single occasion past 30 days
Section Name: Alcohol Consumption
Core Section Number: 10
Question Number: 4
Column: 221-222
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: MAXDRNKS
Question Prologue:
Question:  During the past 30 days, what is the largest number of drinks you had on any occasion?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 76 Number of drinks 191,184 96.42 95.88
77 Don’t know/Not sure 5,818 2.93 3.46
99 Refused 1,281 0.65 0.66
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 10.01, ALCDAY5, is coded 888, 777, or 999;
219,985 . .



Label: Exercise in Past 30 Days
Section Name: Exercise (Physical Activity)
Core Section Number: 11
Question Number: 1
Column: 223
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: EXERANY2
Question Prologue:
Question:  During the past month, other than your regular job, did you participate in any physical activities or exercises such as running, calisthenics, golf, gardening, or walking for exercise?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 288,516 72.60 73.51
2 No—Go to Section 11.08 STRENGTH 107,745 27.11 26.24
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to Section 11.08 STRENGTH 620 0.16 0.14
9 Refused—Go to Section 11.08 STRENGTH 548 0.14 0.11
BLANK Not asked or Missing 20,839 . .



Label: Type of Physical Activity
Section Name: Exercise (Physical Activity)
Core Section Number: 11
Question Number: 2
Column: 224-225
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: EXRACT11
Question Prologue:
Question:  What type of physical activity or exercise did you spend the most time doing during the past month?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Active Gaming Devices (Wii Fit, Dance, Dance revolution) 86 0.03 0.02
2 Aerobics video or class 4,630 1.61 1.45
3 Backpacking 60 0.02 0.02
4 Badminton 48 0.02 0.03
5 Basketball 1,868 0.65 0.99
6 Bicycling machine exercise 5,707 1.98 1.66
7 Bicycling 7,025 2.44 2.62
8 Boating (Canoeing, rowing, kayaking, sailing for pleasure or camping) 206 0.07 0.08
9 Bowling 516 0.18 0.15
10 Boxing 381 0.13 0.21
11 Calisthenics 3,922 1.36 1.70
12 Canoeing/rowing in competition 131 0.05 0.03
13 Carpentry 243 0.08 0.07
14 Dancing-ballet, ballroom, Latin, hip hop, etc 1,497 0.52 0.71
15 Elliptical/EFX machine exercise 3,537 1.23 1.33
16 Fishing from river bank or boat 341 0.12 0.11
17 Frisbee 87 0.03 0.04
18 Gardening (spading, weeding, digging, filling) 16,865 5.86 4.70
19 Golf (with motorized cart) 3,552 1.23 1.07
20 Golf (without motorized cart) 1,465 0.51 0.45
21 Handball 27 0.01 0.01
22 Hiking – cross-country 4,170 1.45 1.46
23 Hockey 253 0.09 0.11
24 Horseback riding 506 0.18 0.15
25 Hunting large game – deer, elk 309 0.11 0.08
26 Hunting small game – quail 122 0.04 0.03
27 Inline Skating 19 0.01 0.01
28 Jogging 2,271 0.79 1.15
29 Lacrosse 31 0.01 0.03
30 Mountain climbing 58 0.02 0.02
31 Mowing lawn 1,117 0.39 0.28
32 Paddleball 33 0.01 0.01
33 Painting/papering house 80 0.03 0.02
34 Pilates 556 0.19 0.22
35 Racquetball 205 0.07 0.08
36 Raking lawn 113 0.04 0.03
37 Running 19,216 6.67 10.11
38 Rock Climbing 256 0.09 0.14
39 Rope skipping 29 0.01 0.02
40 Rowing machine exercise 312 0.11 0.12
41 Rugby 33 0.01 0.02
42 Scuba diving 27 0.01 0.01
43 Skateboarding 179 0.06 0.12
44 Skating – ice or roller 119 0.04 0.05
45 Sledding, tobogganing 18 0.01 0.00
46 Snorkeling 20 0.01 0.01
47 Snow blowing 65 0.02 0.01
48 Snow shoveling by hand 625 0.22 0.11
49 Snow skiing 390 0.14 0.09
50 Snowshoeing 78 0.03 0.01
51 Soccer 912 0.32 0.66
52 Softball/Baseball 481 0.17 0.20
53 Squash 42 0.01 0.02
54 Stair climbing/Stair master 682 0.24 0.21
55 Stream fishing in waders 6 0.00 0.00
56 Surfing 166 0.06 0.05
57 Swimming 3,114 1.08 1.06
58 Swimming in laps 1,212 0.42 0.40
59 Table tennis 37 0.01 0.01
60 Tai Chi 298 0.10 0.06
61 Tennis 1,023 0.36 0.36
62 Touch football 42 0.01 0.02
63 Volleyball 432 0.15 0.21
64 Walking 148,091 51.44 47.65
66 Waterskiing 92 0.03 0.03
67 Weight lifting 13,479 4.68 6.35
68 Wrestling 118 0.04 0.06
69 Yoga 3,635 1.26 1.28
71 Childcare 536 0.19 0.22
72 Farm/Ranch Work (caring for livestock, stacking hay, etc.) 1,625 0.56 0.36
73 Household Activities (vacuuming, dusting, home repair, etc.) 2,136 0.74 0.57
74 Karate/Martial Arts 430 0.15 0.20
75 Upper Body Cycle (wheelchair sports, ergometer, etc.) 194 0.07 0.07
76 Yard work (cutting/gathering wood, trimming hedges, etc.) 5,734 1.99 1.50
98 Other______ 18,530 6.44 6.03
77 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to Section 11.08 STRENGTH 994 0.35 0.33
99 Refused—Go to Section 11.08 STRENGTH 464 0.16 0.16
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 11.01, EXERANY2, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
130,359 . .



Label: How Many Times Walking, Running, Jogging, or Swimming
Section Name: Exercise (Physical Activity)
Core Section Number: 11
Question Number: 3
Column: 226-228
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: EXEROFT1
Question Prologue:
Question:  How many times per week or per month did you take part in this activity during the past month?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
101 - 199 Times per week 187,207 66.19 67.36
200   2 0.00 0.00
201 - 299 Times per month 90,545 32.01 31.10
777 Don’t know/Not sure 4,486 1.59 1.34
999 Refused 601 0.21 0.19
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 11.01, EXERANY2, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing; or Section 11.02, EXRACT11 is coded 77, 99
135,427 . .



Label: Minutes or Hours Walking, Running, Jogging, or Swimming
Section Name: Exercise (Physical Activity)
Core Section Number: 11
Question Number: 4
Column: 229-231
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: EXERHMM1
Question Prologue:
Question:  And when you took part in this activity, for how many minutes or hours did you usually keep at it?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 759 Hours and Minutes 271,196 96.10 96.65
777 Don’t know/Not sure 7,314 2.59 2.06
800 - 959 Hours and Minutes 2,990 1.06 1.07
999 Refused 689 0.24 0.21
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 11.01, EXERANY2, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing; or Section 11.02, EXRACT11 is coded 77, 99
136,079 . .



