Mining Publication: Application of Radio-Frequency Identification Systems to Collision Avoidance in Metal/Nonmetal Mines

Original creation date: January 2001

Authors: TM Ruff, D Hession-Kunz

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - January 2001

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20021858

IEEE Trans Ind Appl, 2001 37(1), Jan/Feb:112-116

Collisions between haulage equipment and pedestrian workers or other vehicles claim an average of five lives each year in surface and underground metal/nonmetal mining operations. Many more workers are severely injured. Although technologies exist that could prevent these collisions, (radar, CCTV, and back-up alarms), they do have limitations and are not being used widely. New developments in radio frequency identification (RFID) systems show promise for reducing the number of collisions. This paper describes tests conducted on off-the-shelf RFID systems and the subsequent development of a custom RFID system that could be used for both surface and underground mining equipment.

Image of publication Application of Radio-Frequency Identification Systems to Collision Avoidance in Metal/Nonmetal Mines
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - January 2001

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20021858

IEEE Trans Ind Appl, 2001 37(1), Jan/Feb:112-116

Page last reviewed: June 9, 2016
Page last updated: September 21, 2012