00:38:49 Kirby Williams: Kirby Williams, Executive Director for Nebraska Tribes Addressing Violence Coalition (NETAV) 00:38:58 Germaine Omish-Lucero: Miiyuyam, Miiyuyam -Greetings to all. Germaine Omish-Lucero (she/her), tribal citizen of the Rincon, Band of Luiseño Indians in Southern CA, zooming in from Taos Pueblo, NM. I am the Special Projects Director at the Alliance of Tribal Coalitions to End Violence (ATCEV) www.atcev.org 00:39:05 Danielle Fleming: Danielle Fleming, Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe Wisconsin AIAA 00:39:19 Stacey Kartes: Boozhoo - my name is Sandra Bercier and I am with First Nations Women's Alliance. I am an enrolled member of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa. 00:39:40 LaToya Benally: Hi all! My name is LaToya Benally. I'm a member of the Navajo Nation. I'm the Administrative Director for the Nebraska Tribes Addressing Violence Coalition (NETAV). 00:39:43 Pamela Johnson: I am Pam Johnson from Lac Courte Oreilles tribe is Wisconsin, American Indians Against Abuse tribal dv/sa coalition 00:39:45 Mikalen Belgarde: Mikalen Belgarde, MPH -Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians - with First Nations Women’s Alliance 00:46:00 Emmanuel Fonseca Trujillo: Link to the Grant: grants.gov/search-results-detail/351355 01:03:03 Stacey Kartes: I have viewed both NOFOs - the Tribal one and the State/Territory one - there is a $45,000 difference in the awarded amounts, with Tribal Coalitions getting $90,000 and States/Territories getting $135,000 per year. Additionally, only 10 of 20 Tribal Coalitions are being funded, meaning we must compete against one another for funds. So besides the disparity in awarded funds, competing for funds is problematic for us as Indigenous peoples. First Nations Women's Alliance is very grateful for this opportunity. We ask for parity. 01:05:58 Latonya Tripp-Dinkins: Thank you Stacey for your feedback 01:06:06 Ceiara Hyde: https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/fundinghub/fundingopportunities/NOFO-CDC-RFA-CE-24-0120.html ​ 01:10:55 Bonnie Palecek: Is a gift card policy required? If so, when submitted? Thanks Bonnie Palecek 01:12:17 Tristi Bond: Thank you for your questions and comments so far. Please post any additional questions or comments you have in the chat. Thank you! 01:12:43 Nicole Michelena: How is a Tribal Sexual Assault Coalition Defined? Is a Tribal Coalition that has Sexual Assault Prevention programming and education part of that group?