Label: Other Type of Physical Activity Giving Most Exercise During Past Month
Section Name: Exercise (Physical Activity)
Core Section Number: 11
Question Number: 5
Column: 232-233
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: EXRACT21
Question Prologue:
Question:  What other type of physical activity gave you the next most exercise during the past month?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Active Gaming Devices (Wii Fit, Dance, Dance revolution) 123 0.04 0.06
2 Aerobics video or class 2,707 0.95 0.88
3 Backpacking 42 0.01 0.01
4 Badminton 54 0.02 0.02
5 Basketball 1,533 0.54 0.85
6 Bicycling machine exercise 4,541 1.60 1.45
7 Bicycling 6,736 2.38 2.52
8 Boating (Canoeing, rowing, kayaking, sailing for pleasure or camping) 311 0.11 0.08
9 Bowling 576 0.20 0.16
10 Boxing 289 0.10 0.14
11 Calisthenics 3,643 1.28 1.60
12 Canoeing/rowing in competition 172 0.06 0.05
13 Carpentry 382 0.13 0.11
14 Dancing-ballet, ballroom, Latin, hip hop, etc 1,851 0.65 0.78
15 Elliptical/EFX machine exercise 2,418 0.85 0.88
16 Fishing from river bank or boat 805 0.28 0.23
17 Frisbee 119 0.04 0.06
18 Gardening (spading, weeding, digging, filling) 13,235 4.67 3.78
19 Golf (with motorized cart) 2,347 0.83 0.67
20 Golf (without motorized cart) 1,203 0.42 0.37
21 Handball 20 0.01 0.01
22 Hiking – cross-country 3,096 1.09 1.11
23 Hockey 136 0.05 0.05
24 Horseback riding 503 0.18 0.14
25 Hunting large game – deer, elk 278 0.10 0.08
26 Hunting small game – quail 139 0.05 0.05
27 Inline Skating 15 0.01 0.01
28 Jogging 1,380 0.49 0.71
29 Lacrosse 23 0.01 0.02
30 Mountain climbing 54 0.02 0.02
31 Mowing lawn 1,669 0.59 0.41
32 Paddleball 30 0.01 0.01
33 Painting/papering house 182 0.06 0.06
34 Pilates 608 0.21 0.21
35 Racquetball 131 0.05 0.05
36 Raking lawn 192 0.07 0.04
37 Running 8,769 3.09 4.76
38 Rock Climbing 198 0.07 0.08
39 Rope skipping 49 0.02 0.03
40 Rowing machine exercise 444 0.16 0.15
41 Rugby 26 0.01 0.01
42 Scuba diving 31 0.01 0.01
43 Skateboarding 145 0.05 0.08
44 Skating – ice or roller 124 0.04 0.05
45 Sledding, tobogganing 15 0.01 0.00
46 Snorkeling 29 0.01 0.00
47 Snow blowing 128 0.05 0.02
48 Snow shoveling by hand 1,142 0.40 0.18
49 Snow skiing 371 0.13 0.09
50 Snowshoeing 99 0.03 0.01
51 Soccer 614 0.22 0.40
52 Softball/Baseball 403 0.14 0.17
53 Squash 34 0.01 0.01
54 Stair climbing/Stair master 2,042 0.72 0.61
55 Stream fishing in waders 16 0.01 0.00
56 Surfing 146 0.05 0.05
57 Swimming 4,295 1.51 1.69
58 Swimming in laps 1,203 0.42 0.44
59 Table tennis 39 0.01 0.02
60 Tai Chi 354 0.12 0.06
61 Tennis 800 0.28 0.33
62 Touch football 48 0.02 0.03
63 Volleyball 385 0.14 0.17
64 Walking 39,939 14.08 13.25
66 Waterskiing 62 0.02 0.02
67 Weight lifting 17,082 6.02 7.58
68 Wrestling 92 0.03 0.04
69 Yoga 4,927 1.74 1.72
71 Childcare 1,930 0.68 0.75
72 Farm/Ranch Work (caring for livestock, stacking hay, etc.) 1,817 0.64 0.35
73 Household Activities (vacuuming, dusting, home repair, etc.) 12,417 4.38 3.17
74 Karate/Martial Arts 275 0.10 0.13
75 Upper Body Cycle (wheelchair sports, ergometer, etc.) 258 0.09 0.09
76 Yard work (cutting/gathering wood, trimming hedges, etc.) 9,953 3.51 2.59
88 No other activity—Go to Section 11.08 STRENGTH 93,576 32.99 34.25
98 Other______ 22,723 8.01 7.26
77 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to Section 11.08 STRENGTH 3,724 1.31 1.29
99 Refused—Go to Section 11.08 STRENGTH 1,343 0.47 0.41
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 11.01, EXERANY2, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing; or Section 11.02, EXRACT11 is coded 77, 99
134,658 . .



Label: How Many Times Walking, Running, Jogging, or Swimming
Section Name: Exercise (Physical Activity)
Core Section Number: 11
Question Number: 6
Column: 234-236
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: EXEROFT2
Question Prologue:
Question:  How many times per week or per month did you take part in this activity during the past month?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
101 - 199 Times per week 114,027 61.91 62.68
200   3 0.00 0.00
201 - 299 Times per month 66,711 36.22 35.89
777 Don’t know/Not sure 2,921 1.59 1.20
999 Refused 512 0.28 0.24
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 11.01, EXERANY2, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing; or Section 11.02, EXRACT11 is coded 77, 99 or Section 11.05, EXRACT21 is coded 77, 88, 99
234,094 . .



Label: Minutes or Hours Walking, Running, Jogging, or Swimming
Section Name: Exercise (Physical Activity)
Core Section Number: 11
Question Number: 7
Column: 237-239
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: EXERHMM2
Question Prologue:
Question:  And when you took part in this activity, for how many minutes or hours did you usually keep at it?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 759 Hours and Minutes 175,268 95.35 96.02
777 Don’t know/Not sure 4,959 2.70 2.00
800 - 959 Hours and Minutes 2,992 1.63 1.73
999 Refused 604 0.33 0.26
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 11.01, EXERANY2, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing; or Section 11.02, EXRACT11 is coded 77, 99 or Section 11.05, EXRACT21 is coded 77, 88, 99
234,445 . .



Label: How many times did you do physical activities or exercises to STRENGTHEN your muscles?
Section Name: Exercise (Physical Activity)
Core Section Number: 11
Question Number: 8
Column: 240-242
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: STRENGTH
Question Prologue:
Question:  During the past month, how many times per week or per month did you do physical activities or exercises to STRENGTHEN your muscles?   [Do NOT count aerobic activities like walking, running, or bicycling. Count activities using your own body weight like yoga, sit-ups or push-ups and those using weight machines, free weights, or elastic bands.]
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
101 - 199 Times per week 111,003 28.38 29.84
200   4 0.00 0.00
201 - 299 Times per month 61,544 15.73 16.39
777 Don’t know / Not sure 8,271 2.11 1.86
888 Never 208,639 53.33 51.54
999 Refused 1,736 0.44 0.37
BLANK Not asked or Missing 27,071 . .



Label: How many times did you eat fruit?
Section Name: Fruits & Vegetables
Core Section Number: 12
Question Number: 1
Column: 243-245
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: FRUIT2
Question Prologue:
Question:  Not including juices, how often did you eat fruit?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
101 - 199 Days 193,507 49.97 48.10
201 - 299 Weeks 113,953 29.43 30.93
300 Less than once a month 2,550 0.66 0.73
301 - 399 Month / Year 54,752 14.14 14.28
555 Never 14,486 3.74 3.97
777 Don’t know/Not sure 6,969 1.80 1.74
999 Refused 999 0.26 0.26
BLANK Not asked or Missing 31,052 . .



Label: How many times did you drink 100 percent PURE fruit juices?
Section Name: Fruits & Vegetables
Core Section Number: 12
Question Number: 2
Column: 246-248
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: FRUITJU2
Question Prologue:
Question:  Not including fruit-flavored drinks or fruit juices with added sugar, how often did you drink 100% fruit juice such as apple or orange juice?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
101 - 199 Days 53,824 13.93 13.15
200   1 0.00 0.00
201 - 299 Weeks 71,533 18.52 20.45
300 Less than once a month 10,243 2.65 2.59
301 - 399 Month / Year 66,588 17.24 18.22
555 Never 177,640 45.99 43.99
777 Don’t know/Not sure 5,585 1.45 1.39
999 Refused 841 0.22 0.22
BLANK Not asked or Missing 32,013 . .



Label: How many times did you eat dark green vegetables?
Section Name: Fruits & Vegetables
Core Section Number: 12
Question Number: 3
Column: 249-251
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: FVGREEN1
Question Prologue:
Question:  How often did you eat a green leafy or lettuce salad, with or without other vegetables?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
101 - 199 Days 75,888 19.70 19.89
201 - 299 Weeks 184,642 47.93 47.19
300 Less than once a month 3,708 0.96 1.01
301 - 399 Month / Year 83,318 21.63 21.39
555 Never 31,810 8.26 9.14
777 Don’t know/Not sure 5,095 1.32 1.20
999 Refused 732 0.19 0.19
BLANK Not asked or Missing 33,075 . .



