Table 2.1a: Prelacteal feeds among breastfed vaginal births by facility type, size, NICU level, and region
CDC National Survey of Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC) -- 2015
  What percent of healthy breastfed infants receive breast milk as first feeding after vaginal birth
<10% 10-49% 50-89% 90% or more N
All 0.3 1.6 17.3 80.8 2471
Type of facility
Birth center 0 0 1.2 98.8 168
Government hospital 0.4 1.5 18.7 79.4 461
Non-profit hospital 0.3 1.3 17.5 80.9 1516
Private hospital 0.7 4.2 23.2 71.9 306
Military hospital 0 0 10 90 20
Teaching hospital
Yes 0 1.6 16.8 81.6 190
No 0.4 1.8 18.6 79.3 2113
Size of facility
1-249 0.5 0.7 11.6 87.2 562
250-499 0.4 3 18 78.6 462
500-999 0.6 2.5 17.6 79.2 477
1000-1999 0 1.4 19.3 79.3 483
2000-4999 0 0.7 21.4 77.9 439
5000 or more 0 0 16.7 83.3 48
Level of Neonatal Care
Healthy newborn only 0.3 1.5 15.7 82.5 1103
Level 2 special care 0.7 1.9 17.8 79.6 740
Level 3 NICU 0 1.5 19.1 79.4 538
Level 4 Regional NICU 0 1.1 21.1 77.8 90
Census region
Pacific 0 0 10.7 89.3 327
Mountain 0 1.3 15.9 82.8 232
West North Central 0.3 0 19 80.7 331
East North Central 0.2 0.7 16.2 82.8 401
West South Central 1 2.9 22 74.1 313
East South Central 1.3 4.5 22.3 72 157
New England 0 0 15 85 120
Middle Atlantic 0.5 0.9 16.6 82 217
South Atlantic 0 4.3 18.5 77.2 373
Table 2.2a: Prelacteal feeds among breastfed Cesarean births by hospital type, size, NICU level, and region
CDC National Survey of Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC) -- 2015
  What percent of healthy breastfed infants receive breast milk as first feeding after Cesarean birth
<10% 10-49% 50-89% 90% or more N
All 0.6 2.1 21.2 76.1 2279
Type of facility
Government hospital 0.9 2.4 23.2 73.5 456
Non-profit hospital 0.5 1.5 19 79 1500
Private hospital 0.3 4.9 29.3 65.5 304
Military hospital 0 0 15.8 84.2 19
Teaching hospital
Yes 0.5 3.2 21.8 74.5 188
No 0.6 2 21.1 76.3 2091
Size of facility
1-249 1.3 1.5 15.6 81.7 398
250-499 0.4 4 23 72.5 447
500-999 0.6 2.7 18.8 77.8 473
1000-1999 0.4 0.8 23.2 75.5 478
2000-4999 0.2 1.4 25.3 73.1 435
5000 or more 0 2.1 16.7 81.3 48
Level of Neonatal Care
Healthy newborn only 0.6 2.7 19.8 76.9 925
Level 2 special care 0.5 1.6 21.8 76 730
Level 3 NICU 0.6 2.1 22.6 74.8 535
Level 4 Regional NICU 0 0 22.5 77.5 89
Census region
Pacific 0.3 0.3 16 83.3 287
Mountain 0 1.5 22.4 76.1 201
West North Central 0.3 0.6 18.6 80.4 317
East North Central 0.8 1.3 19.6 78.4 388
West South Central 0.7 3.6 27.2 68.5 276
East South Central 1.3 3.9 25 69.7 152
New England 0 0 15 85 113
Middle Atlantic 1 1.4 24.3 73.3 210
South Atlantic 0.6 5.4 22.7 71.3 335
Facilities not performing Cesareans are not included in these tabulations.
Table 2.3a: Supplementation of breastfed infants by facility type, size, NICU level, and region
CDC National Survey of Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC) -- 2015
  What percent of healthy breastfed infants receive non-breast milk feedings
<10% 10-49% 50-89% 90% or more N
All 27.4 53.3 17.2 2.1 2461
Type of facility
Birth center 86.2 7.8 1.2 4.8 167
Government hospital 26.3 51 20.4 2.4 457
Non-profit hospital 23.5 58.2 16.7 1.7 1512
Private hospital 14.8 57.7 25.2 2.3 305
Military hospital 55 45 0 0 20
Teaching hospital
Yes 10.6 56.6 30.7 2.1 189
No 24.3 56.6 17.3 1.9 2105
Size of facility
1-249 53.1 34.5 9 3.4 565
250-499 28.4 50 18.8 2.8 458
500-999 22.1 60.3 16.1 1.5 471
1000-1999 16 64 19.3 0.6 481
2000-4999 14.2 59.8 24 2.1 438
5000 or more 4.2 68.8 27.1 0 48
Level of Neonatal Care
Healthy newborn only 40.3 44.1 12.7 2.9 1101
Level 2 special care 20.1 59.6 18.8 1.5 736
Level 3 NICU 14.2 61.4 23.1 1.3 536
Level 4 Regional NICU 8 65.9 25 1.1 88
Census region
Pacific 38.4 48.2 10.7 2.7 328
Mountain 34.8 50.2 11.2 3.9 233
West North Central 35.5 52.7 10.9 0.9 330
East North Central 24.2 57.9 16.7 1.2 401
West South Central 20.5 54.2 23.7 1.6 312
East South Central 14.7 50 30.1 5.1 156
New England 39.3 47.9 10.3 2.6 117
Middle Atlantic 16.7 55.6 25.5 2.3 216
South Atlantic 23.1 56.3 19.6 1.1 368
Table 2.4a: Use of glucose water and/or water among breastfed infants by facility type, size, NICU level, and region
CDC National Survey of Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC) -- 2015
  Do healthy breastfed infants receive glucose water and/or water
Yes No N
All 9.1 90.9 2394
Type of facility
Birth center 4.4 95.6 160
Government hospital 15.5 84.5 446
Non-profit hospital 7.1 92.9 1478
Private hospital 11.9 88.1 293
Military hospital 5.9 94.1 17
Teaching hospital
Yes 0.5 99.5 186
No 10.2 89.8 2048
Size of facility
1-249 14.3 85.7 544
250-499 14 86 443
500-999 9.6 90.4 460
1000-1999 5.3 94.7 474
2000-4999 1.9 98.1 427
5000 or more 0 100 46
Level of Neonatal Care
Healthy newborn only 13.3 86.7 1064
Level 2 special care 7.7 92.3 723
Level 3 NICU 3.5 96.5 520
Level 4 Regional NICU 1.1 98.9 87
Census region
Pacific 6 94 315
Mountain 5.3 94.7 225
West North Central 12.5 87.5 321
East North Central 8.1 91.9 395
West South Central 12.2 87.8 303
East South Central 19.3 80.7 150
New England 1.8 98.2 114
Middle Atlantic 5.6 94.4 213
South Atlantic 9.5 90.5 358