Occupational Hazards in Home Healthcare


May 2013
NIOSH Docket Number 114

The NIOSH Hazard Review: Occupational Hazards in Home Healthcare aims to raise awareness and increase understanding of the safety and health risks involved in home healthcare and suggests prevention strategies to reduce the number of injuries, illnesses, and fatalities that too frequently occur among workers in this industry.

Final Document

NIOSH Hazard Review Occupational Hazards in Home Healthcare; DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2010-125; 1/1/10 [PDF – 46,471 KB]

Peer Reviewer Submissions for Draft Occupational Hazards in Healthcare

Submission to the docket from peer reviewer – 10/17/07 [PDF – 1,033 KB]

Submission to the docket from peer reviewer – 10/30/07 [PDF – 30 KB]

Submission to the docket from peer reviewer – 10/31/07 [PDF – 63 KB]

Submission to the docket from peer reviewer – 11/08/07 [PDF – 132 KB]

Submission to the docket from peer reviewer – 11/09/07 [PDF – 1,336 KB]

Submission to the docket from peer reviewer – 11/14/07 [PDF – 677 KB]