Label: How often do you eat french fries or fried potatoes?
Section Name: Fruits & Vegetables
Core Section Number: 12
Question Number: 4
Column: 252-254
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: FRENCHF1
Question Prologue:
Question:  How often did you eat any kind of fried potatoes, including french fries, home fries, or hash browns?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
101 - 199 Days 12,100 3.15 3.52
200   1 0.00 0.00
201 - 299 Weeks 141,128 36.69 38.55
300 Less than once a month 8,230 2.14 2.05
301 - 399 Month / Year 148,135 38.51 38.21
555 Never 69,809 18.15 16.37
777 Don’t know/Not sure 4,568 1.19 1.12
999 Refused 710 0.18 0.18
BLANK Not asked or Missing 33,587 . .



Label: How Often Do You Eat Potatoes
Section Name: Fruits & Vegetables
Core Section Number: 12
Question Number: 5
Column: 255-257
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: POTATOE1
Question Prologue:
Question:  How often did you eat any other kind of potatoes, or sweet potatoes, such as baked, boiled, mashed potatoes, or potato salad?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
101 - 199 Days 14,028 3.66 3.30
201 - 299 Weeks 153,753 40.07 37.90
300 Less than once a month 6,522 1.70 1.90
301 - 399 Month / Year 143,499 37.40 37.16
555 Never 58,242 15.18 17.88
777 Don’t know/Not sure 6,850 1.79 1.66
999 Refused 820 0.21 0.20
BLANK Not asked or Missing 34,554 . .



Label: How many times did you eat OTHER vegetables?
Section Name: Fruits & Vegetables
Core Section Number: 12
Question Number: 6
Column: 258-260
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: VEGETAB2
Question Prologue:
Question:  Not including lettuce salads and potatoes, how often did you eat other vegetables?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
101 - 199 Days 155,198 40.64 38.26
201 - 299 Weeks 136,743 35.80 37.43
300 Less than once a month 1,933 0.51 0.59
301 - 399 Month / Year 68,814 18.02 17.91
555 Never 12,211 3.20 4.01
777 Don’t know/Not sure 6,184 1.62 1.57
999 Refused 842 0.22 0.23
BLANK Not asked or Missing 36,343 . .



Label: Adult flu shot/spray past 12 mos
Section Name: Immunization
Core Section Number: 13
Question Number: 1
Column: 261
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: FLUSHOT7
Question Prologue:
Question:  During the past 12 months, have you had either flu vaccine that was sprayed in your nose or flu shot injected into your arm?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 188,295 49.31 42.44
2 No—Go to Section 13.03 TETANUS1 191,501 50.15 56.98
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to Section 13.03 TETANUS1 1,668 0.44 0.47
9 Refused—Go to Section 13.03 TETANUS1 357 0.09 0.11
BLANK Not asked or Missing 36,447 . .



Label: When did you receive your most recent seasonal flu shot/spray?
Section Name: Immunization
Core Section Number: 13
Question Number: 2
Column: 262-267
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: FLSHTMY3
Question Prologue:
Question:  During what month and year did you receive your most recent flu vaccine that was sprayed in your nose or flu shot injected into your arm?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
12018 - 122019 Month / Year 176,226 93.67 92.49
777777 Don’t know/Not Sure 11,671 6.20 7.36
999999 Refused 247 0.13 0.15
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 13.01, FLUSHOT7, is coded 2, 7, or 9
230,124 . .



Label: Received Tetanus Shot Since 2005?
Section Name: Immunization
Core Section Number: 13
Question Number: 3
Column: 268
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: TETANUS1
Question Prologue:
Question:  Have you received a tetanus shot in the past 10 years?  (If yes, ask: “Was this Tdap, the tetanus shot that also has pertussis or whooping cough vaccine?”)
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes, received Tdap 94,227 25.37 25.71
2 Yes, received tetanus shot, but not Tdap 28,487 7.67 6.94
3 Yes, received tetanus shot but not sure what type 115,639 31.14 30.41
4 No, did not receive any tetanus shot in the past 10 years 97,630 26.29 26.98
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 35,013 9.43 9.82
9 Refused 362 0.10 0.13
BLANK Not asked or Missing 46,910 . .



Label: Pneumonia shot ever
Section Name: Immunization
Core Section Number: 13
Question Number: 4
Column: 269
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: PNEUVAC4
Question Prologue:
Question:  Have you ever had a pneumonia shot also known as a pneumococcal vaccine?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 154,115 40.48 31.42
2 No 191,172 50.22 56.15
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 35,101 9.22 12.34
9 Refused 317 0.08 0.09
BLANK Not asked or Missing 37,563 . .



Label: Ever tested H.I.V.
Section Name: HIV/AIDS
Core Section Number: 14
Question Number: 1
Column: 270
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HIVTST7
Question Prologue:
Question:  Including fluid testing from your mouth, but not including tests you may have had for blood donation, have you ever been tested for H.I.V?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 126,661 33.51 41.30
2 No—Go to Section 14.03 HIVRISK5 235,086 62.20 54.97
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to Section 14.03 HIVRISK5 14,546 3.85 3.38
9 Refused—Go to Section 14.03 HIVRISK5 1,684 0.45 0.35
BLANK Not asked or Missing 40,291 . .



Label: Month and Year of Last HIV Test
Section Name: HIV/AIDS
Core Section Number: 14
Question Number: 2
Column: 271-276
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HIVTSTD3
Question Prologue:
Question:  Not including blood donations, in what month and year was your last H.I.V. test?  (If response is before January 1985, code ´777777´.)
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
11985 - 122020 Code month and year
Notes: _ _/_ _ _ _ month and year
96,441 76.25 79.81
777777 Don’t know/Not sure 29,603 23.41 19.85
999999 Refused 435 0.34 0.34
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 14.01, HIVTST7, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
291,789 . .



Label: Do Any High Risk Situations Apply
Section Name: HIV/AIDS
Core Section Number: 14
Question Number: 3
Column: 277
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HIVRISK5
Question Prologue:
Question:  I am going to read you a list. When I am done, please tell me if any of the situations apply to you. You do not need to tell me which one. You have injected any drug other than those prescribed for you in the past year. You have been treated for a sexually transmitted disease or STD in the past year.  You have given or received money or drugs in exchange for sex in the past year.
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 15,987 4.24 6.69
2 No 358,342 95.13 92.83
7 Don’t know/Not sure 318 0.08 0.08
9 Refused 2,045 0.54 0.41
BLANK Not asked or Missing 41,576 . .



Label: Had a test for high blood sugar or diabetes in the past three years?
Section Name: Pre-Diabetes
Module Number: 1
Question Number: 1
Column: 278
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: PDIABTST
Question Prologue:
Question:  Have you had a test for high blood sugar or diabetes within the past three years?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 88,567 58.27 53.91
2 No 56,106 36.91 41.70
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 7,233 4.76 4.34
9 Refused 81 0.05 0.05
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.11, DIABETE4, is coded 1
266,281 . .



Label: Ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you have pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes?
Section Name: Pre-Diabetes
Module Number: 1
Question Number: 2
Column: 279
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: PREDIAB1
Question Prologue:
Question:  Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you have pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes?  (If “Yes” and respondent is female, ask: “Was this only when you were pregnant?”)
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 18,879 12.42 10.80
2 Yes, during pregnancy 1,606 1.06 1.24
3 No 130,616 85.94 87.41
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 771 0.51 0.49
9 Refused 114 0.08 0.06
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.11, DIABETE4, is coded 1; If Section 06.11, DIABETE4, is coded 4 automatically code Module 01.02, PREDIAB1, equal to 1 (yes);
266,282 . .



Label: Now Taking Insulin
Section Name: Diabetes
Module Number: 2
Question Number: 1
Column: 280
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: INSULIN1
Question Prologue:
Question:  Are you now taking insulin?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 8,567 33.23 33.40
2 No 17,139 66.48 66.25
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 59 0.23 0.28
9 Refused 17 0.07 0.06
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.11, DIABETE4, is coded 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, or Missing
392,486 . .



