Table 2.1a: Prelacteal feeds among breastfed vaginal births by facility type, size, NICU level, and region
CDC National Survey of Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC) -- 2013
 What percent of healthy breastfed infants receive breast milk as first feeding after vaginal birth
<10% 10-49% 50-89% 90% or more N
All 0.8 2.3 18.5 78.5 2615
Type of facility
Birth center 0.6 0.0 0.0 99.4 166
Government hospital 1.0 3.3 20.7 74.9 478
Non-profit hospital 0.7 1.6 18.7 78.9 1604
Private hospital 0.6 5.0 23.8 70.7 341
Military hospital 0.0 0.0 15.4 84.6 26
Teaching hospital
Yes 0.0 2.8 26.0 71.3 181
No 0.8 2.4 19.3 77.5 2268
Size of facility
1-249 0.9 2.1 13.0 84.1 585
250-499 0.6 2.4 13.8 83.2 464
500-999 1.6 2.5 19.6 76.3 565
1000-1999 0.4 3.1 22.3 74.2 512
2000-4999 0.2 0.9 23.3 75.5 429
5000 or more 0.0 3.3 31.7 65.0 60
Level of Neonatal Care
Healthy newborn only 0.9 2.2 13.7 83.2 1136
Level 2 special care 0.8 2.5 21.4 75.3 838
Level 3 NICU 0.5 2.2 23.2 74.1 555
Level 4 Regional NICU 0.0 1.2 23.3 75.6 86
Census region
Pacific 0.9 0.6 13.1 85.5 352
Mountain 0.4 0.8 18.3 80.4 240
West North Central 0.6 0.8 19.9 78.7 356
East North Central 0.7 1.2 16.2 81.9 425
West South Central 1.5 5.2 19.9 73.3 326
East South Central 2.3 5.8 27.5 64.3 171
New England 0.0 0.0 9.5 90.5 126
Middle Atlantic 0.4 2.6 19.7 77.3 229
South Atlantic 0.3 3.6 21.8 74.4 390
Table 2.2a: Prelacteal feeds among breastfed Cesarean births by hospital type, size, NICU level, and region
CDC National Survey of Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC) -- 2013
  What percent of healthy breastfed infants receive breast milk as first feeding after Cesarean birth
<10% 10-49% 50-89% 90% or more N
All 1.1 3.8 22.9 72.2 2442
Type of facility
Government hospital 1.5 5.0 26.3 67.2 476
Non-profit hospital 0.9 2.8 21.3 75.1 1600
Private hospital 1.8 6.8 26.5 65.0 340
Military hospital 0.0 0.0 19.2 80.8 26
Teaching hospital
Yes 0.6 6.1 33.7 59.7 181
No 1.1 3.6 22.1 73.2 2261
Size of facility
1-249 1.9 3.7 20.1 74.3 428
250-499 0.9 3.1 17.4 78.6 453
500-999 1.8 3.6 22.0 72.7 560
1000-1999 0.6 4.3 26.0 69.1 511
2000-4999 0.5 3.7 27.9 67.9 430
5000 or more 0.0 6.7 31.7 61.7 60
Level of Neonatal Care
Healthy newborn only 1.5 3.6 18.5 76.5 964
Level 2 special care 1.2 3.4 24.2 71.3 835
Level 3 NICU 0.5 4.7 27.7 67.1 556
Level 4 Regional NICU 0.0 3.4 29.9 66.7 87
Census region
Pacific 0.6 1.3 20.8 77.3 308
Mountain 1.4 1.4 23.3 74.0 215
West North Central 0.6 1.4 21.6 76.4 347
East North Central 0.5 1.9 20.8 76.8 413
West South Central 2.4 9.3 25.2 63.1 290
East South Central 3.0 4.8 25.1 67.1 167
New England 0.0 0.0 10.0 90.0 120
Middle Atlantic 1.8 6.2 23.5 68.6 226
South Atlantic 0.6 6.5 29.5 63.5 356
Facilities not performing Cesareans are not included in these tabulations.
Table 2.3a: Supplementation of breastfed infants by facility type, size, NICU level, and region
CDC National Survey of Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC) -- 2013
  What percent of healthy breastfed infants receive non-breast milk feedings
<10% 10-49% 50-89% 90% or more N
All 26.6 51.4 19.6 2.4 2594
Type of facility
Birth center 89.0 4.3 2.4 4.3 164
Government hospital 21.7 50.8 23.2 4.2 474
Non-profit hospital 23.6 55.9 18.8 1.8 1591
Private hospital 16.2 53.4 28.3 2.1 339
Military hospital 42.3 57.7 0.0 0.0 26
Teaching hospital
Yes 8.8 57.5 32.0 1.7 181
No 23.5 54.3 19.9 2.3 2249
Size of facility
1-249 50.2 33.3 13.0 3.5 576
250-499 30.2 49.0 18.4 2.4 461
500-999 22.4 54.5 19.5 3.6 563
1000-1999 16.2 60.2 22.9 0.8 507
2000-4999 11.9 61.8 24.8 1.4 427
5000 or more 5.0 65.0 28.3 1.7 60
Level of Neonatal Care
Healthy newborn only 39.0 42.3 15.7 3.0 1124
Level 2 special care 21.1 56.2 20.3 2.4 829
Level 3 NICU 11.9 60.8 26.0 1.3 553
Level 4 Regional NICU 12.5 63.6 22.7 1.1 88
Census region
Pacific 35.1 50.0 11.2 3.7 348
Mountain 31.1 49.4 16.6 3.0 235
West North Central 29.5 53.9 14.6 2.0 349
East North Central 23.5 57.6 17.5 1.4 422
West South Central 22.3 46.8 28.4 2.4 327
East South Central 16.9 50.0 30.2 2.9 172
New England 38.7 50.0 10.5 0.8 124
Middle Atlantic 26.1 50.4 21.7 1.7 230
South Atlantic 21.4 50.4 25.3 2.8 387
Table 2.4a: Use of glucose water and/or water among breastfed infants by facility type, size, NICU level, and region
CDC National Survey of Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC) -- 2013
  Do healthy breastfed infants receive glucose water and/or water
Yes No N
All 12.0 88.0 2506
Type of facility
Birth center 5.1 94.9 156
Government hospital 18.0 82.0 455
Non-profit hospital 11.0 89.0 1542
Private hospital 12.5 87.5 327
Military hospital 0.0 100.0 26
Teaching hospital
Yes 2.2 97.8 178
No 13.3 86.7 2172
Size of facility
1-249 17.1 82.9 544
250-499 18.1 81.9 453
500-999 14.6 85.4 542
1000-1999 5.8 94.2 486
2000-4999 3.8 96.2 421
5000 or more 3.3 96.7 60
Level of Neonatal Care
Healthy newborn only 15.1 84.9 1076
Level 2 special care 12.1 87.9 802
Level 3 NICU 7.0 93.0 541
Level 4 Regional NICU 3.4 96.6 87
Census region
Pacific 6.6 93.4 334
Mountain 10.2 89.8 225
West North Central 20.1 79.9 338
East North Central 10.0 90.0 411
West South Central 14.6 85.4 314
East South Central 20.5 79.5 166
New England 3.4 96.6 119
Middle Atlantic 8.4 91.6 225
South Atlantic 11.5 88.5 374