Label: How Often Check Blood for Glucose
Section Name: Diabetes
Module Number: 2
Question Number: 2
Column: 281-283
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: BLDSUGAR
Question Prologue:
Question:  About how often do you check your blood for glucose or sugar?  [Include times when checked by a family member or friend, but do NOT include times when checked by a health professional.]
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
101 - 199 Times per day
Notes: 1 _ _ Times per day
14,749 57.21 57.41
201 - 299 Times per week
Notes: 2 _ _ Times per week
4,214 16.35 16.95
301 - 399 Times per month
Notes: 3 _ _ Times per month
1,748 6.78 6.33
401 - 499 Times per year
Notes: 4 _ _ Times per year
1,635 6.34 5.62
777 Don’t know/Not sure 557 2.16 2.62
888 Never 2,812 10.91 10.84
999 Refused 65 0.25 0.22
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.11, DIABETE4, is coded 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, or Missing
392,488 . .



Label: How Often Check Feet for Sores or Irritations
Section Name: Diabetes
Module Number: 2
Question Number: 3
Column: 284-286
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: FEETCHK3
Question Prologue:
Question:  Including times when checked by a family member or friend, about how often do you check your feet for any sores or irritations?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
101 - 199 Times per day
Notes: 1 _ _ Times per day
13,883 53.85 54.28
201 - 299 Times per week
Notes: 2 _ _ Times per week
4,518 17.53 17.13
301 - 399 Times per month
Notes: 3 _ _ Times per month
1,726 6.70 6.26
401 - 499 Times per year
Notes: 4 _ _ Times per year
1,190 4.62 3.96
555 No feet 148 0.57 0.74
777 Don’t know/Not sure 755 2.93 2.54
888 Never 3,480 13.50 14.84
999 Refused 80 0.31 0.25
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.11, DIABETE4, is coded 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, or Missing
392,488 . .



Label: Times Seen Health Professional for Diabetes
Section Name: Diabetes
Module Number: 2
Question Number: 4
Column: 287-288
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: DOCTDIAB
Question Prologue:
Question:  About how many times in the past 12 months have you seen a doctor, nurse, or other health professional for your diabetes?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 76 Number of times [76=76 or more]
Notes: _ _ Number of times, 76=76 or more
22,362 86.75 86.67
88 None 2,537 9.84 9.91
77 Don’t know/Not sure 787 3.05 3.02
99 Refused 93 0.36 0.40
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.11, DIABETE4, is coded 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, or Missing
392,489 . .



Label: Times Checked for Glycosylated Hemoglobin
Section Name: Diabetes
Module Number: 2
Question Number: 5
Column: 289-290
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CHKHEMO3
Question Prologue:
Question:  About how many times in the past 12 months has a doctor, nurse, or other health professional checked you for A-one-C?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 76 Number of times [76=76 or more]
Notes: _ _ Number of times, 76 = 76 or more
22,648 87.85 85.21
88 None 1,375 5.33 7.09
98 Never heard of “A one C” test 380 1.47 1.83
77 Don’t know/Not sure 1,297 5.03 5.49
99 Refused 79 0.31 0.38
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.11, DIABETE4, is coded 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, or Missing
392,489 . .



Label: Times Feet Check for Sores/irritations
Section Name: Diabetes
Module Number: 2
Question Number: 6
Column: 291-292
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: FEETCHK
Question Prologue:
Question:  About how many times in the past 12 months has a health professional checked your feet for any sores or irritations?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 76 Number of times [76=76 or more]
Notes: _ _ Number of times, 76=76 or more
19,534 76.22 74.06
88 None 5,354 20.89 22.84
77 Don’t know/Not sure 673 2.63 2.83
99 Refused 68 0.27 0.27
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.11, DIABETE4, is coded 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, or Missing; or Module 2.03, FEETCHK3, is coded 555
392,639 . .



Label: Last Eye Exam Where Pupils Were Dilated
Section Name: Diabetes
Module Number: 2
Question Number: 7
Column: 293
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: EYEEXAM1
Question Prologue:
Question:  When was the last time you had an eye exam in which the pupils were dilated, making you temporarily sensitive to bright light?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Within the past month (anytime less than 1 month ago) 4,880 18.93 18.30
2 Within the past year (1 month but less than 12 months ago) 13,775 53.45 51.75
3 Within the past 2 years (1 year but less than 2 years ago) 3,116 12.09 12.03
4 2 or more years ago 2,750 10.67 11.60
7 Don’t know/Not sure 417 1.62 1.92
8 Never 798 3.10 4.29
9 Refused 37 0.14 0.12
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.11, DIABETE4, is coded 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, or Missing
392,495 . .



Label: Ever Told Diabetes Has Affected Eyes
Section Name: Diabetes
Module Number: 2
Question Number: 8
Column: 294
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: DIABEYE
Question Prologue:
Question:  Has a doctor ever told you that diabetes has affected your eyes or that you had retinopathy?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 4,432 17.20 18.20
2 No 20,978 81.40 80.50
7 Don’t know/Not sure 344 1.33 1.25
9 Refused 17 0.07 0.05
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.11, DIABETE4, is coded 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, or Missing
392,497 . .



Label: Ever Taken Class in Managing Diabetes
Section Name: Diabetes
Module Number: 2
Question Number: 9
Column: 295
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: DIABEDU
Question Prologue:
Question:  Have you ever taken a course or class in how to manage your diabetes yourself?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 14,126 54.82 53.33
2 No 11,539 44.78 46.34
7 Don’t know/Not sure 88 0.34 0.26
9 Refused 16 0.06 0.08
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.11, DIABETE4, is coded 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, or Missing
392,499 . .



Label: Told had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) ME
Section Name: ME/CFS
Module Number: 3
Question Number: 1
Column: 296
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: TOLDCFS
Question Prologue:
Question:  Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) ME?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
BLANK Not asked or Missing 418,268 . .



Label: Still have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Section Name: ME/CFS
Module Number: 3
Question Number: 2
Column: 297
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HAVECFS
Question Prologue:
Question:  Do you still have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) ME?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Module 03.01, TOLDCFS, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
418,268 . .



Label: How many hours a week are you been able to work
Section Name: ME/CFS
Module Number: 3
Question Number: 3
Column: 298
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: WORKCFS
Question Prologue:
Question:  Thinking about your CFS or ME, during the past 6 months, how many hours a week on average have you been able to work at a job or business for pay?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Module 03.01, TOLDCFS, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
418,268 . .



Label: Told had Hepatitis C
Section Name: Hepatitis Treatment
Module Number: 4
Question Number: 1
Column: 299
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: TOLDHEPC
Question Prologue:
Question:  Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you had Hepatitis C?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 569 1.49 1.48
2 No—Go to Module 04.05 HAVEHEPB 37,404 98.04 98.14
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to Module 04.05 HAVEHEPB 133 0.35 0.29
9 Refused—Go to Module 04.05 HAVEHEPB 44 0.12 0.09
BLANK Not asked or Missing 380,118 . .



Label: Treated for Hepatitis C
Section Name: Hepatitis Treatment
Module Number: 4
Question Number: 2
Column: 300
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: TRETHEPC
Question Prologue:
Question:  Were you treated for Hepatitis C in 2015 or after?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 253 44.46 43.90
2 No 300 52.72 54.45
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 16 2.81 1.65
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Module 04.01, TOLDHEPC, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
417,699 . .



Label: Were you treated for Hepatitis C prior to 2015
Section Name: Hepatitis Treatment
Module Number: 4
Question Number: 3
Column: 301
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: PRIRHEPC
Question Prologue:
Question:  Were you treated for Hepatitis C prior to 2015?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 235 41.30 41.15
2 No 318 55.89 57.35
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 16 2.81 1.50
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Module 04.01, TOLDHEPC, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
417,699 . .



Label: Still have Hepatitis C
Section Name: Hepatitis Treatment
Module Number: 4
Question Number: 4
Column: 302
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HAVEHEPC
Question Prologue:
Question:  Do you still have Hepatitis C?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 155 27.24 29.58
2 No 372 65.38 62.82
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 42 7.38 7.60
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Module 04.01, TOLDHEPC, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
417,699 . .



Label: Told  had hepatitis B
Section Name: Hepatitis Treatment
Module Number: 4
Question Number: 5
Column: 303
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HAVEHEPB
Question Prologue: The next question is about Hepatitis B.
Question:  Has a doctor, nurse, or other health professional ever told you that you had hepatitis B?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 300 0.79 0.70
2 No—Go to Next Module 37,596 98.60 98.83
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to Next Module 187 0.49 0.37
9 Refused—Go to Next Module 48 0.13 0.10
BLANK Not asked or Missing 380,137 . .



Label: Currently taking medicine for hepatitis B
Section Name: Hepatitis Treatment
Module Number: 4
Question Number: 6
Column: 304
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: MEDSHEPB
Question Prologue:
Question:  Are you currently taking medicine to treat hepatitis B?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 20 6.67 9.92
2 No 278 92.67 89.19
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 1 0.33 0.66
9 Refused 1 0.33 0.23
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Module 04.05, HAVEHEPB, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
417,968 . .



Label: Have you ever had the HPV vaccination?
Section Name: HPV Vaccination
Module Number: 5
Question Number: 1
Column: 305
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HPVADVC3
Question Prologue: A vaccine to prevent the human papilloma virus or HPV infection is available and is called the cervical cancer or genital warts vaccine, HPV shot, [Fill: if female “GARDASIL or CERVARIX”, if male “GARDASIL”]. (Human Papilloma Virus (Human Pap•uh•loh•muh Virus), Gardasil (Gar•duh• seel), Cervarix (Serv a rix))
Question:  Have you ever had the Human Papilloma virus vaccination or HPV vaccination?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 1,939 15.90 17.12
2 No—Go to Next Module 8,981 73.64 72.45
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to Next Module 1,258 10.31 10.33
9 Refused—Go to Next Module 18 0.15 0.09
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 08.01, AGE, is greater than 49
406,072 . .



Label: How many HPV shots did you receive?
Section Name: HPV Vaccination
Module Number: 5
Question Number: 2
Column: 306-307
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HPVADSHT
Question Prologue:
Question:  How many HPV shots did you receive?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 2 Number of shots 709 36.62 38.78
3 All shots 774 39.98 36.30
4   12 0.62 0.47
5   1 0.05 0.14
7   106 5.48 8.33
9   3 0.15 0.34
77 Don’t know/Not Sure 319 16.48 14.95
99 Refused 12 0.62 0.69
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 08.01, AGE, is greater than 49; or Module 15.01, HPVADVC3, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing
416,332 . .



Label: Where did you get your last flu shot/vaccine?
Section Name: Place of Flu Vaccination
Module Number: 6
Question Number: 1
Column: 308-309
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: IMFVPLA1
Question Prologue:
Question:  At what kind of place did you get your last flu shot or vaccine?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 A doctor´s office or health maintenance organization (HMO) 3,507 37.55 36.59
2 A health department 101 1.08 0.90
3 Another type of clinic or health center (a community health center) 570 6.10 9.89
4 A senior, recreation, or community center 105 1.12 0.56
5 A store (supermarket, drug store) 3,358 35.95 29.93
6 A hospital (inpatient or outpatient) 440 4.71 5.71
7 An emergency room 10 0.11 0.27
8 Workplace 895 9.58 12.14
9 Some other kind of place 225 2.41 2.15
10 Received vaccination in Canada/Mexico 3 0.03 0.17
11 A school 68 0.73 0.80
77 Don’t know / Not sure 54 0.58 0.85
99 Refused 4 0.04 0.01
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 13.01, FLUSHOT6, is coded 2, 7, or 9
408,928 . .



Label: Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?
Section Name: Shingles Vaccination
Module Number: 7
Question Number: 1
Column: 310
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: SHINGLE2
Question Prologue:
Question:  Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 6,410 35.65 29.15
2 No 11,174 62.15 68.37
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 384 2.14 2.45
9 Refused 10 0.06 0.03
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 08.01, AGE, is less than 50
400,290 . .



Label: How old when you first started smoking?
Section Name: Lung Cancer Screening
Module Number: 8
Question Number: 1
Column: 311-313
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: LCSFIRST
Question Prologue:
Question:  How old were you when you first started to smoke cigarettes regularly
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 100 Age in Years 42,998 98.09 98.18
777 Don’t know/Not Sure 710 1.62 1.67
999 Refused 126 0.29 0.15
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 09.01, SMOKE100, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing; or Section 09.02, SMOKDAY2, is coded 7, 9, or Missing;
374,434 . .



Label: How old when you last smoked?
Section Name: Lung Cancer Screening
Module Number: 8
Question Number: 2
Column: 314-316
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: LCSLAST
Question Prologue:
Question:  How old were you when you last smoked cigarettes regularly?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 100 Age in Years 40,961 96.43 96.85
777 Don’t know/Not Sure 1,272 2.99 2.61
999 Refused 243 0.57 0.54
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 09.01, SMOKE100, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing; or Section 09.02, SMOKDAY2, is coded 7, 9, or Missing; or Module 08.01, LCSFIRST, is coded 888 or missing
375,792 . .



Label: On average, how many cigarettes do you smoke each day?
Section Name: Lung Cancer Screening
Module Number: 8
Question Number: 3
Column: 317-319
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: LCSNUMCG
Question Prologue:
Question:  On average, when you {smoke/smoked} regularly, about how many cigarettes {do/did} you usually smoke each day?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 300 Number of cigarettes 41,087 96.83 97.25
777 Don’t know/Not Sure 1,221 2.88 2.50
999 Refused 126 0.30 0.25
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 09.01, SMOKE100, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing; or Section 09.02, SMOKDAY2, is coded 7, 9, or Missing; or Module 08.01, LCSFIRST, is coded 888 or missing
375,834 . .



Label: Did you have a CT or CAT scan?
Section Name: Lung Cancer Screening
Module Number: 8
Question Number: 4
Column: 320
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: LCSCTSCN
Question Prologue:
Question:  In the last 12 months, did you have a CT or CAT scan?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes, to check for lung cancer 4,272 4.49 3.59
2 No (did not have a CT scan) 70,656 74.24 76.43
3 Had a CT scan, but for some other reason 18,754 19.70 18.71
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 1,371 1.44 1.19
9 Refused 123 0.13 0.09
BLANK Not asked or Missing 323,092 . .



Label: Have You Ever Had a Mammogram
Section Name: Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening
Module Number: 9
Question Number: 1
Column: 321
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HADMAM
Question Prologue:
Question:  Have you ever had a mammogram?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 2,623 80.14 68.24
2 No—Go to Module 09.03 HADPAP2 632 19.31 31.09
7 Don’t know/Not sure—Go to Module 09.03 HADPAP2 12 0.37 0.38
9 Refused—Go to Module 09.03 HADPAP2 6 0.18 0.29
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: respondent sex, SEXVAR, is coded 1; or Module 28.01, BIRTHSEX, is coded 1;
414,995 . .



Label: How Long since Last Mammogram
Section Name: Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening
Module Number: 9
Question Number: 2
Column: 322
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HOWLONG
Question Prologue:
Question:  How long has it been since you had your last mammogram?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Within the past year (anytime less than 12 months ago) 1,609 61.37 58.70
2 Within the past 2 years (1 year but less than 2 years ago) 450 17.16 18.46
3 Within the past 3 years (2 years but less than 3 years ago) 143 5.45 6.56
4 Within the past 5 years (3 years but less than 5 years ago) 125 4.77 5.24
5 5 or more years ago 269 10.26 10.12
7 Don’t know/Not sure 25 0.95 0.87
9 Refused 1 0.04 0.05
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: respondent sex, SEXVAR, is coded 1; or Module 28.01, BIRTHSEX, is coded 1; or Module 09.01, HADMAM, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
415,646 . .



Label: Ever Had a Pap Test
Section Name: Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening
Module Number: 9
Question Number: 3
Column: 323
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HADPAP2
Question Prologue:
Question:  Have you ever had a Pap test?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 3,017 92.29 89.49
2 No—Go to Module 09.05 HPVTEST 215 6.58 9.63
7 Don’t know/Not sure—Go to Module 09.05 HPVTEST 32 0.98 0.75
9 Refused—Go to Module 09.05 HPVTEST 5 0.15 0.13
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: respondent sex, SEXVAR, is coded 1; or Module 28.01, BIRTHSEX, is coded 1;
414,999 . .



Label: How Long Since Last Pap Test
Section Name: Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening
Module Number: 9
Question Number: 4
Column: 324
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: LASTPAP2
Question Prologue:
Question:  How long has it been since you had your last Pap test?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Within the past year (anytime less than 12 months ago) 1,169 38.76 44.82
2 Within the past 2 years (1 year but less than 2 years ago) 502 16.64 17.94
3 Within the past 3 years (2 years but less than 3 years ago) 276 9.15 9.53
4 Within the past 5 years (3 years but less than 5 years ago) 252 8.36 7.78
5 5 or more years ago 721 23.91 17.81
7 Don’t know/Not sure 90 2.98 2.00
9 Refused 6 0.20 0.12
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: respondent sex, SEXVAR, is coded 1; or Module 28.01, BIRTHSEX, is coded 1; or Module 09.03, HADPAP2, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
415,252 . .



Label: Have you ever had an HPV test?
Section Name: Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening
Module Number: 9
Question Number: 5
Column: 325
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HPVTEST
Question Prologue:
Question:  An H.P.V. test is sometimes given with the Pap test for cervical cancer screening. Have you ever had an H.P.V. test?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 1,027 31.50 37.52
2 No—Go to Module 09.07 HADHYST2 1,415 43.40 38.53
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to Module 09.07 HADHYST2 814 24.97 23.83
9 Refused—Go to Module 09.07 HADHYST2 4 0.12 0.12
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: respondent sex, SEXVAR, is coded 1; or Module 28.01, BIRTHSEX, is coded 1;
415,008 . .



Label: How long since your last HPV test?
Section Name: Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening
Module Number: 9
Question Number: 6
Column: 326
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HPLSTTST
Question Prologue:
Question:  How long has it been since you had your last H.P.V. test?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Within the past year (anytime less than 12 months ago) 425 41.42 43.20
2 Within the past 2 years (1 year but less than 2 years ago) 197 19.20 20.39
3 Within the past 3 years (2 years but less than 3 years ago) 85 8.28 9.05
4 Within the past 5 years (3 years but less than 5 years ago) 72 7.02 7.07
5 5 or more years ago 170 16.57 13.00
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 75 7.31 7.12
9 Refused 2 0.19 0.18
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: respondent sex, SEXVAR, is coded 1; or Module 28.01, BIRTHSEX, is coded 1; or Module 09.05, HPVTEST, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing
417,242 . .



Label: Had Hysterectomy
Section Name: Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening
Module Number: 9
Question Number: 7
Column: 327
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HADHYST2
Question Prologue:
Question:  Have you had a hysterectomy?  (A hysterectomy is an operation to remove the uterus (womb).)
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 1,131 35.04 25.14
2 No 2,074 64.25 73.58
7 Don’t know/Not sure 12 0.37 0.87
9 Refused 11 0.34 0.41
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: respondent sex, SEXVAR, is coded 1; or Module 28.01, BIRTHSEX, is coded 1; or Section 08.19, PREGNANT, is coded 1
415,040 . .



Label: Has a health professional EVER talked with you about the advantages of the PSA test?
Section Name: Prostate Cancer Screening
Module Number: 10
Question Number: 1
Column: 328
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: PCPSAAD3
Question Prologue:
Question:  Has a doctor, nurse, or other health professional ever talked with you about the advantages of the Prostate-Specific Antigen or P.S.A. test?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 08.01, AGE, is less than 40; or respondent sex, SEXVAR, is coded 2; or Module 28.01, BIRTHSEX, is coded 2;
418,268 . .



Label: Has a health professional EVER talked with you about the disadvantages of the PSA test?
Section Name: Prostate Cancer Screening
Module Number: 10
Question Number: 2
Column: 329
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: PCPSADI1
Question Prologue:
Question:  Has a doctor, nurse, or other health professional ever talked with you about the disadvantages of the PSA test?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 08.01, AGE, is less than 40; or respondent sex, SEXVAR, is coded 2; or Module 28.01, BIRTHSEX, is coded 2;
418,268 . .



Label: Has a doctor EVER recommended that you have a PSA test?
Section Name: Prostate Cancer Screening
Module Number: 10
Question Number: 3
Column: 330
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: PCPSARE1
Question Prologue:
Question:  Has a doctor, nurse, or other health professional ever recommended that you have a P.S.A. test?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 08.01, AGE, is less than 40; or respondent sex, SEXVAR, is coded 2; or Module 28.01, BIRTHSEX, is coded 2;
418,268 . .



Label: Ever Had PSA Test
Section Name: Prostate Cancer Screening
Module Number: 10
Question Number: 4
Column: 331
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: PSATEST1
Question Prologue:
Question:  Have you ever had a P.S.A. test?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 08.01, AGE, is less than 40; or respondent sex, SEXVAR, is coded 2; or Module 28.01, BIRTHSEX, is coded 2;
418,268 . .



Label: Time Since Last PSA Test
Section Name: Prostate Cancer Screening
Module Number: 10
Question Number: 5
Column: 332
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: PSATIME
Question Prologue:
Question:  How long has it been since you had your last P.S.A. test?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 08.01, AGE, is less than 40; or respondent sex, SEXVAR, is coded 2; or Module 28.01, BIRTHSEX, is coded 2; or Module 10.04, PSATEST1, is coded, 2, 7, 9, or Missing
418,268 . .



Label: What was the MAIN reason you had this PSA test?
Section Name: Prostate Cancer Screening
Module Number: 10
Question Number: 6
Column: 333
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: PCPSARS1
Question Prologue:
Question:  What was the MAIN reason you had this P.S.A. test – was it …?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 08.01, AGE, is less than 40; or respondent sex, SEXVAR, is coded 2; or Module 28.01, BIRTHSEX, is coded 2; or Module 10.04, PSATEST1, is coded, 2, 7, 9, or Missing
418,268 . .



Label: Why was PSA test done?
Section Name: Prostate Cancer Screening Decision Making
Module Number: 11
Question Number: 1
Column: 334
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: PCPSADE1
Question Prologue:
Question:  Which of the following best describes the decision to have the P.S.A. test done?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: respondent sex, SEXVAR, is coded 2; or Module 28.01, BIRTHSEX, is coded 2; or Module 10.04, PSATEST1, is coded, 2, 7, 9, or Missing; or respondent sex, SEXVAR, is coded 1 and Section 08.01, AGE, is less than 40;
418,268 . .



Label: Who made the decision with you to have PSA test?
Section Name: Prostate Cancer Screening Decision Making
Module Number: 11
Question Number: 2
Column: 335
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: PCDMDEC1
Question Prologue:
Question:  Who made the decision with you?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: respondent sex, SEXVAR, is coded 2; or Module 28.01, BIRTHSEX, is coded 2; or Module 10.04, PSATEST1, is coded, 2, 7, 9, or Missing; or Module 11.01, PCPSADE1, is coded 1, 2, 4 or 9; or respondent sex, SEXVAR, is coded 1 and Section 08.01, AGE, is less than 40;
418,268 . .



Label: Ever Had Blood Stool Test Using Home Kit
Section Name: Colorectal Cancer Screening
Module Number: 12
Question Number: 1
Column: 336
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: BLDSTOOL
Question Prologue:
Question:  A blood stool test is a test that may use a special kit at home to determine whether the stool contains blood.  Have you ever had this test using a home kit?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 3,239 29.05 25.38
2 No—Go to Module 12.03 HADSIGM3 7,677 68.86 72.69
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to Module 12.03 HADSIGM3 135 1.21 1.15
9 Refused—Go to Module 12.03 HADSIGM3 97 0.87 0.79
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 08.01, AGE, is less than 50
407,120 . .



Label: Time Since Last Blood Stool Test
Section Name: Colorectal Cancer Screening
Module Number: 12
Question Number: 2
Column: 337
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: LSTBLDS3
Question Prologue:
Question:  How long has it been since you had your last blood stool test using a home kit?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Within the past year (anytime less than 12 months ago) 1,132 34.95 37.14
2 Within the past 2 years (1 year but less than 2 years ago) 462 14.26 14.39
3 Within the past 3 years (2 years but less than 3 years ago) 293 9.05 9.52
4 Within the past 5 years (3 years but less than 5 years ago) 299 9.23 8.80
5 5 or more years ago 906 27.97 25.68
7 Don’t know/Not sure 145 4.48 4.45
9 Refused 2 0.06 0.03
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 08.01, AGE, is less than 50; or Module 12.01, BLDSTOOL, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
415,029 . .



Label: Ever Had Sigmoidoscopy/Colonoscopy
Section Name: Colorectal Cancer Screening
Module Number: 12
Question Number: 3
Column: 338
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HADSIGM3
Question Prologue:
Question:  Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are exams in which a tube is inserted in the rectum to view the colon for signs of cancer or other health problems. Have you ever had either of these exams?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 8,276 74.35 72.24
2 No—Go to Next Module 2,696 24.22 26.41
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to Next Module 63 0.57 0.57
9 Refused—Go to Next Module 96 0.86 0.77
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 08.01, AGE, is less than 50
407,137 . .



Label: Was your last test a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy?
Section Name: Colorectal Cancer Screening
Module Number: 12
Question Number: 4
Column: 339
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HADSGCO1
Question Prologue:
Question:  For a sigmoidoscopy, a flexible tube is inserted into the rectum to look for problems. A colonoscopy is similar, but uses a longer tube, and you are usually given medication through a needle in your arm to make you sleepy and told to have someone else drive you home after the test. Was your most recent exam a sigmoidoscopy or a colonoscopy?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Sigmoidoscopy 239 2.89 2.43
2 Colonoscopy 7,733 93.59 93.96
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 273 3.30 3.43
9 Refused 18 0.22 0.19
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 08.01, AGE, is less than 50; or Module 12.03, HADSIGM3, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
410,005 . .



Label: Time Since Last Sigmoidoscopy/Colonoscopy
Section Name: Colorectal Cancer Screening
Module Number: 12
Question Number: 5
Column: 340
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: LASTSIG3
Question Prologue:
Question:  How long has it been since you had your last sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Within the past year (anytime less than 12 months ago) 1,730 20.95 22.22
2 Within the past 2 years (1 year but less than 2 years ago) 1,322 16.01 17.32
3 Within the past 3 years (2 years but less than 3 years ago) 1,196 14.48 14.32
4 Within the past 5 years (3 years but less than 5 years ago) 1,715 20.77 21.06
5 Within the past 10 years (5 years but less than 10 years ago) 1,445 17.50 15.65
6 10 or more years ago 676 8.19 7.62
7 Don’t know/Not sure 162 1.96 1.64
9 Refused 12 0.15 0.16
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 08.01, AGE, is less than 50; or Module 12.03, HADSIGM3, is coded 2, 7, 9, or Missing
410,010 . .



Label: How Many Types of Cancer?
Section Name: Cancer Survivorship
Module Number: 13
Question Number: 1
Column: 341
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CNCRDIFF
Question Prologue:
Question:  How many different types of cancer have you had?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Only one 680 75.22 77.29
2 Two 168 18.58 15.89
3 Three or more 42 4.65 4.94
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to next module 9 1.00 0.85
9 Refused—Go to next module 5 0.55 1.03
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.06, CHCSCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Section 06.07, CHCOCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Module 10.06, PCPSARS1, is coded 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 or Missing;
417,364 . .



Label: Age Told Had Cancer
Section Name: Cancer Survivorship
Module Number: 13
Question Number: 2
Column: 342-343
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CNCRAGE
Question Prologue:
Question:  At what age were you told that you had cancer?  (If Response = 2 (Two) or 3 (Three or more), ask: “At what age was your first diagnosis of cancer?”)
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 - 97 Age in years (97=97 or older)
Notes: 97 = 97 and older
842 94.61 95.76
98 Don’t know/Not Sure 40 4.49 3.13
99 Refused 8 0.90 1.11
BLANK Missing
Notes: Section 06.06, CHCSCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Section 06.07, CHCOCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Module 10.06, PCPSARS1, is coded 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.01, CNCRDIFF, is coded 7, 9 or missing
417,378 . .



Label: Type of Cancer
Section Name: Cancer Survivorship
Module Number: 13
Question Number: 3
Column: 344-345
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CNCRTYP1
Question Prologue:
Question:  What type of cancer was it?  (If Response = 2 (Two) or 3 (Three or more), ask: “With your most recent diagnoses of cancer, what type of cancer was it?”)
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Breast cancer 104 11.71 8.43
2 Cervical cancer (cancer of the cervix)—Should not be answered if SEXVAR=1 or BIRTHSEX=1 27 3.04 5.88
3 Endometrial cancer (cancer of the uterus)—Should not be answered if SEXVAR=1 or BIRTHSEX=1 23 2.59 2.30
4 Ovarian cancer (cancer of the ovary)—Should not be answered if SEXVAR=1 or BIRTHSEX=1 15 1.69 3.21
5 Head and neck cancer 3 0.34 0.33
6 Oral cancer 2 0.23 0.17
7 Pharyngeal (throat) cancer 2 0.23 0.40
8 Thyroid 18 2.03 3.04
10 Colon (intestine) cancer 26 2.93 2.58
11 Esophageal (esophagus) 1 0.11 0.06
12 Liver cancer 3 0.34 0.76
14 Rectal (rectum) cancer 2 0.23 0.13
15 Stomach 1 0.11 0.13
16 Hodgkin´s Lymphoma (Hodgkin’s disease) 4 0.45 0.60
17 Leukemia (blood) cancer 6 0.68 0.70
18 Non-Hodgkin´s Lymphoma 7 0.79 1.01
19 Prostate cancer—Should not be answered if SEXVAR=2 or BIRTHSEX=2 63 7.09 5.82
20 Testicular cancer—Should not be answered if SEXVAR=2 or BIRTHSEX=2 2 0.23 0.45
21 Melanoma 140 15.77 17.10
22 Other skin cancer 323 36.37 33.80
24 Lung 15 1.69 1.29
25 Bladder cancer 26 2.93 3.23
26 Renal (kidney) cancer 7 0.79 0.42
27 Bone 5 0.56 1.21
28 Brain 2 0.23 0.95
30 Other 46 5.18 4.25
77 Don’t know/Not Sure 13 1.46 1.70
99 Refused 2 0.23 0.04
BLANK Missing
Notes: Section 06.06, CHCSCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Section 06.07, CHCOCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Module 10.06, PCPSARS1, is coded 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.01, CNCRDIFF, is coded 7, 9 or missing
417,380 . .



Label: Currently Receiving Treatment for Cancer
Section Name: Cancer Survivorship
Module Number: 13
Question Number: 4
Column: 346
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CSRVTRT3
Question Prologue:
Question:  Are you currently receiving treatment for cancer?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes—Go to next module 98 11.04 8.80
2 No, I’ve completed treatment 685 77.14 76.30
3 No, I’ve refused treatment—Go to next module 8 0.90 0.59
4 No, I haven’t started treatment—Go to next module 78 8.78 11.97
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to next module 15 1.69 1.94
9 Refused—Go to next module 4 0.45 0.40
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.06, CHCSCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Section 06.07, CHCOCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Module 10.06, PCPSARS1, is coded 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.01, CNCRDIFF, is coded 7, 9 or missing
417,380 . .



Label: What Type of Doctor Provides Majority of Your Care
Section Name: Cancer Survivorship
Module Number: 13
Question Number: 5
Column: 347-348
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CSRVDOC1
Question Prologue:
Question:  What type of doctor provides the majority of your health care?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Cancer Surgeon 17 2.48 2.11
2 Family Practitioner 247 36.06 32.19
3 General Surgeon 13 1.90 1.71
4 Gynecologic Oncologist—Should not be answered if SEXVAR=1 or BIRTHSEX=1 14 2.04 3.54
5 General Practitioner, Internist 180 26.28 27.99
6 Plastic Surgeon, Reconstructive Surgeon 6 0.88 0.56
7 Medical Oncologist 22 3.21 3.02
8 Radiation Oncologist 6 0.88 0.62
9 Urologist 20 2.92 4.58
10 Other 150 21.90 21.35
77 Don’t know/Not Sure 10 1.46 2.32
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.06, CHCSCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Section 06.07, CHCOCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Module 10.06, PCPSARS1, is coded 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.01, CNCRDIFF, is coded 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.04, CSRVTRT3, is coded 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 or Missing;
417,583 . .



Label: Did You Receive a Summary of Cancer Treatments Received
Section Name: Cancer Survivorship
Module Number: 13
Question Number: 6
Column: 349
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CSRVSUM
Question Prologue:
Question:  Did any doctor, nurse, or other health professional ever give you a written summary of all the cancer treatments that you received?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 224 32.70 33.28
2 No 411 60.00 58.42
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 48 7.01 8.08
9 Refused 2 0.29 0.22
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.06, CHCSCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Section 06.07, CHCOCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Module 10.06, PCPSARS1, is coded 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.01, CNCRDIFF, is coded 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.04, CSRVTRT3, is coded 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 or Missing;
417,583 . .



Label: Ever Receive Instructions From A Doctor For Follow-Up Check-Ups
Section Name: Cancer Survivorship
Module Number: 13
Question Number: 7
Column: 350
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CSRVRTRN
Question Prologue:
Question:  Have you ever received instructions from a doctor, nurse, or other health professional about where you should return or who you should see for routine cancer check-ups after completing treatment for cancer?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 469 68.47 71.11
2 No—Go to Module 13.09 CSRVINSR 205 29.93 27.80
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to Module 13.09 CSRVINSR 10 1.46 0.96
9 Refused—Go to Module 13.09 CSRVINSR 1 0.15 0.13
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.06, CHCSCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Section 06.07, CHCOCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Module 10.06, PCPSARS1, is coded 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.01, CNCRDIFF, is coded 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.04, CSRVTRT3, is coded 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 or Missing;
417,583 . .



Label: Instructions Written or Printed
Section Name: Cancer Survivorship
Module Number: 13
Question Number: 8
Column: 351
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CSRVINST
Question Prologue:
Question:  Were these instructions written down or printed on paper for you?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 309 65.88 65.41
2 No 113 24.09 23.52
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 47 10.02 11.07
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.06, CHCSCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Section 06.07, CHCOCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Module 10.06, PCPSARS1, is coded 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.01, CNCRDIFF, is coded 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.04, CSRVTRT3, is coded 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 or Missing; or
417,799 . .



Label: Did Health Insurance Pay For All Of Your Cancer Treatment
Section Name: Cancer Survivorship
Module Number: 13
Question Number: 9
Column: 352
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CSRVINSR
Question Prologue:
Question:  With your most recent diagnosis of cancer, did you have health insurance that paid for all or part of your cancer treatment?  (“Health insurance” also includes Medicare, Medicaid, or other types of state health programs.)
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 622 90.80 90.18
2 No 57 8.32 9.41
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 6 0.88 0.41
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.06, CHCSCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Section 06.07, CHCOCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Module 10.06, PCPSARS1, is coded 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.01, CNCRDIFF, is coded 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.04, CSRVTRT3, is coded 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 or Missing;
417,583 . .



Label: Ever Denied Insurance Coverage Because Of Your Cancer?
Section Name: Cancer Survivorship
Module Number: 13
Question Number: 10
Column: 353
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CSRVDEIN
Question Prologue:
Question:  Were you ever denied health insurance or life insurance coverage because of your cancer?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 30 4.39 6.30
2 No 649 94.88 92.32
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 5 0.73 1.38
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.06, CHCSCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Section 06.07, CHCOCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Module 10.06, PCPSARS1, is coded 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.01, CNCRDIFF, is coded 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.04, CSRVTRT3, is coded 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 or Missing;
417,584 . .



Label: Participate In Clinical Trial As Part Of Cancer Treatment?
Section Name: Cancer Survivorship
Module Number: 13
Question Number: 11
Column: 354
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CSRVCLIN
Question Prologue:
Question:  Did you participate in a clinical trial as part of your cancer treatment?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 30 4.39 4.10
2 No 649 95.02 94.81
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 4 0.59 1.09
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.06, CHCSCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Section 06.07, CHCOCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Module 10.06, PCPSARS1, is coded 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.01, CNCRDIFF, is coded 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.04, CSRVTRT3, is coded 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 or Missing;
417,585 . .



Label: Currently Have Physical Pain From Cancer Or Treatment?
Section Name: Cancer Survivorship
Module Number: 13
Question Number: 12
Column: 355
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CSRVPAIN
Question Prologue:
Question:  Do you currently have physical pain caused by your cancer or cancer treatment?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 37 5.42 6.32
2 No—Go to next module 645 94.44 93.65
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to next module 1 0.15 0.03
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.06, CHCSCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Section 06.07, CHCOCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Module 10.06, PCPSARS1, is coded 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.01, CNCRDIFF, is coded 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.04, CSRVTRT3, is coded 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 or Missing;
417,585 . .



Label: Is Pain Under Control?
Section Name: Cancer Survivorship
Module Number: 13
Question Number: 13
Column: 356
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: CSRVCTL2
Question Prologue:
Question:  Would you say your pain is currently under control…?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 With medication (or treatment) 11 29.73 23.24
2 Without medication (or treatment) 18 48.65 44.49
3 Not under control, with medication (or treatment) 2 5.41 7.56
4 Not under control, without medication (or treatment) 6 16.22 24.71
BLANK Not asked or Missing
Notes: Section 06.06, CHCSCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Section 06.07, CHCOCNCR, is coded 2, 7, 9 or Missing and Module 10.06, PCPSARS1, is coded 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.01, CNCRDIFF, is coded 7, 9 or Missing; or Module 13.04, CSRVTRT3, is coded 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 or Missing;
418,231 . .



Label: Primary Health Insurance Coverage
Section Name: Health Care Access
Module Number: 14
Question Number: 1
Column: 357-358
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HLTHCVR1
Question Prologue:
Question:  What is the primary source of your health care coverage? Is it…
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 A plan purchased through an employer or union
Notes: includes plans purchased through another person's employer
36,252 37.56 42.88
2 A plan that you or another family member buys on your own 8,023 8.31 10.27
3 Medicare 34,829 36.09 22.80
4 Medicaid or other state program 7,700 7.98 11.40
5 TRICARE (formerly CHAMPUS), VA, or Military 3,147 3.26 2.74
6 Alaska Native, Indian Health Service, Tribal Health Services 101 0.10 0.10
7 Some other source 3,160 3.27 3.49
8 None (no coverage) 1,164 1.21 3.99
77 Don’t know/Not Sure 1,204 1.25 1.49
99 Refused 933 0.97 0.83
BLANK Not asked or Missing 321,755 . .



Label: How often do you take an aspirin
Section Name: Aspirin for CVD Prevention
Module Number: 15
Question Number: 1
Column: 359
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: ASPIRIN
Question Prologue:
Question:  How often do you take an aspirin to prevent or control heart disease, heart attacks or stroke?  Would you say….
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Daily 15,581 24.78 17.99
2 Some days 3,250 5.17 5.40
3 Used to take it but had to stop due to side effects, or 1,894 3.01 2.81
4 Do not take it 41,837 66.55 73.42
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 176 0.28 0.23
9 Refused 128 0.20 0.15
BLANK Not asked or Missing 355,402 . .



Label: Told check blood pressure at home
Section Name: Home/ Self-measured Blood Pressure
Module Number: 16
Question Number: 1
Column: 360
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HOMBPCHK
Question Prologue:
Question:  Has your doctor nurse or other health professional recommended you check your blood pressure outside of the office or at home?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 42,805 33.07 29.09
2 No 85,668 66.19 70.33
7 Don’t know/Not Sure 597 0.46 0.47
9 Refused 349 0.27 0.11
BLANK Not asked or Missing 288,849 . .



Label: Regularly check blood pressure at home
Section Name: Home/ Self-measured Blood Pressure
Module Number: 16
Question Number: 2
Column: 361
Type of Variable: Num
SAS Variable Name: HOMRGCHK
Question Prologue:
Question:  Do you regularly check your blood pressure outside of your healthcare professional’s office or at home?
Value Value Label Frequency Percentage Weighted Percentage
1 Yes 43,260 33.44 32.12
2 No—Go to Next Module 85,459 66.05 67.55
7 Don’t know/Not Sure—Go to Next Module 333 0.26 0.22
9 Refused—Go to Next Module 327 0.25 0.12